This call is about feeling safe and feeling enough. Today’s caller, Jessie, has been struggling with childhood trauma and is self-soothing by buying things she doesn’t need. Any of you who struggle with not-enoughness, or have been labeled as having ADD, or are not sure if you have dealt with your childhood trauma, this is a great episode for you.
[For show notes go here:]
The unconscious drives about 90-95% of our behavior. We come from our past trauma or our limiting beliefs until we reach a point where we are aware of it and choose and attract something differently.
Often, people who struggle with low self-worth or of not-enoughness are constantly trying to compensate by doing, talking, and proving. They are not great at reaching out for support because there is a level of trauma that still is running the show. There comes a point when trauma becomes part of our learning and part of the things that helped us grow and part of the things that have evolved our soul but before it gets there it becomes the thing to create our reality until we shift it.
For coaches and therapists, when you have a client who seems to dart around and doesn’t land on one thing for very long, it indicates that they just don’t feel safe, and feeling safe is everything.
Remember, we attract at the level of our issues until we heal those and move into a different frequency.
Connecting to your inner child is February’s topic for the Virtual Group Coaching Call on February 11, 2021. $20 is all it costs to connect with your inner child and other like-minded people.
Join Stefanos and me for our 3-day virtual Inner Child Workshop. It’s not about working on yourself. It’s about connecting to your little one and letting go of some things you have been carrying around. We can help you bring your little one into their future, which is your present, and help them feel loved and safe. Don’t let money be an issue, we have scholarships! or email — March 19–21, 2021
Do you want to make coaching your career? Join our 6-month coach training program. You will be mentored by me and three other master-level coaches. Plus you will have the opportunity to be a coach in the program moving forward. Go to
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Jessie’s Question:
Jesse struggles with childhood trauma and not-enoughness. She wants to feel safe and enough.
Jessie’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Takeaways For You:
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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
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