This is a call about knowing that you matter without constantly proving yourself. Today’s caller, Britney, is putting a lot of pressure on herself. She wants guidance on building her career but until she heals her inner child she will keep running into roadblocks. If you are career-driven you may relate to this.
[For show notes go here:]
What we all need the most is for someone to really see us and understand us.
If we are addicted to anything, be it success or alcohol, it is an attempt to cure pain or heal a wound. Any addiction is an attempt to numb something. We can be addicted to success or making something out of ourselves but that is not the purpose of our life. The purpose of the human experience is to come to the awareness that we are whole, complete, and loved no matter what we do. And, we are someone no matter what we do. We are one with everyone. That is why we are here.
When we do inner child work and we do the work of the spirit we realize there is nothing external that solves our internal tasks. There is nothing external that completes us. Inner child work can lead us to more aligned and greater success because we’re not hitting as many roadblocks.
I don’t want you to think that accepting ourselves and loving ourselves makes us complacent. Accepting and loving ourselves provides us with inspiration and success because it comes from a more aligned place.
Tap into your inner knowing and intuition with this gift from me. It offers help with intuitive decision making and how to navigate the unknown with 6 Steps to Bypass Your Practical Mind. Text ‘Christine’ to 444999.
Take a deep dive into how to heal your inner child in our 3-day virtual Inner Child workshop on June 5th-7th. Stefanos and I will hold space for both the healthy masculine and feminine. If you can’t join us live it will be recorded. Take advantage of the early bird discount if you sign up by May 25th at
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Britney’s Question:
Britney would like to know more about stepping into her purpose.
Britney’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.