This episode is about listening to your intuition and getting clear about what you want from a relationship. Todays caller, Sandra, realizes she may want to continue her current relationship due to familiarity or comfort and not because it is truly what she wants from a relationship. Be mindful of what you are scared of and what you are making your number one fear. Sandras fear of losing herself should have been the fear she is paying attention to.
JJ is the author of four New York Times bestsellers including The Virgin Diet and The Sugar Impact Diet. Her memoir Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son, & Lifes Hardest Lessons explores the powerful lessons in strength and positivity that she learned after her son Grant was the victim of a brutal hit and run accident. Counting calories and hours on the treadmill will never achieve the lasting results that help you look and feel your best. That's why JJ specializes in weight loss resistance related to f
This episode is about suppressing feelings and being comfortable in our own skin. Todays caller, Becca, could have been a millennial who was accustomed to instant gratification and unrealistic expectations when it came to working. But, it wasnt what she struggles with at all. I didnt stereotype her or jump to conclusions, instead, I asked her what the most challenging thing in her life was. Its hard to get yourself motivated and inspired when there
Listen is as Christine answers questions from listeners. Topics covered in this episode: 1. Masculine / feminine dynamics and emotional availability 2. Getting over impatience and trusting life to unfold in the best possible way 3. Not feeling depleted when you help someone else and ways to protect your energy Link to blog that Christine referenced: Make sure to sign up for emails about the upcoming Master Class at chri
This episode is about abundance, prosperity, and how to overcome blocks to getting your financial life to where it feels healthy. I coach todays caller, Doreen, on breaking some limiting beliefs around money and shifting her spending and earning patterns. As children, when we see our parents struggle we often make a vow or promise to ourselves that we will never end up in the same situation. We need to recognize that we manifested the intention, th
Jon inspires others to Live Life In The Front Row by teaching the art of moment making. He is an award-winning keynote speaker, podcast host and #1 bestselling author of The Front Row Factor: Transform Your Life with The Art of Moment Making. The book is a collection of inspiring stories, compelling science, and life strategies that challenge you to explore your values, establish priorities and reconnect to a higher purpose and deeper meaning within your life. He is the founder of the Front Row Foundation,
This episode is about taking responsibility for the part you play in relationships and realizing you did nothing wrong. Todays caller, Mary, is having a challenging time letting go of an ex. She is obsessing over his new relationship and cant seem to get over it, even in therapy. During the call, Mary makes a major shift. Mary is critical of herself and hard on herself for the choices she makes. Her unprocessed anger, sadness, and lack of fulfillment in her own life were leaking out onto her partner. The
Love this show and want to help it grow?? Then PLEASE take 4 minutes to complete this brief survey: If you struggle with your finances or would like more money, then youll love my conversation with another master coach, Christy Whitman. She is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach and the New York Times Bestselling Author of The Art of Having It All. Christy is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Learning Academy & Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12-month La
This episode is about a romantic relationship, specifically the end of a romantic relationship. Todays caller, Jobe, cant seem to get over his ex-girlfriend. My coaching went in a direction that surprised us both as it seemed Jobe needed closure in more than one relationship. There were three main areas I coached Jobe in so he could move on. One, Jobe had a lack of self-love. He sourced his love from his ex. Its hard to get over someone when they are our source of love because we need love. We go through
Christine is joined by one of the smartest minds in the health industry, Mark Sisson. They dive into a conversation that simplifies the lifestyle you need to achieve optimal results when it comes to fitness, disease prevention, energy and optimal performance. Mark Sisson is the author of a #1 best-selling health book on, The Primal Blueprint, as well as The Primal Blueprint Cookbook and the top-rated health and fitness blog He is also the founder of Primal Nutrition, LLC,
This episode is about motivating a millennial out of their comfort zone. Todays caller, Jane, is a mother of a 28-year-old daughter who is still living at home. We dive into how Janes needing to be needed can impact relationships in a not-so-positive way. The millennial generation was the most over-parented generation. The parenting advice at the time was to be your childs friend and that everyone is a winner. It has created a failure to launch, because the children never learned to make their own decisio
Christine has the As to your Qs!! In this episode she responds to four questions and covers: dealing with infidelity, overcoming superstitions, and getting over major fears in relationships. If youd like your question answered on air, email
This episode is about making self-serving decisions. Todays caller, Renae, is married, and questioning whether or not her marriage has reached its expiration date. As you can hear in the call, Renea intuitively knows what she should do but she needs to be empowered so she can take action. Do all relationships where one person is on the growth path, and the other person isnt, have an expiration date? Not necessarily. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to know when its time to leave a relationship. When
