
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Jun 25, 2016

Arianna Huffington is the cofounder, president, and editor in chief of the Huffington Post Media Group, and the author of fifteen books. In May 2005, she launched The Huffington Post, a news and blog site that quickly became one of the most widely-read, linked to, and frequently- cited media brands on the Internet. In 2012, the site won a Pulitzer Prize for national reporting. She has been named to Time magazine’s list of the world’s 100 most influential people and

the Forbes Most Powerful Women list. Originally from Greece, she moved to England when she was 16 and graduated from Cambridge University with an M.A. in economics. At 21, she became president of the famed debating society, the Cambridge Union. She serves on numerous boards, including The Center for Public Integrity and The Committee to Protect Journalists. Her book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder, debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.

Jun 22, 2016

Insecurity can be painful and it blinds us from seeing who we truly are. We are not born insecure, we become that way. It’s a feeling we have based on the beliefs we accumulate when people are critical of us or we feel judged in some way. The problem is, we live in a world where most people are pretty hard on themselves and it leaks into people being hard on other people. People who have snapped at you or criticized you aren’t bad people, they are probably just very critical of themselves.  The bottom line is when we are able to clean out our insides we act differently on the outside. Confidence doesn’t necessarily come from doing things, it’s more about coming into self-acceptance by dropping our internal critical voice and truly liking ourselves just as we are right now. You don’t have to be perfect before you can accept yourself and you cannot make your self-love conditional. You are the one person you need unconditional love from. Today’s caller Lily is taking a huge step toward building her confidence. Her father has been critical of her and his critical voice became her internal critical voice. She paired his criticism up with his love and now she thinks the way to get love is to criticize herself.  Often, the things we think are protecting us are the things that cause us the most suffering. So much about building confidence is about what you stop doing rather than what you start doing. Take a learning-oriented approach to life. Look at what you are attracting without self-blame or thinking you did something wrong. Things are not your fault. They are there to help you stop the voice of judgment and your internal critic. Coach's Tip - Getting over self-criticism is liberating. It is a very important part of being a coach, a light worker or just a loving human being. When we are confident about who we are and we are showing up with our hearts open in full authenticity and when the voice of the inner critic is silenced by our unconditional love, our hearts become open to others and we show up as a more confident and more loving person. The more you accept yourself from where you are right now, the more you can approach growth and change and evolution from a place of love rather than from a place of judgment.  Remember, whatever we can do for another we can do for ourselves. I have a free gift for all of my podcast listeners. Here is how to receive my free ebook and meditation downloads. I also invite you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which includes meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. There are only 3 reservations left. E-mail for information on how to join any of my events or business programs.   Consider/Ask Yourself: Is your confidence level affected by the level of criticism you apply to yourself? Are you looking for something outside of yourself to make you feel confident rather than cleaning up your internal self-talk? Do you desire to be more confident? How often do you doubt yourself? Would you like to be free of the doubt? Are you someone who answers “fine” (aka feelings inside not expressed) when asked how you are? Was there or is there someone in your life who is critical of you?   Lily's Question: Lily is having a hard time believing in herself and finding her own value.   Lily's Key Insights and Aha’s: She hides how she is truly feeling with “fine” She feels shut down when she opens up and shows her vulnerability She may be uncomfortable with her own vulnerability Being criticized by her father may be affecting her confidence She must seek change from the inside, from herself   How to get over it and on with it: She should shift from victim to student She can try to re-parent herself with the voice of an unconditionally loving parent Forgive her father She should speak to herself with love and compassion She can use the voice memo app to record her expressing positive self-talk   Assignments and Takeaways: Is there a critical voice in your head? Whose voice is it and is it time to give it back? Write a letter to the voice and thank it for the lessons and then, respectfully, decline to listen to it any longer. Is there someone out there you felt hurt by or triggered by? It is a projection and what can you learn from it? What are you really good at giving others that you are not giving yourself? Listen to the Coaches Corner Mastering Your Mean Girl or Bad Boy episode.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Christine Hassler Free E-book Expectation Hangover @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Mastering Your Mean Girl or Bad Boy Episode with Melissa Ambrosini

Jun 18, 2016

CHRISTINE ARYLO IS A TRANSFORMATIONAL TEACHER and internationally recognized speaker and author. After earning her MBA from Kellogg and climbing the corporate ladder for fifteen years marketing big brands like The Gap and Frito-Lay, she chose to devote her life to creating a new reality for women and girls, one based on true feminine power, freedom and self-love instead of the relentless pursuit and unsustainable pressure of having to do, be and have it all. SHE IS THE AUTHOR OF TWO BEST-SELLING BOOKS, Choosing ME before WE and Madly in Love With Me, The Daring Adventure to Becoming Your Own Best Friend and the founder of the international day of self-love, February 13th. A self-admitted recovering achievement junkie, doing addict, and super woman, Arylo co-founded the virtual school for women, Inner Mean Girl Reform School, which has helped over 23,000 women on 6 continents transform their inner critics and learn how to tune into their divine feminine Inner Wisdom. Do You Love Yourself? Take the Self Love Pulse Check and see where you are weak & strong in self love. Click here to take the quiz.

