
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: May, 2016
May 28, 2016

Kathryn talks to us about being yourself despite anyone else’s expectations or your own fears.  She is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher and author known for her accessibility, humor, and ability to empower her students through her message, “aim true.” She is a warrior for self-acceptance, honesty, and helping her students and readers find true balance.   The Kansas native graduated from the University of Virginia with a double degree in English and Drama before moving to Los Angeles, where she trained under the tutelage of Maty Ezraty  and Chuck Miller. With over a decade of experience in her field, she is the yoga contributor to Women’s Health magazine, writes weekly for Yoga Journal, and serves on the Yahoo! Health advisory board as well as contributing regular recipes. She’s a sponsored athlete in Under Armour’s “I WILL WHAT I WANT” campaign, an ambassador for Ford’s “Warriors in Pink,” and the founder of her animal project, Poses for Paws. She is the creator of the Aim True Yoga DVD  produced by Gaiam, author of The Women’s Health Big Book of Yoga, and recently released her second book, Aim True, on March 29th through William Morrow; an imprint of Harper Collins.   Get her book and connect: Practice yoga with Kathryn here:

May 25, 2016

Most of you can relate to feeling a bit nervous or awkward at times. Maybe it’s around someone you are crushing on, when you have to speak in front of your boss or even when you are attempting to be cool with your teenage kids.  Feeling self-conscious is the worst. And not just because of the knots in your stomach, the sweating, the saying of the things we judge as totally lame right after they come out of our mouth. What is worse is that we are not showing up as fully ourselves. Whenever we are openly attached to hoping someone else likes us or accepts us, we often do the exact opposite of what we need to do in that moment. We judge ourselves rather than accept ourselves. Then we show up in ways that are not authentic to who we are and that is awkward and uncomfortable. Attachment is thinking we need to be a certain way to get what we want from another person. We put on masks, we judge ourselves and we edit everything that comes out of our mouth. The higher the emotional stakes are the more suppressed we can become. In today’s coaching session with Kristen, we explore why she is not fully herself in romantic relationships. Self-consciousness is not just painful to feel, it also doesn’t bring us the connections we long for.  First, it’s all about what you are telling yourself inside your head. Second, you start future tripping which detaches you from your intuition. Finally, being attached to the outcome, you are trying to adapt to who you think you need to be rather than just being you. The cure for self-consciousness is radical self-acceptance. I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali, which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities. And, consider my Secret Sauce event for people who want to uncover their unique secret sauce and uplevel their business, start a new business or make a career transition.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● What situations do you feel self-conscious in? ● What do you really want when interacting with others? Validation, to be liked? ● Is there a parent or someone else you may be expecting to get nachos from when they are really a Chinese restaurant? ● Are you truly showing up in a way for others that you expect others to show up for you?   Kristen's Question: Kristen would like to know why she finds it hard to be herself around a guy she is attracted to.   Kristen's Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She is still angry over her father’s aloofness ● A father is the first male relationship a girl has ● She may be looking for acceptance and validation when dating ● Anger and judgment do not help any situation ● She should establish intimacy and trust with her dad   How to get over it and on with it: ● She’s free to be whomever she wants to be ● She should share her needs with her father ● She needs to accept people as they are if she wants to be accepted for who she is ● She is responsible for her own needs right now   Tools and Takeaways: ● Look at where your self-consciousness comes from and practice being in the present moment. ● Unresolved issues with parents can be better understood in episode #16, Why Our Parents Trigger Us So Much. ● Practice being your most authentic, quirky, nerdy self! Whoever you are, let people see you! And, see yourself through the eyes of love.    Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind

May 21, 2016

Listen up as Charlie teaches us the importance of PLAY and connection.  Charlie is the author of Play It Away: A Workaholic's Cure for Anxiety, which was called 'The cure to your stress!' by Tony Robbins. Charlie has advised leaders on the topic of mental wellness at the Pentagon, U.S. Military, and Tesla. His blog is the #1 Google result for the search "cure anxiety." He has helped dozens of authors promote their books -- including Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, and Tucker Max.