CC: Gut Health Part 2 with Dr Allison Siebecker In this episode I talk to one of the leading experts on gut health and SIBO, Dr. Allison Siebecker. Listen in as we break down how very important gut health is and take the shame off any digestive issues!! We discuss the causes and cures of SIBO, IBS and how our gut impacts so many aspects of our life. Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc, has worked in the nutritional field since 1988 and is a 2005 graduate of The National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM
This episode is about taking action when faced with fear and anxiety. I coach todays caller, Suzanne, through her pattern of catastrophic thinking, worry, and anxiety, to allow her to respond differently to her fear-based thoughts. If you can relate to feeling like fear and anxiety stops you, or if you are a bit of a worrywart, you will receive a lot of value out of this coaching session. Worry is using our mind to come up with and visualize worst case scenarios, instead of using the power of our mind to v
I recently found out I have SIBO. What the heck is that you ask? It stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. I am actually relieved with this diagnosis because it has really brought my awareness about GUT HEALTH to the surface. In this episode I share about my journey, the symptoms that led me to get tested (and ironically I was not really having stomach/digestion based issues), and the healing opportunity this has presented. I also talk with Gut Health Expert Dr. Sayed A. Shah, MD. His person
This episode is about making self-serving decisions. I coach todays caller, Michelle, through a decision about her long-term relationship. As you can hear in the call, Michelle intuitively knows what she should do, but she needs to be empowered so she can take action. People feel most confident to make a decision or choice when they feel empowered. We feel most empowered when we arrive at our own answers. During the session, I reflected back to Michelle, and I asked her a lot of questions so she could get
This episode is about being your authentic self and speaking your truth. I coach todays caller, Judy, through her feelings of isolation, and empower her to have an honest conversation with her husband, and herself, about her needs. Loneliness is an epidemic, especially in this day and age when so many of us live alone. We are not close to our family geographically, or we dont have a soul family or community to be a part of. We need a healing connection. We need to feel part of something, part of a tribe. W
Avoid Pointless Fights, Have Better Sex, And Dominate Your Life Together - doesnt that sound like an awesome kind of relationship? It is possible and my guest on Coaches Corner, Jayson Gaddis, teaches us how. Listen in as we discuss how to handle conflict in your relationship in a way that leads to more love. I also get Jaysons advice to women for how to get your man to be more communicative and emotionally available. Learn more about Jason here:
This episode is about moving past your fears and getting over it and on with it. I coach todays caller, Lindsey, on how to move from awareness to implementation. She knows the next steps to take but cannot figure out why she isnt taking them. She thinks her problem is about time management, productivity, and balance but, as you will hear in the call, its not about that at all. What do you think about failure? Imagine you fail, or you get a no, or yo
Are you ready to untame your soul?? That sounds really good doesnt it? Or maybe it doesnt - maybe it sounds terrifying. Either way, I have one of my best friends and soul sisters here for you on Coaches Corner to talk about it. Meet Elizabeth Dialto. She is the founder of Wild Soul Movement. Her mission is to build community, curate conversations, and create content, events, and experiences that turn your relationship with yourself into one of the most wild, passionate love affairs of your lifetime. T
This episode is about going back to a relationship even when you know its not what you want. Todays caller, Trinette, is in a volatile relationship, but we uncover that its not about him but what he triggers in her. Do these issues always go back to our parents? Not always. However, our formative years were when our mind programmed the belief systems that govern our current choices. Its when most of our core wounds occurred because we didnt have the
In this Coaches Corner Christine answers three listeners questions. The first one has to do with unhealthy dating patterns. The second question from Joe is about healing old childhood wounds. And the final question is about how to handle a friendship that may have reached its expiration date. Listen in as Christine dishes some advice you can immediately apply to your own life! To get your questions answered on air and/or be added to the waitlist to be coached, email
This episode is about shifting your external world while making internal changes. Todays caller, Jenn, has been through transformational changes, and believes she is confused about her work as a relationship coach. Anyone who is on the growth path will relate to this call in some way. As we uncover and heal our issues, either in relationships or in the physical, we shift our vibration. Our energetic selves change, which creates a shift in what were
A surprise gig that happened for me this year is co-hosting and being a relationship expert on a TV show!! This week my co-host from the show, Dr Isaiah, joins me and we talk about our experience as experts on this show - it was quite a ride. Tune in to see us in action on The Spouse House which airs Sunday nights beginning July 9th on TLC. A little more about the Doc: Dr. Isaiah Pickens is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in consulting, counseling, and educational services for families