Jessica Ortner joins Christine to speak about how the Emotional Freedom Technique, which is also called "Tapping," can help bring relief from difficult emotions and thoughts. Jess is a producer of The Tapping Solution, the breakthrough documentary film on EFT/meridian tapping. She guides you through a tapping process to help release worry and tension in this episode. You can also more free EFT resources at
This is a call about accessing faith when your logical mind has doubts. Today’s caller, Emma, is feeling anxious about not being able to access her faith. She says the mental understanding of God has her optimistic about the future but she wasn’t experientially getting it. And, an uncertain future is exacerbating her anxiety.
[For show notes go here:]
A relationship with a higher power can be complicated just like a relationship with people. We can go through ebbs and flows where we are totally into it and we feel it and then there are times when we are questioning everything.
Part of the reason many of us feel anger toward God is that we see a lot of suffering. We even see something like the pandemic and wonder if there really is a God. Remember that we are made from the image and likeness of God. The reason there is suffering in the world isn’t necessarily because God or the universe did it, it is our free will that has created what we live with on a day-to-day basis.
The universe, I believe, is always helping us move more and more toward evolution. It points out the contrast of when we are out of alignment with harmony, balance, and love. And as a collective, we have been out of alignment for a long time which is just one of the reasons we are experiencing this difficult time.
If we project human behavior onto God or onto the universe it will never make sense to us. We have to see our higher power, without judgment. God/Universe is an all-knowing, all-loving thing. All it wants is for us to know ourselves as it, to know ourselves as unconditional love, untapped possibility, and oneness.
We forget that God exists inside of each of us and we live in a world where we are still evolving. You don’t have to earn God. The more we shift into the energy of love, the energy of gratitude, and the energy of worthiness, there will be less suffering.
How can you experience the unconditional love of the universe if you don’t feel worthy to receive it?
Join Stef and me three to five times per week, as we guide you through breathwork to release stress and fear, meditation to shift your state, and then answer your questions to support you. Visit and download the call from 4/4/20 about anger.
Stefan and I will be hosting our second ‘Be the Queen’ virtual teaching and coaching in April. The program for women seeking to call in an amazing, conscious relationship includes nine calls, a Facebook group, Facebook Lives, and a bonus live event in September.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Emma’s Question:
Emma doesn’t understand why she can’t access feelings of faith; she would like guidance about how to find meaning and connection.
Emma’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.
Join Christine as Stef as they offer tips for both couples and singles to keep love alive. If you're in a relationship, your partner can either be your greatest asset or the greatest source of irritation . . . we support you in making him or her your asset and share specific ways you can do that. And if you are single, you're going to love what we have to say about why this is a fantastic time to call in love. We also discuss our program for women who are calling in their man:
This is a call about releasing anger to find passion and calm. Today’s caller, Kirsten, is feeling anxious about what comes next for her. She is a stay-at-home mom who has fallen into the trap of looking for something external to relieve something internal. But as you know, something external never fixes or resolves what’s going on internally.
[For show notes go here:]
For many of us, we are so busy being ‘human doings’ that we forget about being human beings. And during this time when we are staying at home, we have an opportunity to come face-to-face with who we really are because we are less distracted. I encourage you, during this time, to go within and delve into nothingness and see what comes up. That's why my Mastery course is such a good investment at this time. This is the perfect time to do your inner work.
Our passion and our true calling often reside underneath our anger. If we haven’t addressed our anger, especially as women who tend not to let it out, it is hard to find our passion. And, passion and purpose is a juicy, fiery energy.
What we think we want to do often comes from a place of conditioning. But when we release the energy of compassion, we open up the second chakra of our body and when we pull the anger out all of the passion opens up.
Releasing anger in a healthy way, as in Expectation Hangover, basically it is finding a safe space. It is important that we voice our feelings at our parents in particular, not at them directly but in a therapeutic way. They don’t need to know about it. In our effort to protect them, we suppress our feelings. When we get the anger out, let it go and eventually get to forgiveness, real forgiveness, then we can have healthier relationships with our parents.