Jun 15, 2016

This episode is about liberating yourself from any kind of shame and the secrets and judgments that go along with it. When we feel ashamed of something we keep it in the dark and that is why shame is so toxic because it leads to keeping things hidden, keeping things where they are tainted by judgment. Shame often stands as the guard at the gate to vulnerability. The incredible, painful feeling of shame is based on the misunderstanding of a perceived flaw that we believe must stay hidden. The way to get through shame is by stepping into vulnerability and revealing what we are terrified of being found out for. We all want to know that we are loved even if we have these dark, scary, shameful feelings and thoughts. Today’s caller Sara is taking a huge step toward vulnerability. Sara displays remarkable courage by sharing her secret so openly. I sense a lot of you will relate to having secrets or things you are ashamed of or like Sara, an STD that you feel taints you in some way.  To heal shame, we not only have to do our inner work  but we must also have the courage to bring what we judge as dark or tainted into the light to talk about it. We don’t have to shout out what we are ashamed of from the rooftops, but it’s important that we do not live with secrets. Being raw and real in front of others is an important part of healing any expectation hangover. We cannot talk ourselves out of trauma and shame. We have to feel our way through it. We have to go back to those inner places that got hurt, with compassion and the willingness to feel the feelings we never really got to feel. It’s an important part of the healing process. We can’t get #overitandonwithit by just thinking about it. We have to go back and treat the wound. The more you heal core wounds, bring shame into the light, forgive and reframe how you see yourself, the more you will shift in how you are seen. The universe brings things into our awareness to help us heal not to punish us. If we can reframe how we look at them even the terrible things can be blessings. Listen in and be part of the conversation that breaks down shame. And, I have a free gift for all of my podcast listeners. Here is how to receive my free ebook and meditation downloads. I also invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join any of my events or business programs.   Consider/Ask Yourself: Are you carrying around a secret? Do you have an STD, an illness or situation that negatively impacts your dating life? If you are experiencing shame, are you ready and willing to be vulnerable?  Are you harboring anger or resentment against anyone or anything which is preventing you from feeling the liberation and love that is your essence?    Sara's Question: Sara is having difficulty finding her self-worth in relationships when they begin to get intimate.   Sara's Key Insights and Aha’s: The more judgment she places on herself will lead to judgment from others She tries to overcompensate in other areas of her life Her masculine and feminine energies may be out of balance She is bringing her shame into the light by sharing She attracts the kind of love she reveals She can be compassionate with herself and love herself unconditionally   How to get over it and on with it: Realize she is not damaged goods and she is not tainted She should do some forgiveness work around her mistrust Be mindful of the story she tells herself about having an STD She can go back to her 24-year-old self and provide her solace If she heals herself on the spiritual level it can help her on the physical level Have a ‘cut the cord’ ceremony to release her anger towards the other person   Reminders and Takeaways: Vulnerability - What secrets do you have that you have kept in the dark that need to be brought into the light? If you do have herpes or a different STD, find people to talk to about it so you don’t feel alone. Do emotional work for yourself. Write a letter to your younger self who dealt with the things which make you feel shameful. If you are carrying around a secret and have no one to talk to about it, find a professional or a support group to talk to. Don’t keep it inside. Look at where you are compensating because of something you judge about yourself.    Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Christine Hassler Free E-book Expectation Hangover @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram

Jun 11, 2016

Farnoosh Torabi is America’s leading personal finance authority hooked on helping Americans live their richest, happiest lives. From her early days reporting for Money to now hosting a primetime series on CNBC and writing monthly for O, The Oprah Magazine, she’s become our favorite go-to money expert and friend. Farnoosh is a sought-after speaker and bestselling author. Her latest book is entitled When She Makes More: The Truth About Love and Life for a New Generation of Women.  She also contributes to The NBC Today Show and hosts her own award-winning podcast So Money, recently named a “Top Podcast to Grow Your Business” by Inc Magazine - which I was honored to be a recent guest on.  You can check out our episode #424 here:    Farnoosh previously hosted the Webby-nominated web series, Financially Fit, on Yahoo. She’s also served as a money coach on such shows as Remake America on Yahoo!Bank of Mom & Dad on soapNet and TLC’s REAL SIMPLE. REAL LIFE. Her work and advice has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes, Time, Marie Claire, Glamour, Redbook and USA Today. She’s appeared on all major news and talk shows, including CNN, MSNBC, Good Morning America, The View and Live! With Kelly and Michael. Farnoosh graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Finance and International Business. She also holds a Master’s from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She resides happily in Brooklyn with her husband and young son.

Jun 8, 2016

Today’s coaching session is with Kelsey, who is on the precipice of the next stage of her career. The subject of our session has to do with generating money in your career, specifically doing work that feels purposeful. It’s also about building momentum and stepping fully into the things which matter most in your life so that 1) You can create results and 2) You are more fulfilled.  Towards the end our conversation you can hear a shift in Kelsey’s voice and energy. You can hear what happens when she shifts fully into her own. This is what happens when we step fully into owning our gifts and experiences. It is highly important to get fully in alignment with who you are and what you are here to do but be aware of competing intentions. If a small percentage of you believes something is not possible, it will be more challenging to make it possible. Know at what stage you are in your career. In the beginning when we are just starting something, it’s normal to have side jobs and then moonlight doing what we love. The wonderful thing that happens with experience is that different skills are honed. We start to become more confident in what we do. We embody it even more and we trust that the universe will lead us exactly where we are supposed to go. We spend much more time worrying about things than we do being strategic and focused towards what we want. Be aware of unconscious collective beliefs like “I can’t make money doing what I love”, “What I love isn’t a real job”, and the like. You need to get rid of those beliefs because even if they seem minimal and if they are there, some part of you believes them. And, if making money doing what you love is a priority for you, I highly encourage you to apply for my Secret Sauce Business Training Program. The program teaches heart-centered entrepreneurs how to build a business which makes money doing what you love by stepping into your unique gifts, talents and experiences.  I have a free gift for all of my podcast listeners. Here is how to receive my free ebook and meditation downloads. And, I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join any of my events or business programs.   Consider/Ask Yourself: Is there something you really feel called to do but you just can’t seem to make money at it? Do you truly have faith and believe 100% that you can be financially prosperous doing work you love? What is your relationship with money like? If you were to grade your wealth consciousness, how would you evaluate it?   Kelsey's Question: Kelsey has a heavy heart because even though she is currently living her passion, she must struggle to pay her bills every month.   Kelsey's Key Insights and Aha’s: She was never taught to manage money She doesn’t trust 100% that she is working towards her calling She can feel that she holds herself back with limiting beliefs She has access to resources she doesn’t use   How to get over it and on with it: Knowing she can be prosperous and financially abundant doing what she loves She should look at her belief system with regards to money She should understand her self-worth and shift into alignment with what she is creating She should get into full vibrational alignment with generating her income by doing what she loves to do Connect with people who are prosperous doing what she wants to do She needs some inner work and outer work to change her story   Reminders and Takeaways: Be aware of your competing intentions. Write out all your beliefs about what you want to create in your life to see if your beliefs are contradicting each other. What stage of your career are you in? Is it time to move to the next level?  Consider what is your wealth consciousness like? Put together a plan for making something your full-time job. Own it! Embody it! You will start manifesting much sooner if you do.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Christine Hassler Free E-book @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind

Jun 1, 2016

The number one reason social anxiety is so painful is because it reinforces the illusion of separation. We are all connected, we are all one but we live in a world which makes this so hard to remember. The illusion of separation starts when we are young and we get teased or separated based on our grades, behavior or gender. It continues through our lives and makes us feel not part of something. Understanding that you are not alone, you are not separate and you are no less than anyone else is imperative to your emotional well-being and health. But, it’s not always easy. Some of us have painful experiences from our past that make social situations and making friends harder. Not everyone is an extrovert and for some people walking into a place where they don’t know anyone is like hell on earth. Remember, all people need friends and a soul family. Accept that about yourself and don’t use being introverted as an excuse not to go out and connect. The more you stop worrying about what others think and just show up authentically, the easier it will be to connect and the more your social anxiety will dissolve.  People are people, not big scary monsters. The next time you go to an event, have some questions in mind you can ask people beyond “How are you doing?” or “What do you do?” In today’s coaching session with Jenna, we explore why she is feeling social anxiety and isn’t able to maintain long-lasting friendships. And, I share why I was guided to coach her in a way that would shake her up a bit. I have a free gift for all of my podcast listeners. Here is how to receive my free ebook and meditation downloads. Also, I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali, which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Do you suffer from social anxiety? Do you dread just thinking about going to an event or initiating a conversation? ● Is making friends challenging? ● Do you want more friends? ● Are you frustrated because you want to change something but just can’t seem to change it? ● Would you like to feel more connected in your life? Are you honest with yourself about why you keep yourself separate?   Jenna's Question: Jenna is frustrated over her inability to get over her social anxiety and is looking for guidance on how she can move past it.   Jenna's Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She may be triggered by feelings of rejection from her mother ● She believes there is something wrong with her ● She realizes that people aren’t thinking about her as much as she thinks they are ● She has all the ingredients she needs to be a friend and to connect   How to get over it and on with it: ● She has to stop making things about her ● She should practice being invested and connected to other people  ● She should write down the reasons why she is a great friend and read it every day ● She can be honest and simply ask for a friendship ● She should tell herself a different story   Reminders and Suggestions: ● People are not thinking about you as much as you think they are. ● Remember people are people. They are not big scary monsters.  ● Focus on what you can give. Think about all the amazing things you can bring to a friendship. ● A connection to your higher power is critical.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Christine Hassler Free E-book @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind

May 28, 2016

Kathryn talks to us about being yourself despite anyone else’s expectations or your own fears.  She is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher and author known for her accessibility, humor, and ability to empower her students through her message, “aim true.” She is a warrior for self-acceptance, honesty, and helping her students and readers find true balance.   The Kansas native graduated from the University of Virginia with a double degree in English and Drama before moving to Los Angeles, where she trained under the tutelage of Maty Ezraty  and Chuck Miller. With over a decade of experience in her field, she is the yoga contributor to Women’s Health magazine, writes weekly for Yoga Journal, and serves on the Yahoo! Health advisory board as well as contributing regular recipes. She’s a sponsored athlete in Under Armour’s “I WILL WHAT I WANT” campaign, an ambassador for Ford’s “Warriors in Pink,” and the founder of her animal project, Poses for Paws. She is the creator of the Aim True Yoga DVD  produced by Gaiam, author of The Women’s Health Big Book of Yoga, and recently released her second book, Aim True, on March 29th through William Morrow; an imprint of Harper Collins.   Get her book and connect: Practice yoga with Kathryn here:

May 25, 2016

Most of you can relate to feeling a bit nervous or awkward at times. Maybe it’s around someone you are crushing on, when you have to speak in front of your boss or even when you are attempting to be cool with your teenage kids.  Feeling self-conscious is the worst. And not just because of the knots in your stomach, the sweating, the saying of the things we judge as totally lame right after they come out of our mouth. What is worse is that we are not showing up as fully ourselves. Whenever we are openly attached to hoping someone else likes us or accepts us, we often do the exact opposite of what we need to do in that moment. We judge ourselves rather than accept ourselves. Then we show up in ways that are not authentic to who we are and that is awkward and uncomfortable. Attachment is thinking we need to be a certain way to get what we want from another person. We put on masks, we judge ourselves and we edit everything that comes out of our mouth. The higher the emotional stakes are the more suppressed we can become. In today’s coaching session with Kristen, we explore why she is not fully herself in romantic relationships. Self-consciousness is not just painful to feel, it also doesn’t bring us the connections we long for.  First, it’s all about what you are telling yourself inside your head. Second, you start future tripping which detaches you from your intuition. Finally, being attached to the outcome, you are trying to adapt to who you think you need to be rather than just being you. The cure for self-consciousness is radical self-acceptance. I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali, which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities. And, consider my Secret Sauce event for people who want to uncover their unique secret sauce and uplevel their business, start a new business or make a career transition.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● What situations do you feel self-conscious in? ● What do you really want when interacting with others? Validation, to be liked? ● Is there a parent or someone else you may be expecting to get nachos from when they are really a Chinese restaurant? ● Are you truly showing up in a way for others that you expect others to show up for you?   Kristen's Question: Kristen would like to know why she finds it hard to be herself around a guy she is attracted to.   Kristen's Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She is still angry over her father’s aloofness ● A father is the first male relationship a girl has ● She may be looking for acceptance and validation when dating ● Anger and judgment do not help any situation ● She should establish intimacy and trust with her dad   How to get over it and on with it: ● She’s free to be whomever she wants to be ● She should share her needs with her father ● She needs to accept people as they are if she wants to be accepted for who she is ● She is responsible for her own needs right now   Tools and Takeaways: ● Look at where your self-consciousness comes from and practice being in the present moment. ● Unresolved issues with parents can be better understood in episode #16, Why Our Parents Trigger Us So Much. ● Practice being your most authentic, quirky, nerdy self! Whoever you are, let people see you! And, see yourself through the eyes of love.    Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind

May 21, 2016

Listen up as Charlie teaches us the importance of PLAY and connection.  Charlie is the author of Play It Away: A Workaholic's Cure for Anxiety, which was called 'The cure to your stress!' by Tony Robbins. Charlie has advised leaders on the topic of mental wellness at the Pentagon, U.S. Military, and Tesla. His blog is the #1 Google result for the search "cure anxiety." He has helped dozens of authors promote their books -- including Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, and Tucker Max.

May 18, 2016

There are endless distractions in our lives. Just one glimpse of Facebook or Snapchat and the next thing you know it’s an hour later and you’ve gone down a rabbit hole. Practicing self-care is not as enticing as our phone, the TV or a glass of wine but the payoff is far, far greater. But why is self-care so hard sometimes? How come we know we “should” do things like mediation, journaling, exercise, etc but we don’t actually do them (or stick to doing them)? Because self-care can feel like punishment if we don’t have enough fun and play in our lives. Self-care activities are all solo activities, so instead of us feeling replenished after we do these self-supporting things we may feel isolated. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and as humans, we need 3 types of connections. The first connection humans need is to our higher power (insert your terminology here). The second is to ourselves and the third is to others. If you are not connecting, playing and doing the things that feed your soul then you are going to want to rebel in some way. If we don’t get play in a healthy way then we indulge and procrastinate, all the things which move us away from our self-care practices. If you know what to do in terms of self-care but you are just not doing it, then you will relate to today’s caller Helen. Helen is wondering why she’s not doing the things that are good for her. She goes through spurts but then she gets busy and goes back to old coping mechanisms. We are able to change our state at any time but it takes focus, some intention and a willingness to get into a different mindset and heart set. When we start making decisions with our intuition and not with our head, we can consider our options and then “feel” into them to help decide which is the most fun! If it has been a while since you’ve played and you feel a refresher course is needed listen to this week’s Coaches Corner as I speak to my friend Charlie. Charlie specializes in teaching us how to love and how to play.  Also, I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities. And, consider my Secret Sauce event for people who want to uncover their unique secret sauce and up level their business, start a new business or make a career transition.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you feeling stuck or blocked with regards to your self-care? Do you know you “should” but don’t seem to do it? ● Do you have a community of like-minded people you are connected to? Are you getting your soul fed? ● Do you make decisions with your head or your heart? ● Do you know how to play in a way which takes your mind off of everything else? When was the last time you actually played?   Helen’s Question: Helen wants to know why she can’t seem to do the things she knows are good for her.    Helen’s Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She doesn’t feed her soul enough ● She is experiencing an Expectation Hangover about her new endeavors ● She needs some connection and play   How to get over it and on with it: ● She should make decisions with her intuition and not her head ● She should then follow through with the decision her heart makes ● She needs to feed her soul and add more play in her life   Tools and Takeaways: ● Listen to the How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself podcast again.  ● Be diligent about connecting with your spiritual, like-minded tribe. And, remember to drop your guard so that you can be truly seen. ● When it comes to decision making, go with what FEELS like it will provide you the most soul food. Make a decision with your heart and then go with it.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind

May 15, 2016

This is a special edition of coaches corner where I feature JILL who you’ve heard me mention a lot on the show.  Jill has worked with me for six years and is someone who has so much MOJO.  Learn how she keeps her optimistic attitude, upgraded people pleasing tendencies, and keeps moving forward even when she gets “no’s.” I’m so happy to share her with you - listen in for lots of inspiration!!

