This episode is about doing inner child work to heal the mother wound. Today’s caller, Abigail, feels she is struggling to connect with her feminine energy but we discover that she is being triggered by her circumstances and it is revealing a coping strategy she relied on in her childhood. We discuss ways she can make the most of this healing opportunity.
[For show notes, go here:]
You can’t really tap into true masculine and feminine until you do inner child work. Because we can confuse being in our feminine or masculine energy with protective behaviors and coping strategies. It is important for us to find our divine mother and father energy but healing our childhood wounds is the starting point.
When past trauma in her child wounding is triggered, it is an invitation for us to deal with it by speaking to our little one and giving them a voice. It makes it much easier to trust because our inner child isn’t tugging at us telling us they are not okay.
What keeps some people from doing inner child work is that they think they have to relive their trauma or relive memories of their childhoods. It is possible to heal your childhood and connect with your inner child even if you have no memories or traumatic memories.
When we are given pauses in life, or when we feel we are in limbo, they are opportunities for us to focus on our inner work.
Join us for our LIVE Inner Child Workshop on October 8–10th. It will be the last live inner child workshop taught by Christine and Stefanos for a while. Get live coaching or attend the workshop online If you can’t make it live you can get the recording. If you need help financially go to
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Abigail’s Question:
Abigail struggles with staying in her feminine energy.
Abigail’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
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