So much good stuff in this coaches corner. Everything from dealing with a break-up, to dating tips (learn how to write a great online profile), to being better in your relationship. Listen to my friend and incredible dating coach, Marni Battista and I share about love and dating. A little more about Marni: Marni Battista has a Masters in Education and is a Certified Life Coach by the International Coaching Federation. She is also a Master Practitioner at administering an Energy Assessment, “The D-Factor,” that helps clients pinpoint exactly why they are, or are not date-able, and what types of messages they are unconsciously broadcasting to others based on their thoughts, feelings, actions and attitudes. Marni is also trained as a Facilitator and Mentor Trainer by the Hoffman Institute, a world-renowned leader in personal development. In addition, Marni is the on-camera Dating & Relationship Coach to Tristan Couveras, star of the new hit reality TV show, “ControlTV,” produced by Seth Green and Ken Fuchs, producer of “The Bachelor.” Get so much more from her here: