This call is about bringing more harmony into your life. Today’s caller, Brian, loves his work but is searching for more work-life balance. He enjoys being the person who is always available to others but takes little time for himself. This episode is enlightening for those who get validation from being the reliable, go-to person.
[For show notes, go here:]
There is no such thing as work-life balance. They are not two separate things. Work is part of life. It’s about putting more harmony in your life by doing things to balance out the huge time suckers. If you work a lot or are with your kids a lot, what are you doing to balance it out? Have you created boundaries to make time for yourself? Do you have a self-care practice? Is it your once-a-week therapy session? What things are you doing to balance out the things in your life that are time-consuming?
The ego generally gets a bad wrap in the personal development space. But, we all have an ego. We all need to feel like we matter. Every human needs to feel important. The ego is how we get validation. We just need to be careful that validation doesn’t become linked to our identity.
Every pattern we are involved in has costs and payoffs. Does the imbalance in your life cost you more than it pays out?
This is an intense time so be mindful of what you allow into your mind. Choose what you want your individual experience to be. In November, I am launching the next round of personal development grant money. The grant money can be used for therapy, coaching, or anything that enhances your emotional wellbeing. To sign up to receive $500 go to
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Brian’s Question:
Brian would like guidance on how to bring more work-life balance into his world.
Brian’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
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