This call is about restoration and compassion. Today’s caller, Yaira, keeps going, going, going until she burns herself out. She is committed to believing that it is just who she is but the crux of this call is when she says she was trying to escape her circumstances. If you relate to being uncomfortable in stillness you will find this call useful.
[For show notes, go here:]
For any of you who have grown up in a chaotic home, it is common for you to want to go, go, go because stillness brought up feelings of how long is it going to be before the other shoe drops? Stillness can feel traumatic because you are bracing yourself for something bad to come. If you relate to feeling like this, you have to reorient your body, your inner child, and your subconscious mind to stillness. Reinforce the idea that just because you are still it doesn't mean you are trapped or in danger.
If you feel you have already done a lot of personal development work, know that you are not done. You are never done. Just accept it. The hard work is at the beginning. What phase are you in on your personal growth journey?
There are some of you who are very aware and who have lived in a “house” that has been constructed for a while and continue doing maintenance. But, others of you are still in the personal development building stage where there is a lot of work yet to do. It’s OK. Please don’t discredit the work you have done just because you have more work to do. Don’t minimize what you have done because there is something else you discovered that needs healing.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Yaira's Question:
Yaira wants to push projects forward but experiences burn out and would like guidance on how to break her “negative” habits.
Yaira's Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
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