It is important to release our anger, release our sadness and to get our energy up and moving so it doesn’t turn into anxiety, fear, pain, or disease.
Would you like to work directly with me? I have two Private Client spots open. Email for more information.
Join Stef and me three to five times per week, as we guide you through breathwork to release stress and fear, meditation to shift your state, and then answer your questions to support you. Visit and allow us to support you.
Stefan and I will be hosting our second ‘Be the Queen’ virtual teaching and coaching in April. The program for women seeking to call in an amazing, conscious relationship includes nine calls, a Facebook group, Facebook Lives, and a bonus live event in September.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Kirsten’s Question:
Kirsten feels lost and is trying to find herself now that her kids are getting older.
Kirsten’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Assignments and Takeaways:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.
Nicole Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, podcaster and psychotherapist who has dedicated her work and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain, symptoms, syndromes and conditions. She is the author of the book The Meaning of Truth, and the online course FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN. Her brand, The Cure for Chronic Pain, includes a Website, Podcast and YouTube Channel. Her personal experience as well as work with thousands of people around the world have shaped and evolved Nicole’s theories, which serve to teach those suffering how to heal themselves completely with no medication or surgery.
This is a call about feeling worthy, trusting yourself, and knowing you are enough. Today’s caller, Lisa, mistakenly believes she is defective in some way, but it’s not true. She initially questions her career path but we unpack her question to get to the root of what is blocking her. There are some powerful ‘ahas’ in this call.
[For show notes go here:]
When our desires and our wants are not congruent with our beliefs about ourselves, we can fall into the trap of looking outside ourselves to make us feel a certain way. The universe will keep blocking that from happening because it wants us to learn that we can generate those feelings from inside ourselves and we don’t need anyone or anything else to make us feel confident or believe in ourselves.
Our life lessons, our parents, the things that impact our personality and behavioral patterns; all of it is changeable. All of that is healable, I promise you. What is not shiftable is your soul and your spirit. Your soul essence, who you are, your spirit can never be defective or deflated.
Join Stef and I three to five times per week, as we guide you through breathwork to release stress and fear, meditation to shift your state, and then answer your questions to support you. Visit and allow us to support you.
Listen to my last Coaches Corner where Emily Fletcher shares a meditation designed to help us stress less. After listening go to to get 50% off one of her mediation training.
Stefan and I will be hosting our second ‘Be the Queen’ virtual teaching and coaching in April. The program for women seeking to call in an amazing, conscious relationship includes nine calls, a Facebook group, Facebook Lives, and a bonus live event in September.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Lisa’s Question:
Lisa has spent years in a job she doesn’t like and feels stuck but can’t pinpoint what she really wants to do.
Lisa’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Assignments and Takeaways:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For men interested in being on the show
Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva Meditation and the leading expert in meditation for extraordinary performance. In this very timely interview, she speaks to why mediation is so imperative for our wellbeing - particularly for our immune system. Emily guides you through a powerful meditation and offers you 50% off her Ziza meditation training which you can access at The Ziva Technique is a powerful trifecta of mindfulness, meditation and manifesting designed to unlock your full potential.
Also check out her book, Stress Less, Accomplish More, debuted at #7 out of all books on Amazon.
This is a call about issue-based relationships. Today’s caller, Megan, is curious about whether she should go back to a relationship that is on a break. She wants to know if an issue-based relationship can turn into a healthy relationship. I explain what an issue-based relationship is and give her some guidance about how to listen to her inner knowing.
[For show notes go here:]
The five relationships are issue-based, journey mate, compatibility, fantasy, and side-by-side partnership. Not every relationship is made to last forever or should last forever. Different relationships come for different reasons and teach us different things. When we understand what type of relationship we have then it is a little bit easier to deal with.
