This call is about realizing the freedom of being your authentic self and setting boundaries. Today’s caller, Rhonda, is used to putting other people first but she wants deeper, more authentic relationships. She feels stuck in the limiting beliefs and fears of her childhood. We work through her gift of discernment and how she can give her authentic self an outlet. It’s a perfect conversation for what is going on collectively right now.
[For show notes go here:]
To some degree, I think we are people pleasers or at least invested in making sure other people like us a large percentage of the time. But, more and more, we’re living in a world where that simply doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because it stifles our authentic expression and it also doesn’t work because we have too many people pleasers and not enough changemakers. How can we create a better world if we are afraid of upsetting other people?
A great leader cares more about the truth then people's feelings. It’s not a permission slip to be a jerk, however sometimes the truth does hurt, and that’s okay. We have to be willing to receive the truth, allow it to sting a little bit but then go, all right what can I learn. And, we have to be willing to give the truth and be okay if people are upset with us. It’s okay, their upset is their responsibility. Your responsibility is to speak the truth with love. We need people who see injustices and call them out.
If you are feeling stuck, reframe it. You are not stuck. You are waking up. You may be in a bit of uncertainty because you are breaking free of old patterns but you are not stuck!
Are you being called to lead, love, or make a difference? Join me and Stefanos for our Love Amplified retreat in Austin, Sept 24-27. This retreat is all about the love of self, love of others, and love of your higher power. There will be workshops, breathwork, and partner breakouts. Come, share, and grow. Get more information at
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Rhonda’s Question:
Rhonda feels stuck in people-pleasing mode. She wants deeper relationships where she can truly be seen.
Rhonda’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.
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