Lisa Cypers Kamen, M.A. is an applied positive psychology coach, author, documentary filmmaker and radio show host specializing in sustainable wellbeing and lifestyle management. Lisa’s global consulting practice focuses on mission-driven addiction and trauma recovery programming to help clients balance their minds, bodies and emotions resulting in greater overall wellbeing and the transformation of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) into Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG). She is a frequent radio and television guest expert as well as contributor to the Huffington Post, Positively Positive and Inspire Me Today. As the founder of Harvesting Happiness for Heroes, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Lisa spearheads stigma-free trauma recovery and post-deployment reintegration services for military personnel and their loved one’s challenged by the invisible wounds of war. Lisa is also the creator and host of Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio When not helping others thrive, she can be found hiking, meditating, indoor cycling, doing yoga, reading, cooking, traveling and spinning tunes on Joy Riding the Coast, her world music radio show on KBUU 97.5 and occasionally staring out to sea with a huge smile on her face. Lisa resides in southern California with her family surrounded by lots of love and sunshine.