May 11, 2016

We live in a world which is far too dependent on external stimuli. We want something outside of us to come along and make us feel a certain way or to create certain results in our lives.  We celebrate outcome far more than process. And, while external results are great, the key is to increase our joy and our passion is through the process.  Stop waiting for something to happen to start living your heartfelt desires. No one else is going to come along and grant all your wishes. If you are a musician, sing or play your instrument every day. If you are an artist, draw or paint every day. If you are a writer, write every day. If you are a coach, find someone to connect with and serve every day. Whatever that thing is you want to be, do it now. It doesn’t matter if the form isn’t exactly as big or in the exact package that you want, you can express the joy every day or at least every week. The same goes for waiting for someone else. You cannot wait for a person to come along to make you feel a certain way. If you are single and are longing for a romantic partner to feel love and connection, you need to generate those feelings inside yourself. Have an open and full heart instead of being down in the dumps and thinking something is missing. Remember that we are the source of everything in our life. We do not have 100% control over external events but we do have a choice over how we want to feel. You are the source. In today’s call with Melissa, we dive into how she can get her mojo back and how she can get and stay motivated by doing or creating something every day to help her connect with the joy of the process. Thank you all so much for listening to this podcast and as my way of saying thank you, I’m gifting you my eBook titled 32 Days to Uplevel Your Mind and Uplift Your Heart. Click on the link to download it for free. Also, I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities. And consider my Secret Sauce event for people who want to uncover their unique secret sauce and up level their business, start a new business or make a career transition.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you struggling with your mojo or having a hard time getting motivated? ● Are you waiting for some external thing or person to grant your wishes or make you feel a certain way? ● Are you more attached to results and not enjoying the process of your life? ● Is there someone you feel obligated to please by having amazing answers to their questions about your dreams, career or love life?   Melissa’s Question: Melissa wants to get her mojo and confidence back regarding her acting career.   Melissa’s Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She may be experiencing adultolescence ● She’s looking for something external to re-ignite her mojo ● She can make her vision clearer ● She teaches people how to treat her by her responses to their questions ● Honoring herself will help get her mojo back   How to get over it and on with it: ● She can direct her life more instead of waiting for things to happen to her ● She needs to generate inspiration from inside herself ● She can try to create opportunities to connect with other people ● She can start creating her own content and do it every day ● She should honor her choices and stand by them   Tools and Takeaways: ● Write down or act out the times in your life when you had mojo and use it as a reference point to connect back to the feeling. ● Act the part and create the feelings you want to feel every day. ● Practice responding in a different way to those people who make you feel pressure. Be congruent in your own self-acceptance.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler 32 Days to Uplevel Your Mind and Uplift Your Heart - Free Ebook for Podcast Listeners @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind

May 7, 2016

Our guest coach is Kute Blackson who talks about how we find our ultimate soulmate and the true purpose of relationship. Kute Blackson is an utterly unique visionary in the world of human potential. Unlike those who promise to simply help people “get” what they want, Kute’s life work instead reveals to people what they have to give, by liberating who they are most truly and deeply. The focus: Freedom. At 8 years old, Kute began speaking in front of thousands of people at his father’s churches. At 14 years of age, he was ordained as a minister, given the mandate to take over a spiritual organization spanning 300 churches. At age 18, through a series of spiritual awakenings, he left everything behind. His entire life has been dedicated to understanding who we are, what we’re here for, what makes us truly happy and how we can achieve our highest potential. World renowned for creating revolutionary results and a world-shift in consciousness, Kute is widely known as a transformational facilitator, speaker, and leader. Today, the venue for his message may be one-on-one, a vast stadium setting, experiential seminars, and transformational travel intensives all of over the world.  And his uniquely inspiring cutting edge videos have reached millions of people worldwide. Kute works with clients from all walks of life, ranging from billionaires, celebrities, entrepreneurs, circus performers, politicians, mothers and children in over 20 countries, and for the past 14 years has been a trusted advisor and coach to CEO’s and world leaders.  Acclaimed worldwide for his life changing, one of a kind, transformational experiences, he is considered one of the leading voices in the fields of transformation and spirituality.  Kute’s debut book, “You.Are.The.One.” will be released through Simon and Schuster in June 2016. Colored with experiences from his own incredible journey, “You.Are.The.One.” will show readers how to unlock their true potential and live a life they love, through love.   Kute is an inspiring modern day spiritual teacher and a bold voice for a new generation.

May 4, 2016

How are you at making a choice? Do you suffer from analysis by paralysis? Often, we are so obsessed with making the wrong choice we find ourselves paralyzed in the limbo of indecision, which can be hell. Even those big leaps of faith decisions which include a high degree of uncertainty need resolution. You cannot choose wrong, so I encourage you to JUST choose. The only way we get support from the universe is if we take a step and make a decision. You must be 100% all in to get its support. Today’s caller Cecilia wants permission to make a decision. She has allowed logistics to block any action she is considering and she is overwhelmed with the “how’s” and hasn’t fully examined the “what if’s”.  Remember, it’s never too late to go for your dreams. My Why Going for Your Dreams Matters Most...No Matter What podcast addresses how to move past fear and doubt to hear your inner voice. Coaches take note - I wanted to get Cecilia out of her head and more into her feelings. I knew talking through her issue wasn’t going to get her anywhere. So, I set up 2 situations, I painted a picture and laid out what the outcomes would be if she chose option A, and I did the same for option B. Then I allowed her intuition to choose the outcome. I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities. And, consider my Secret Sauce event for people who want to uncover their unique secret sauce and up-level their business, start a new business or make a career transition.   Consider/Ask Yourself: Is there a decision you are having a hard time making? Are you living in limbo land as you analyze the decision you have to make? Are you waiting for permission to do something you know in your heart you want to do? Do you collect evidence that supports your dreams or supports your fears?    Cecilia’s Question: Cecilia would like to know if her longing to be somewhere else, is the universe calling her to go there or if she has glamorized a moment in time.   Cecilia’s Key Insights and Aha’s: She feels relieved when someone gives her permission She knows she runs away from things She’s living in limbo land She’s not resisting the push towards making a clear choice She doesn’t have a lot to lose   How to get over it and on with it: She should answer her what if’s She should get aligned and behind one decision She should project 20 years in the future to see if she regrets her inaction Understand the universe will support her and the decision she makes   Tools and Takeaways: Get 2 sheets of paper and write one choice on one of the sheets and one choice on the other sheet. Then step forward using your intuition onto both sheets of paper at different times to see how your body reacts. This provides incredible feedback. Give yourself permission to choose and permission to take a leap. Listen to my Coaches Corner on How to Get Over Feeling Lonely.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Expectation Hangover @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind

Apr 30, 2016

In this episode Christine explains why people pleasing is unhealthy and waste of your precious time and energy.  Learn how to stop the selfish, yes selfish!, pattern of people pleasing and be self honoring instead!!

Apr 27, 2016

People pleasing will not get you the kind of love you long for. Why? Well, when you are putting other people’s needs before your own, you are not being honest. You are not showing up authentically. People pleasing can range in severity from caring about what people think to being a doormat. In my view, no degree of people pleasing is a good thing and being a complete doormat is dangerous. Think of a doormat after being used over and over. This is what happens to your spirit and your spark if you allow people to walk all over you. Your light starts to dim. You start to fade and you start to wear down.    The Importance of Connection When Going Through a Loss We are not meant to grieve alone.  One of the most healthy aspects of grieving is having support. You may find it hard to ask for help but you are giving another person a gift when you are vulnerable with them. Do not suffer in silence and solitude. The things that help the most are often the hardest to do. During difficult times, we need to do the hard things to get to the healing place we long for.  Today’s caller Shaun called in for some guidance while going through his divorce. He may be putting himself last and has a habit of people pleasing which is making his divorce harder. Don’t lose sight of yourself during a loss. I encourage you to be honest with yourself about your people pleasing patterns. Coaches take note - I try to stay as clear and neutral as I possibly can, but during some calls, like this one, I slip from empathy to sympathy. I found myself being protective of Shaun and judgmental of the situation. I then moved back to neutrality which allowed me to guide Shaun appropriately. I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities or to join me in Los Angeles in July for my signature retreat.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you going through a loss right now and feel disconnected? ● Do you relate to being a people pleaser or a doormat?  ● Are you concerned about what people think of you and often put others’ needs and opinions in front of your own? ● Is there someone in your life you need to draw some boundaries with? ● Do you have a solid support system of people or just one person you can turn to who will listen when you are going through something challenging?   Shaun’s Question: Shaun would like to know how to get un-stuck after being blindsided by a breakup from a 15-year marriage. He wants advice on how to move past the situation.   Shaun’s Key Insights and Aha’s: ● He has a pattern of taking care of others at his own expense. ● He may be losing his identity. ● He doesn’t have a social circle for support. ● He should reach out to new people and ask for help.    How to get over it and on with it: ● He should step into his power and his strength and put himself first. ● He should meet new people and join new groups. ● He has the opportunity to gain healthy friendships.   Tools and Takeaways: ● Be honest and look at the ways your people pleasing could be depleting you, blocking intimacy and potentially building resentment. ● Listen to this week’s Coaches Corner for additional tips. ● Reach out to people, ask for support or just ask them to listen. ● Write down one thing which will help you the most but may be hard for you to do.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Expectation Hangover @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram

Apr 23, 2016

In this episode of Coaches Corner, psychotherapist and transformation coach Terri Cole teaches us: why suppressing emotions is bad for us, what “transference” is, and how to express our true emotions (even anger) to people in our personal and professional lives.  Check out Terri's original podcast, Hello Freedom here: And take her LOVE survey here: Http://

Apr 20, 2016

Do you exhibit a type of behavior or personality trait you don’t necessarily love about yourself? It could be moodiness or it could be being extremely judgemental or it could be an emotional state you have a tendency to default to like sadness, worry, anger or fear. Women often have a difficult time dealing with anger because we have not been encouraged to express it. We may default to sadness which limits us from reaching our passion and our fire. We suppress our emotions and any big emotion we suppress will eventually leak. Anger becomes irritability, sadness becomes depression and shame comes out as insecurity. Suppressed emotions can also lead to physical ailments. It is not healthy to suppress our emotions. Today’s caller Monica acknowledges her own moodiness and is wondering if it is something she can change or if it’s a fixed personality trait. She suppresses her anger and doesn’t speak her truth. If there is something about you that does not feel good to you, like moodiness, you can change it. You just need to uncover why it’s there in the first place. Moodiness can be a messenger that you may be suppressing pent up anger and frustration. It is liberating to express your anger and be free of the moodiness. I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities or to join me in Los Angeles in July for my signature retreat.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Is there something about you that you would like to change? Is it an inherent part of your personality or do you believe you can change it? Are you willing to do the work to change it? ● Do you experience times when you are irritable or snap at someone? How do you express your anger? ● Do you feel self-expressed? Do you fully feel your feelings?   Monica’s Question: Monica recognizes she is a moody person and would like to know if she is able to shift out of it or if it is part of her personality.   Monica’s Key Insights and Aha’s: ● Her moodiness stems from suppressing her anger  ● When she speaks her truth she feels shut down ● She has trouble expressing herself  ● She doesn’t like conflict ● She becomes the victim, as a coping strategy   How to get over it and on with it: ● Realize her irritability and bluntness are actually inner anger leaking out ● She should do the Temper Tantrum technique and 32 days of the Release Writing technique, which are in her copy of Expectation Hangover ● She should step away from the conversation and get her anger out, on her own   Tools and Takeaways: ● Identify the ways you may be leaking. Know where you are suppressing and how you may be expressing it in other ways.    ● If you sense you may have anger you have yet to acknowledge, start Release Writing. ● Work through the emotional section of Expectation Hangover, in particular, the Adult Temper Tantrum and Release Writing techniques. ● Speak your truth and process your raw feelings to eliminate suppression.    Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Expectation Hangover @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram

Apr 16, 2016

Dream University’s CEO, Marcia Wieder is a long established thought leader on visionary thinking and as Founder of The Meaning Institute, she teaches people to create and live fulfilling lives.  Listen in as she coaches you through the “CBA’s” of going after your dreams and making them happen!

Apr 13, 2016

We all, especially women, have struggled with body image, at least one time in our lives. The media and society at large do not make having a healthy body image easy. I want to highlight the fact that if we took all the mental energy people spend on thinking about, obsessing over and criticizing their bodies, and shifted it into thinking about how we could serve the world, change the world and solve big problems, imagine how different the world would be. If you are expending a lot of your own mental energy focusing on how you look rather than on how you feel and what you want to contribute, consider re-directing it.  In my 20’s I was never diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia but I definitely would say I had body image issues. I possibly had body dysmorphia, which is when your obsession with how you look and what you eat gets in the way of your happiness and your ability to connect. I don’t think I saw myself accurately. I was working as a personal trainer and nutritionist, so I was super obsessed about what I ate and I possibly had exercise bulimia too. If I ate “bad”, I would be driven to tears with guilt. This went on for a few years until some major things shifted. It finally subsided when I committed to the type of personal and spiritual growth work I teach on this show. I focused more on working out and body image than I did on really diving in and doing the work. I also dealt with feeling out of control in my life. I had left my job and I didn’t know what I wanted to do in my life. I had a huge expectation hangover in terms of where I thought I “should be”. I had so much uncertainty. That is when I started a meditation practice and that really helps me to feel more settled and more present. The out of control feeling comes from when our mind is just going and going and we are future tripping all the time. That led me to create a much stronger spiritual practice and relationship with God. I was so self-obsessed I felt very, very separate. I didn’t have a strong spiritual connection to begin with but the more I leaned into it, the more I talked to God and read spiritual books, the more the connection deepened. I got a purpose which was bigger than me. I got clear on what I was truly hungry for. I was hungry to serve. I was hungry to learn. I was hungry for spiritual connection. When I started to feed myself with what I was truly hungry for, the obsession with food, diet, exercise and body began to melt away. Any disorder, addiction or illness is there to get our attention. It is an indicator that there are unresolved issues we are working hard to suppress. It’s a red flag that we are craving something and we are trying to feed ourselves through whatever the addiction and disorders are. These disorders reinforce the pain of separation. When we do things that are dangerous, even hurtful to our well-being, it’s a cry out for God, for remembrance, for the awareness that we are so loved, whole and complete exactly as we are.  Today’s caller, Anne, has been in and out of therapy for her eating disorder so I took a different approach with her. We worked on healing her bulimia with love.  I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. I E-mail for information on how to join the festivities or to join me in Los Angeles in July for my signature retreat.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you so obsessed with your body that it affects your emotional stability, everyday decisions or relationships? ● Have you gone through treatment for a disorder but just can’t seem to be free of it? ● Are you aware of what you need to do to heal but cannot seem to integrate it?   Anne’s Question: Anne has been struggling with bulimia for over 12 years. She has informed herself about how to get better but can’t seem to take the necessary steps to free herself from its grip.   Anne’s Key Insights and Aha’s: ● Her bulimia is a coping mechanism ● She felt insecure while growing up ● She is trying to get to self-acceptance by not accepting the bulimia ● She doesn’t know how to get by without her bulimia ● She doesn’t feel lovable   How to get over it and on with it: ● Realize her bulimia has had a higher purpose in helping her to get love ● She may try to fully accept it and heal it with love ● Tell her bulimia it has a new job description ● She needs something to take the place of her disorder   Tools and Takeaways: ● If you realize you have an eating disorder or body image issue, please reach out for support. ● Don’t judge your issue, be honest towards it and heal it with love. ● Write a letter of gratitude and appreciation towards what you would like to release. ● Set up two chairs and talk to your disorder, asking it what it needs and how it serves you. ● Don’t go into hopeless/helpless state, believing this disorder is yours to carry for the rest of your life.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Expectation Hangover @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram

Apr 9, 2016

Sometimes the experience of loneliness can feel so painful that connection seems almost impossible.  If that feels true for you, here is a four-step process you can use to support yourself in relieving feeling lonely.