An issue-based relationship is when our childhood wounds attract us to each other. We tend to date our unresolved issues from our childhood. Normally one person dumps feelings all over the other and the other person either dumps feelings back or tries to clean up the mess. They keep triggering each other and playing out patterns. When couples go to couple’s counseling it doesn’t really work because they keep trying to work on the relationship but they should be working on their own issues. It’s like two people who speak totally different languages and you are trying to teach them how to speak a third language.
For people in issue-based relationships, I recommend taking a break and separating, working on themselves, and then re-evaluating the relationship. By then they may decide the relationship is not what they want or they get back together.
March 18, 2020, Stefanos and I are co-hosting a group call about relationships. Go to If you missed my live group coaching call about how to care for your energetic and spiritual hygiene and cope during times of stress download it for free at
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Megan’s Question:
Megan would like to know if an issue-based relationship can turn into a healthy relationship.
Megan’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Assignments and Takeaways:
LOLA — offers a modern approach to feminine care that is for women by women. It is the best way to get 100% organic cotton tampons, pads, and cleansing wipes you can feel good about delivered to your home. Lola products are free of chemicals, fragrances, or dyes. Go to to customize your subscription and use the code ‘OVERIT30’ to get 30% off your first month’s subscription. Get a starter pack subscription for just $5.
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For men interested in being on the show
This call is about reclaiming your sexuality and getting over body issues. Today’s caller, Heidi, has felt shame about her sexuality since she was a child. During our conversation, I coach her through how to reclaim her sexuality and how she can feel safe in her body to experience pleasure.
[For show notes go here:]
Being connected to our bodies and experiencing pleasure is important. There are a lot of therapies that help people move past eating disorders and fall back in love with their bodies. But, sexuality is a part of the therapy that is often left out.
When we don’t experience sensual or sexual pleasure or we disconnect from our body and are not satisfied we attempt to fill the void with food for satiation. For some, the only way to feel safe is to enforce some kind of control over their bodies which may create a body image issue or an eating disorder.
We can store emotional pain in our reproductive organs just like we store tension in our shoulders. And it is common for many women to experience pain during sex or sex doesn’t feel good to them. It is natural for human beings to want to experience pleasure. So, start introducing pleasure in ways that feel safe with you.
We don’t need to know the specifics behind our fears to heal ourselves and move on.
Secure your spot for our live group coaching call on love and relationships on March 18th. Be part of my community for only $20. Go to for more information or to access the recorded version of the call.
Join Stefanos and me in Austin for our ‘Love Amplified: Amplifying Your Relationship with Yourself, with Others, and with Your Higher Power.’ To sign up for the event on September 24–27th go to
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Heidi’s Question:
Heidi would like guidance on how to heal her body from an eating disorder.
Heidi’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to get over it and on with it:
Assignments and Takeaways:
THIRDLOVE — What if you could take away the hassle of bra shopping and find the perfect fitting bra that is made for comfort in minutes? Take the fit finder quiz to find your perfect size, even if it’s a half size. Third Love has donated over 15 million gently-used bras to women in need in the San Francisco Bay area. Use the link to get 15% off the first purchase of your favorite bra.
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For men interested in being on the show
This week Christine shares about her experience at Dr. Joe Dispenza's week-long advanced retreat - learn a little about who Dr. Joe is, what he teaches, and how to move through resistance when you are breaking out of your comfort zone. Christine also announces more about the retreat she is teaching in September:
This episode is about how to break addictive behaviors. Today’s caller, Dee, had a chaotic childhood and is unconsciously creating chaos in her adult life because it feels familiar and safe. We work through the process of identifying her emotional addiction and unpack why it’s hard to shift and then how to shift it.
[For show notes go here:]
How we know that an unresolved issue from our past or an old emotional addiction has created a pattern of acting that is so unconscious that we have a hard time ‘controlling’ it is at play is that we do something that doesn’t match our current life.
If you are doing something that doesn’t match up to what your current life represents, you have some work to do in terms of going back and cleaning up the past.
When we have a lot of chaos or are used to feeling it, we become addicted to negative or lower vibrational feelings, like anxiety. Sometimes the revved up, anxious, addicted behavior creates a feeling of peace because it is familiar.
