This episode is for anyone who feels like they are missing out, they are being left behind, they are not enough or they do not belong.
Today’s caller, Emma, is feeling left out and resentment towards friends who are continuing their relationships with her ex after their breakup. Her frustrations are bringing up old issues she has been carrying around for a long time. We uncover the constant moving she went through as a child is still a core issue for her.
It’s important to remember not to minimize things from your past. As a human, there are things you have gone through that are challenging. Things that happen can create certain belief systems and misunderstandings that perpetuate patterns, behaviors and reactions you don’t like.
Resentment and anger protect us from our deeper feelings. It’s easier to feel mad about something than it is to feel the hurt of being left out. We all want to feel connected and that we belong. Feeling separate in any way is painful and it reinforces the core misunderstanding we are separate from God, separate from the universe or separate from each other. Healing that wound allows us to feel we are not separate and to feel we are connected.
If you have standards or conditions about what it takes for you to be good enough, know that you are good enough just the way you are.
Connect to who you really are and discover your Secret Sauce with the 4-video training series I put on my site for you. Your secret sauce is a unique combination of your experience, talents, life lessons and passions that can help you feel a sense of belonging and confidence. Go to
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Consider/Ask Yourself:
Emma's Question:
Emma is having difficulty releasing her emotions, which are triggered by her jealousy and frustration over shared friendships after her breakup.
Emma's Key Insights and Aha’s:
How to get over it and on with it:
Assignments and Takeaways:
Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link.
Audible - Free audiobook download and a 30-day free trial.
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