The heart of this coaching session is about self-compassion. Steve has been in his masculine and repressing his pain for much of his life. Another level of his pain is surfacing and that’s because his unconscious knows he is ready to deal with it. If you are at a point in your life where you feel like you have done a lot of personal growth work but pain is resurfacing in your life you do not want to miss this episode.
It takes a lot of energy to repress pain. And, that’s why it feels hard to move forward in our lives, it feels hard to get a career off the ground, or to connect in relationships because we are unconsciously suppressing a lot of pain.
Pain wants to come up and out. Our bodies don’t want to hold terrible memories or trauma inside. Our unconscious mind wants to let it go. So, it continues to make us feel uncomfortable until we deal with it. Not just mentally, but emotionally as well.
It may be difficult to go back and to feel the pain of your childhood but you are feeling it anyway, 24/7 — it is just repressed. It is healthier to go into it and feel it fully with self-compassion so it can come up and out.
When pain doesn’t have a way to express with compassion, it sits inside you dormant and continues to drive your choices and behaviors.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Steve’s Question:
Steve is struggling with worrying about what other people think of him for what he believes to be the first time in his life.
Steve’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
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