Christine and Stef sit down with an awesome couple who also both happen to be coaches and therapists. Listen in to a very honest conversation about what it takes to have a healthy, fulfilling relationship.
A little more about our guests:
Jayson Gaddis, author, podcaster, speaker, and entrepreneur, is the founder of The Relationship School, an impact-based company dedicated to helping people work out their differences and have fulfilling long-term partnerships. Jayson is considered a world leader in relationships. He founded The Relationship School®, is the creator of Interpersonal Intelligence® and Present Centered Relationship Coaching®. He trains people from around the world how to be effective relational leaders and coaches. He’s been married to his amazing wife since 2007 and has two beautiful kids. They live in Boulder, Colorado. When he doesn’t live and breathe this relationship stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him. Ellen Boeder Bio
Ellen Boeder, MA, LPC is a psychotherapist and coach for couples in Boulder, Colorado, who has been interested in how relationships actually work for as long as she can remember. Studying with innovative researchers and cutting edge practitioners in the field of psychology, relationships, and also yoga, for over 20 years has helped her integrate her approach to working with people in a sensitive, straightforward, deeply informed, and embodied way. The most high-level training she does is usually at home with her husband and two young children, as she finds her way through the real, raw, and beautiful experience of being deeply intertwined with others. Ellen is also a faculty member for The Relationship School, is a long time yoga practitioner, and writes a blog that incorporates her studies in psychology with her life experience as a mother, called Rearranged by Motherhood.