This call is about seeking an external change to fill an internal void. Today’s caller, Leigh, wants to make a career change because she is not fulfilled by her current career. But her career switch is not the priority, it is about healing and breaking patterns. This call is important for any of you who feel stuck, who want to make a change, especially a career change, but are not doing it.
[For show notes, go here:]
Practical decisions are often fear-influenced decisions. Fear-influenced decisions are not wrong. We feel we have to make decisions that give us more certainty. But, we sacrifice a lot of our beliefs, our magic, and our dreams when we do. As human beings, we learn through contrast, so it is OK to make fear-influenced decisions.
There are a lot of reasons why we do not make the changes we want to make. It can come back to childhood wounding and it can also be because we don’t have the right foundation.
We often seek out relationships or careers to give us what we didn’t get in childhood. For example, you might be seeking out someone in a relationship who makes you feel safe. Or, you may be seeking out a career to make you feel self-expressed and free. Many of our quests for fulfillment are a call for healing. But, remember, we never want to use something external to fill an internal void.
Empaths are sponges. We soak up a lot of information. One of the tendencies of empaths is that we take too much of other people’s guidance. We take on people’s feelings and accept what people tell us we should do. If you are an empath, think about that, feel into that. Do you allow other people to tell you who you are and what you should do, versus trusting your own discernment?
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Leigh’s Question:
Leigh wants to make a career change and would like guidance about how to follow her dreams.
Leigh’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
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