CHRISTINE ARYLO IS A TRANSFORMATIONAL TEACHER and internationally recognized speaker and author. After earning her MBA from Kellogg and climbing the corporate ladder for fifteen years marketing big brands like The Gap and Frito-Lay, she chose to devote her life to creating a new reality for women and girls, one based on true feminine power, freedom and self-love instead of the relentless pursuit and unsustainable pressure of having to do, be and have it all. SHE IS THE AUTHOR OF TWO BEST-SELLING BOOKS, Choosing ME before WE and Madly in Love With Me, The Daring Adventure to Becoming Your Own Best Friend and the founder of the international day of self-love, February 13th. A self-admitted recovering achievement junkie, doing addict, and super woman, Arylo co-founded the virtual school for women, Inner Mean Girl Reform School, which has helped over 23,000 women on 6 continents transform their inner critics and learn how to tune into their divine feminine Inner Wisdom. Do You Love Yourself? Take the Self Love Pulse Check and see where you are weak & strong in self love. Click here to take the quiz.