With any addiction, you are never after the substance. You are after the feeling the substance gives you. When we understand that the human psyche feels safety with certainty the brain continually hunts for what it knows to be familiar. It’s way more than sabotage. It’s a part of the brain that is so familiar with chaos that when everything is good and peaceful, it feels wrong or off.
If you are in a behavior that feels incongruent with your current state, be aware that it is an emotional addiction. Drop into compassion and then feed your emotional addiction a different way.
Secure your spot for our live group coaching call on love and relationships on March 18th. Be part of my community for only $20. Go to for more information.
Join Stefanos and me in Austin in the Fall for our Love Amplified: Amplifying Your Relationship with Yourself, with Others, and with Your Higher Power. To get on the ‘interested’ list go to
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Dee’s Question:
Dee has a habit of overspending and overeating and would like guidance on how to break her past programming.
Dee’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Rothy’s — Rothy’s makes everyday flats for women and girls on the go. They are stylish, classic, and comfortable with new colors launching all the time. These cute and versatile shoes made from repurposed plastic water bottles are the softest shoes you will ever put on your feet. Get your Rothy’s by using this link
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback
Get on the Waitlist to Be Coached on this Podcast
Amber's mission is to empower women to position themselves as sought-after experts and thought leaders through the creation of an online brand presence. Her transformational mindset work sets her apart in an industry focused on a strategy-first, inner work later approach. She’s worked with thousands of women worldwide building a seven-figure business from home, while also homeschooling her daughter and retiring her husband from his 11-year police career.
Amber spent 10 years working in collegiate athletics marketing before launching her business. She managed the University of New Hampshire Wildcats brand, where she taught sports marketing and mentored student interns. She was recognized as one of the top sports marketing professionals in the nation and left her corporate career after a life-altering near-death experience that served as the catalyst for her to launch her business. You can learn more and connect with Amber at
This episode is about how to get over a breakup but we go much deeper than that. Today’s caller, Miranda, had a profound spiritual experience during her previous relationship. She thought the feeling came from an external source when it actually came from her internal divine source because her mind was quiet enough to feel unconditional love for herself.
[For show notes go here:]
We are all headed towards breaking old personality patterns and emotional addictions that have kept us in a certain frequency to elevate ourselves into a different energetic field. This is why journey mates come into our lives.
There is a specific reason a journey mate comes into our lives. A journey mate relationship is a contract but it’s a short-term contract. We come together with a person to have an important experience or to help us get through a difficult time we can’t get through on our own. The other person acts as a mirror to show us the aspect inside of us we need to transform. Usually, once the experience or realization happens the relationship has to end. Often, I find these relationships end abruptly or under random circumstances.
The reason the universe pulls two people apart is that a journey mate is only in our lives to show us something about ourselves or to help us discover inner qualities that we may not be able to access on our own.
How do you access a deeper connection with the divine?
I am a proud sponsor of B-school which is an online training program for modern entrepreneurs taught by Marie Forleo. When you register through my link you will receive special bonuses from me. I include four group coaching calls of 90 min each, four custom meditations for entrepreneurs, access to my Facebook group, a one day retreat, plus free access to my master class for coaches. Go to or email for more information. For free training videos from Marie go to
Join Stefan and me in Austin in the Fall for our Love Amplified: Amplifying Your Relationship with Yourself, with Others, and with Your Higher Power. To get on the ‘interested’ list go to
Or join us on a live group coaching call on love and relationships on March 18th or 19th. Go to for more information.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Miranda’s Question:
Miranda had a spiritual experience in a relationship but since the relationship ended she hasn’t been able to recreate the feeling and would like guidance on how to regain the feeling.
Miranda’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback
Get on the Waitlist to Be Coached on this Podcast
On his podcast The Best Thing, he talks with fascinating people about the “best thing” to happen to them that would never appear on a resume, bio or come up in conversation.
