This coaching call is about overcoming the fear of stepping out of our comfort zones. Today’s caller, Alana, has always played it safe by never stepping out of her comfort zone. She asks Christine for guidance about how to overcome the fear of taking the risks necessary to move into the life she wants.
[For show notes, go here:].
It can be scary to move out of what is familiar. Our risk tolerance in our early 20s is much different than when we are older. When we have lived a little more life, we have seen enough to know that regret is far worse than risk. We can’t get time back and regret is very painful to live with.
We can recover from most risks, especially social media posts, going after clients, and putting ourselves “out there.” Some people may judge, or some people may not like it but we can recover from that. To be coming to the end of life and wondering why we didn’t go after what we wanted is far more painful than taking a risk and maybe having a few people say something not so nice. We’re not living our lives if we’re only doing things that we think will not be judged by other people.
When we move into a different career, especially the personal growth industry, there may be people who judge us. Let them. It’s okay. When we start looking at our own stuff, start speaking our truth, and start healing generational trauma, a lot of people judge us because their subconscious doesn’t want to look at their stuff. Instead of them taking personal responsibility and dealing with their stuff they choose to judge others. It is their defense strategy. The biggest thing to remember is not to take it personally. Allow your inner voice and the voices of the people who love and support you to be the voices you pay attention to.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Are you a coach who wants to start a coaching practice but you’re playing it safe despite your training, skills, and passion?
Have you had challenges in life that reinforce your desire to stay in your safety zone?
Are you willing to start making some bigger changes and start taking some risks?
Do you deal with imposter syndrome and would you like to let it go for good?
Alana’s Question:
Alana fears uncharted territory and would like guidance on how to transition from a structured career path into a less structured entrepreneurial coaching business.
Alana’s Key Insights and Ahas:
She has worked in a structured career.
She is a certified life coach.
She finds it difficult to put herself out there.
She suffers from imposter syndrome.
She fears asking for payment for her services.
She believes she can get clients.
She fears she will change as a person.
Her mother passed away unexpectedly.
She lost a pregnancy.
She is comfortable with playing it safe.
She is hesitant to move forward into unfamiliar territory.
She has relied on external validation.
She wants to move into curiosity.
She is committed to reaching out to clients.
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Shift the way she looks at safety.
Reassure herself that safety is internally resourced.
Honor her inner voice.
Remind herself that just because something is unfamiliar doesn’t mean it is unsafe.
Stop letting the fear of what other people think stop you from going after what you want.
Push out of what is safe. If you only live in what is safe, you will never really live.
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