Apr 7, 2016

There is a difference between being alone and feeling the pain of loneliness. We do not have to suffer from the pain of loneliness if we are enjoying a connected relationship with our self and a higher power. We are never really alone, and the illusion of the separation of God, higher power source or universe, is one of the core misunderstandings we are all here to overcome. If we tell ourselves things like “I’m alone, I hate being by myself, something must be wrong with me, I really need to be with other people”, then, of course we feel the pain of loneliness. It’s very human to want to be connected and to make sure we are getting our soul food by spending time with people we love. Feeling isolated or disconnected is incredibly hard. But sometimes it is the pain of loneliness that inspires us to do the work to nurture a better relationship with our self, or to create or deepen a spiritual connection.    This is exactly what is on the soul agenda for today’s caller, Christina. Her question initially is about the assumptions she’s making that are sabotaging her relationship, but her core issue is fear of being alone. She has a track record of being in toxic relationships or relationships she truly doesn’t want to be in just because it was better than being on her own. Remember you are never truly alone. You are always connected to infinite and unconditional love from God. I invite all of you to join me September 16-22 for my retreat in magical Bali which  will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities or to join me in Los Angeles in July for my signature retreat.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Is your fear of being alone so considerable that you jump from relationship to relationship? ● Do you hesitate to do things alone? ● Are you terrified you will end up old and alone? ● Do you only feel safe when you are with another person? ● Are you longing for a deeper connection to yourself and a higher power so you do not have to experience the pain of loneliness or separation?   Christina’s Question: Christina feels she is sabotaging her relationship by assuming this partner will do the same things as her previous partner.   Christina’s Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She panics when she thinks of being alone ● She is trying to learn how to be in a relationship with herself ● She grew up with a fear of losing the people she loved ● She settles in relationships to keep herself from being alone   How to get over it and on with it: ● Redefine what being alone is ● Create a feeling of safety without having someone else there ● Have honest communication with her partner about taking a break ● Bring a spiritual practice into her life ● Apply her own calming tactics into her own life   Tools and Takeaways: ● Understand your default pattern when you feel lonely. What can you tell yourself instead of going into your default pattern?  ● Think of someone you speak highly of and then talk about yourself the same way. You deserve to be the recipient of loving, self-talk. ● Cultivate a spiritual practice. ● Make connections with soul friends and your soul family.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Expectation Hangover @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram

Apr 2, 2016

Wouldn’t you love to bring in more of what you want in your life without working so hard at it? If the answer is yes, then I think you will really love the practice I have for you today that is one of the biggest secrets to my success. In this episode of coaches corner I share a practice that has led to the manifestation of few of the things that have been integral to the growth of my business.

Mar 30, 2016

Our dreams come from our inner wisdom and our wants come from our ego. We all have things that happen in our lives, which create fear, uncertainty, doubt and self-limiting beliefs. Often, we try to ease the pain of those things by chasing after something. For example, if you are really hard on yourself, then you may spend a lot of time wanting someone else to love you. You have a high want for a romantic relationship or you have a parent who was really hard on you or only validated you for your accomplishments, and you may have grown up with the feeling of unworthiness and high want for money and success. Ego-based wants come from feeling ‘less than’, and then searching for something or someone to fill the void. These kinds of wants are not coming from an authentic place, because at the authentic self-level we know that absolutely nothing is missing. The want is coming from our ego. When we obtain our ego-based wants, they only give us a temporary sense of satisfaction. They do not cure the deep longing we feel for worthiness, belonging and love. How do we know something we are longing for is not an ego-based desire but a true dream we must pursue? It comes down to the feeling of longing, which we feel in our heart, not in our head. Our dreams are a psychic prediction of what is coming; we feel a deep longing to experience something because we know that on some level, it is our destiny.  We can’t always control the form and timing of it and that is where suffering can come in.  It is imperative we pursue our dreams on the level of essence, not form; and we focus on the feelings we long to feel rather than try to make it happen or get attached to how we think it should happen. An example of this is, perhaps you feel a longing to make an impact on the world. You feel a deep desire in your heart, which is almost painful when you feel you are not doing it right now. Instead of trying to figure out what business to start to make a difference, focus instead on the feelings you want to feel and then begin to take aligned actions in that direction. Set the intention every day to be of service and ask to be used as an instrument of impact. Look for the simple ways to make an impact right now. When it comes to dreams, waiting is not a good idea. Take action now to move you in the direction of how you want to feel and what you want to experience. The biggest roadblock to going after dreams is fear. Nothing silences the voice of your inner wisdom more than doubt and fear. Honor your dreams and stop being so scared.  Today’s caller, Anya is scared and feels guilty about wanting to go after her dream because it was not her original plan. I invite all of you to join me in September 16-22 for my retreat in Bali will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the finest conversations with like-minded women. I will also be available for personal sessions. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities or to join me in July for my signature retreat.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Do you know what your dreams are? Are you terrified to go after them? ● Do you feel stuck because you do not know how to turn your dreams and longings into actual steps? ● Are you concerned that if you don’t go after your dreams soon you will spend the rest of your life regretting it?   Anya’s Question: Anya has been feeling lost because she is passionate about acting but she is afraid to follow her dream.   Anya’s Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She feels the pressure of the expectations others have of her ● She is embarrassed that her dream is different than her education ● She needs to take the first step   How to get over it and on with it: ● She can give herself permission to stand for her dreams ● She should communicate her dream to others ● She needs to take the first step ● She should write a list of all the reasons acting is important to her   Tools and Takeaways: ● Give yourself permission to pursue your dreams ● Write down a list of reasons why your dreams have value and are safe to explore ● Change or update your story to include what matters most to you ● Get fully behind your dreams with intention   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (Including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Expectation Hangover 20 Something Manifesto @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram

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