For nearly 10 years, Antonio has helped organizations increase workplace engagement, create strong cultures of accountability, and tell stories that make people lean in Antonio's clients and audiences are some of the largest brands in the world including.
This episode is about asking for what you need in relationships. Today’s caller, Megan, feels overwhelmed when faced with too many choices and is afraid to be truly seen. She doesn’t want her pattern of uncertainty to sabotage her new relationship. Like in many coaching sessions, her initial question isn’t exactly what we focus on. This is for anyone who has trouble making decisions, doubts themselves, or is in sabotaging patterns.
[For show notes go here:]
For empaths, love can feel overwhelming because we love so deeply. When we are in a relationship it can feel smothering and overwhelming. Instead of communicating that we need boundaries and space with love we are often afraid of confrontation or don’t want to make the other person upset. So, we unconsciously push them away by either judging them internally, nitpicking, or acting out in other ways. Empaths need to know what they need — especially at the beginning of the relationship. When you are first dating someone you need to be vocal and ask for what you need.
Boundaries in a relationship and asking for what you need is important. That way you don’t have to build walls. You can have a door and that door can be open most of the time but sometimes you need to shut it and put on the do not disturb sign. The people in your life that love you will understand. It will allow them to spend time with themselves.
When our heart is broken either through a breakup or the death of someone, we want to love again but we are scared because it feels risky.
Fear of making the wrong decision will keep you from making the decision. Basically, fear complicates everything in your life. The more you can drop into love and your inner knowing and move out of the energy of fear the more clarity you will have in all aspects of your life.
I am a proud sponsor of B-school which is an online training program for modern entrepreneurs taught by Marie Forleo. When you register through my link you will receive special bonuses from me. I include four group coaching calls of 90 min each, four custom meditations for entrepreneurs, access to my Facebook group, a one day retreat, plus free access to my master class for coaches. Go to or email for more information. For free training videos from Marie go to
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Megan’s Question:
Megan has a recurring pattern of feeling as if she isn’t doing the right thing or feels she should be doing something else and would like guidance on how to change it.
Megan’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
LOLA — offers a modern approach to feminine care that is for women by women. It is the best way to get 100% organic cotton tampons, pads, and cleansing wipes you can feel good about delivered to your home. Lola products are free of chemicals, fragrances, or dyes. Go to to customize your subscription and use the code ‘OVERIT30’ to get 30% off your first month’s subscription. Get a starter pack subscription for just $5.
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback
Get on the Waitlist to Be Coached on this Podcast
This is a must listen, especially for aspiring or current entrepreneurs. Marie joins Christine for the 3rd time to inspire you with stories around her mantra, "Everything is figureoutable." We also talk about her signature program, B-School, for teaching modern, heart-centered entrepreneurs how to build a successful business. I also reveal my EPIC B-School bonuses for this year which you can access here:
This episode is about self-soothing strategies for empaths. Today’s caller, Alexis, wants guidance about how to find self-worth after getting out of an abusive relationship. But, we go deeper and discover that self-worth is just part of the issue. She realizes that moving toward self-soothing will be more beneficial to her at this time.
[For show notes go here:]
We can’t amp up our self-worth if we keep judging and shaming ourselves. If you are trying to increase your self-worth, I want you to consistently think of things you are proud of. Not just accomplishments but choices and characteristics and all courageous actions you have taken. Increase your feelings of pride and it will increase your self-worth.
Narcissists are very attractive to empaths because empaths have huge hearts and can see what’s behind narcissism. While narcissists are self-absorbed, empaths are often selfless and are more concerned with other people’s happiness.
If you are an empath who is with a narcissist, my encouragement to you is to get out of the relationship. No matter how much you love them they are unable to feel empathy and they can’t give you the love and attention you deserve. It’s a tough relationship to be in.
And, trying to get out of triggers or uncomfortable feelings by thinking positive is a dead-end for a lot of people, especially empaths. One of your gifts is that you feel deeply so trying to escape your feelings through positive psychology or a pep talk may lead you astray because you are negating the very essence of who you are. If you are a feeling person, you have to honor your feelings.
I am a proud sponsor of B-school which is an online training program for modern entrepreneurs taught by Marie Forleo. When you register through my link you will receive special bonuses from me. I include four group coaching calls of 90 min each, four custom meditations for entrepreneurs, access to my Facebook group, a one day retreat, plus free access to my master class for coaches. Go to or email for more information. For free training videos from Marie go to
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Alexis’s Question:
Alexis recently got out of an abusive relationship and would like guidance on how to boost her self-worth.
Alexis’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
THIRDLOVE — Comfortable, perfectly-fitting bras that boost confidence. What if you could remove the hassle of bra shopping and find the most comfortable, perfect fitting bra in minutes? Take the fit finder quiz at to find your perfect size. They have over 80 bra sizes, including half-cup sizes! Use the link to get 15% off the first purchase of your favorite bra. They have a 100% fit guarantee. Thirdlove donates returned bras to women in need.
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback
Get on the Waitlist to Be Coached on this Podcast
Judith Orloff MD asserts that we are keepers of an innate intuitive intelligence so perceptive that it can tell us how to heal — and prevent — illness. Yet intuition and spirituality are the very aspects of our wisdom usually disenfranchised from traditional health care.
Dr. Orloff’s latest book “The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People” (Sounds True, 2017) is an invaluable resource to help sensitive people of all kinds develop healthy coping mechanisms in our high-stimulus world without experiencing compassion fatigue or burnout. Empaths can then fully embody their gifts of intuition, creativity, and compassion.
Dr. Orloff’s work has been featured all over the world in various media outlets. You can learn more about at
This episode is about our money story. Today’s caller, Emily, calls in asking about gaining clarity and her purpose but what we reveal is her relationship with money impacts many things for her. Her unconscious programming holds beliefs that are directly at odds with what she wants for herself.
[For show notes go here:]
If you grew up not having a lot of money or being told money was evil then there you may have some trauma around having money. And just like going back and healing emotional wounds, we have to go back and heal our financial wounds as well.
Our careers, being parents, or what we do in the world gets confused with what we think we are here on the earth to do. Your purpose in life isn’t your career. We mistakenly think that it is our purpose. What I feel is true, is that our purpose is to evolve our soul as much as possible. Our purpose is to elevate our consciousness, move out of fear and judgment, and come back into knowing we are whole and we are love. Doing the work is the purpose. Our profession is just an expression of what we do.
But, just because your purpose is not your career it doesn’t mean you need to be in a soul-sucking career. Your purpose in life is also not to suffer. So, if you want to move out of something where you feel like you are suffering and your soul is being sucked out of your body while you are sitting in your cubicle, know that part of your purpose is joy. You deserve to do something that brings you more joy.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Emily’s Question:
Emily wants help in getting clear about her purpose and help with goal setting for the future.
Emily’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Rothy’s — Rothy’s makes everyday flats for women and girls on the go. They are stylish, classic, and comfortable with new colors launching all the time. These cute and versatile shoes made from repurposed plastic water bottles are the softest shoes you will ever put on your feet. Get your Rothy’s by using this link
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback
Get on the Waitlist to Be Coached on this Podcast
This episode is incredibly educational when it comes to our attachment styles. I talk with licensed psychotherapist Ellen Boeder about how attachment styles are formed, how they impact our adult relationships, and what we can do to heal them so we can have more secure attachments.
A little more about Ellen . . . She has been a therapist since 2003. She has a strong background in yoga and meditation, and her graduate training in Transpersonal Psychology also deeply inform her work. Since getting married 12 years ago, and becoming a mother to two children, Ellen transitioned from working primarily with women to focusing on couples. Ellen is trained in PACT, a therapeutic modality for couples founded by Stan Tatkin, PsyD., that synthesizes attachment theory, neuroscience, and affect regulation models to support couples in creating an enduring and nourishing relationship through secure functioning.
In addition to maintaining a part time private practice, Ellen is on faculty for the Relationship School—a business founded by her husband Jayson Gaddis that provides in depth relationship education for anyone who wants to learn, as well as training for relationship coaches.
This episode is about finding the tools to help you better deal with trauma and breaking the cycle of numbing. Today’s caller, Charmaine, has had multiple traumas in her life and uses marijuana as a coping strategy. But this isn’t a call about stopping marijuana use. When discussing any type of addiction or numbing device, you have to uncover the deeper issue.
[For show notes go here:]
From my point of view, we can’t deal with addiction effectively unless we deal with the core issue that is creating the addiction or coping strategy. Most addictions are coping strategies for when we didn’t have the tools to deal with the drama and trauma that’s happened in our life. Addiction to anything is a symptom of a deeper issue.
When we speak of addiction, we often just think of drugs and alcohol but there are so many other things we use as coping and numbing strategies that become addictions. Sex, gaming, gambling, food, and even things like work, falling in love, and caretaking. Basically, anything we use to get us out of feeling our pain and feeling our big feelings is a coping strategy that can turn into an addiction.
Because the way coping strategies work, is you have to keep upping the ante. The feelings get bigger and bigger and then it takes more energy to suppress them. And, there is not much of a difference between emotional, mental, and physical addiction. Because mental and emotional pain is most likely the cause of physical addiction.
If you feel like you are addicted to something worse than marijuana, know that you can get to the other side of it and that judging yourself will not get you anywhere. It won’t get you to stop being mean to yourself. The part of you that is reaching out for the coping strategy needs love and compassion. It needs to be healed. You probably developed your coping strategy because you had no better tools.
Remember, there is not one style of therapy or coaching that is better than others. It’s about what feels right to you. When it comes to working with any therapist or coach it’s either a ‘hell yeah’ or ‘hell no’! Better tools are available but know that it requires facing your feelings and some of the demons you buried a long time ago.
To release self-protective behaviors, heal past pain, and reclaim your confidence, peace, power, and purpose, attend my Spring Retreat in San Diego, March 6th–8th. To accelerate your growth and invest in yourself visit or email
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Charmaine’s Question:
Charmaine used marijuana to help her cope during a difficult time but would like to stop but doesn’t know how.
Charmaine’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback
Get on the Waitlist to Be Coached on this Podcast
This episode is about getting out of your head and in touch with spirit. Today’s caller, Michelle, is intelligent and has a lot of awareness but her awareness and her thinking are blocking her from a deeper connection to spirit and to the essence of who she truly is.
[For show notes go here:]
We can’t answer spiritual questions with the mind. That is just the nature of spiritual questions. They can’t be answered through the intellect. I have found that sometimes the smarter you are, or the more you are in your head, the harder it is to meditate, to find a connection to spirit, and to drop into your heart. It doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It just means when we have a strong mind it likes to hold on to thinking and control with a tighter grip.
We think and think and think about how to figure something out but how do we figure out a truth? You can figure out a puzzle, you can figure out a math problem or how to build something but you can’t figure out enoughness. There is no mathematical equation to figure out love. You just feel it. There is no structured formula to tell you that you feel love for somebody. It’s a feeling and so is enoughness and oneness. When we have a strong thinking mind it’s hard to access true unconditional love.
It isn’t until we have an experience of God that we really know we are whole and complete and knowing, no matter what.
There are only a few spots left for my Signature Spring Retreat. To release self-protective behaviors, heal past pain, and reclaim your confidence, peace, power, and purpose, attend my Spring Retreat in San Diego, March 6th–8th. To accelerate your growth and invest in yourself visit or email
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Michelle’s Question:
Michelle believes that worthiness is directly tied to actions and would like guidance on how to reframe the idea and feel worthy from a spiritual perspective.
Michelle’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback
My husband, Stef Sifandos, is back on the show. We talk about how to disagree in any relationship in a healthy way and share our seven-step process for navigating an argument. This is great info for any relationship and imperative for romantic ones.