May 18, 2016

There are endless distractions in our lives. Just one glimpse of Facebook or Snapchat and the next thing you know it’s an hour later and you’ve gone down a rabbit hole. Practicing self-care is not as enticing as our phone, the TV or a glass of wine but the payoff is far, far greater. But why is self-care so hard sometimes? How come we know we “should” do things like mediation, journaling, exercise, etc but we don’t actually do them (or stick to doing them)? Because self-care can feel like punishment if we don’t have enough fun and play in our lives. Self-care activities are all solo activities, so instead of us feeling replenished after we do these self-supporting things we may feel isolated. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and as humans, we need 3 types of connections. The first connection humans need is to our higher power (insert your terminology here). The second is to ourselves and the third is to others. If you are not connecting, playing and doing the things that feed your soul then you are going to want to rebel in some way. If we don’t get play in a healthy way then we indulge and procrastinate, all the things which move us away from our self-care practices. If you know what to do in terms of self-care but you are just not doing it, then you will relate to today’s caller Helen. Helen is wondering why she’s not doing the things that are good for her. She goes through spurts but then she gets busy and goes back to old coping mechanisms. We are able to change our state at any time but it takes focus, some intention and a willingness to get into a different mindset and heart set. When we start making decisions with our intuition and not with our head, we can consider our options and then “feel” into them to help decide which is the most fun! If it has been a while since you’ve played and you feel a refresher course is needed listen to this week’s Coaches Corner as I speak to my friend Charlie. Charlie specializes in teaching us how to love and how to play.  Also, I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities. And, consider my Secret Sauce event for people who want to uncover their unique secret sauce and up level their business, start a new business or make a career transition.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you feeling stuck or blocked with regards to your self-care? Do you know you “should” but don’t seem to do it? ● Do you have a community of like-minded people you are connected to? Are you getting your soul fed? ● Do you make decisions with your head or your heart? ● Do you know how to play in a way which takes your mind off of everything else? When was the last time you actually played?   Helen’s Question: Helen wants to know why she can’t seem to do the things she knows are good for her.    Helen’s Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She doesn’t feed her soul enough ● She is experiencing an Expectation Hangover about her new endeavors ● She needs some connection and play   How to get over it and on with it: ● She should make decisions with her intuition and not her head ● She should then follow through with the decision her heart makes ● She needs to feed her soul and add more play in her life   Tools and Takeaways: ● Listen to the How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself podcast again.  ● Be diligent about connecting with your spiritual, like-minded tribe. And, remember to drop your guard so that you can be truly seen. ● When it comes to decision making, go with what FEELS like it will provide you the most soul food. Make a decision with your heart and then go with it.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind

May 15, 2016

This is a special edition of coaches corner where I feature JILL who you’ve heard me mention a lot on the show.  Jill has worked with me for six years and is someone who has so much MOJO.  Learn how she keeps her optimistic attitude, upgraded people pleasing tendencies, and keeps moving forward even when she gets “no’s.” I’m so happy to share her with you - listen in for lots of inspiration!!

May 11, 2016

We live in a world which is far too dependent on external stimuli. We want something outside of us to come along and make us feel a certain way or to create certain results in our lives.  We celebrate outcome far more than process. And, while external results are great, the key is to increase our joy and our passion is through the process.  Stop waiting for something to happen to start living your heartfelt desires. No one else is going to come along and grant all your wishes. If you are a musician, sing or play your instrument every day. If you are an artist, draw or paint every day. If you are a writer, write every day. If you are a coach, find someone to connect with and serve every day. Whatever that thing is you want to be, do it now. It doesn’t matter if the form isn’t exactly as big or in the exact package that you want, you can express the joy every day or at least every week. The same goes for waiting for someone else. You cannot wait for a person to come along to make you feel a certain way. If you are single and are longing for a romantic partner to feel love and connection, you need to generate those feelings inside yourself. Have an open and full heart instead of being down in the dumps and thinking something is missing. Remember that we are the source of everything in our life. We do not have 100% control over external events but we do have a choice over how we want to feel. You are the source. In today’s call with Melissa, we dive into how she can get her mojo back and how she can get and stay motivated by doing or creating something every day to help her connect with the joy of the process. Thank you all so much for listening to this podcast and as my way of saying thank you, I’m gifting you my eBook titled 32 Days to Uplevel Your Mind and Uplift Your Heart. Click on the link to download it for free. Also, I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities. And consider my Secret Sauce event for people who want to uncover their unique secret sauce and up level their business, start a new business or make a career transition.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you struggling with your mojo or having a hard time getting motivated? ● Are you waiting for some external thing or person to grant your wishes or make you feel a certain way? ● Are you more attached to results and not enjoying the process of your life? ● Is there someone you feel obligated to please by having amazing answers to their questions about your dreams, career or love life?   Melissa’s Question: Melissa wants to get her mojo and confidence back regarding her acting career.   Melissa’s Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She may be experiencing adultolescence ● She’s looking for something external to re-ignite her mojo ● She can make her vision clearer ● She teaches people how to treat her by her responses to their questions ● Honoring herself will help get her mojo back   How to get over it and on with it: ● She can direct her life more instead of waiting for things to happen to her ● She needs to generate inspiration from inside herself ● She can try to create opportunities to connect with other people ● She can start creating her own content and do it every day ● She should honor her choices and stand by them   Tools and Takeaways: ● Write down or act out the times in your life when you had mojo and use it as a reference point to connect back to the feeling. ● Act the part and create the feelings you want to feel every day. ● Practice responding in a different way to those people who make you feel pressure. Be congruent in your own self-acceptance.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler 32 Days to Uplevel Your Mind and Uplift Your Heart - Free Ebook for Podcast Listeners @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind

May 7, 2016

Our guest coach is Kute Blackson who talks about how we find our ultimate soulmate and the true purpose of relationship. Kute Blackson is an utterly unique visionary in the world of human potential. Unlike those who promise to simply help people “get” what they want, Kute’s life work instead reveals to people what they have to give, by liberating who they are most truly and deeply. The focus: Freedom. At 8 years old, Kute began speaking in front of thousands of people at his father’s churches. At 14 years of age, he was ordained as a minister, given the mandate to take over a spiritual organization spanning 300 churches. At age 18, through a series of spiritual awakenings, he left everything behind. His entire life has been dedicated to understanding who we are, what we’re here for, what makes us truly happy and how we can achieve our highest potential. World renowned for creating revolutionary results and a world-shift in consciousness, Kute is widely known as a transformational facilitator, speaker, and leader. Today, the venue for his message may be one-on-one, a vast stadium setting, experiential seminars, and transformational travel intensives all of over the world.  And his uniquely inspiring cutting edge videos have reached millions of people worldwide. Kute works with clients from all walks of life, ranging from billionaires, celebrities, entrepreneurs, circus performers, politicians, mothers and children in over 20 countries, and for the past 14 years has been a trusted advisor and coach to CEO’s and world leaders.  Acclaimed worldwide for his life changing, one of a kind, transformational experiences, he is considered one of the leading voices in the fields of transformation and spirituality.  Kute’s debut book, “You.Are.The.One.” will be released through Simon and Schuster in June 2016. Colored with experiences from his own incredible journey, “You.Are.The.One.” will show readers how to unlock their true potential and live a life they love, through love.   Kute is an inspiring modern day spiritual teacher and a bold voice for a new generation.

May 4, 2016

How are you at making a choice? Do you suffer from analysis by paralysis? Often, we are so obsessed with making the wrong choice we find ourselves paralyzed in the limbo of indecision, which can be hell. Even those big leaps of faith decisions which include a high degree of uncertainty need resolution. You cannot choose wrong, so I encourage you to JUST choose. The only way we get support from the universe is if we take a step and make a decision. You must be 100% all in to get its support. Today’s caller Cecilia wants permission to make a decision. She has allowed logistics to block any action she is considering and she is overwhelmed with the “how’s” and hasn’t fully examined the “what if’s”.  Remember, it’s never too late to go for your dreams. My Why Going for Your Dreams Matters Most...No Matter What podcast addresses how to move past fear and doubt to hear your inner voice. Coaches take note - I wanted to get Cecilia out of her head and more into her feelings. I knew talking through her issue wasn’t going to get her anywhere. So, I set up 2 situations, I painted a picture and laid out what the outcomes would be if she chose option A, and I did the same for option B. Then I allowed her intuition to choose the outcome. I invite all of you to join me for my retreat in magical Bali which will include meditation, yoga, one-on-one coaching and the opportunity to meet soul friends. E-mail for information on how to join the festivities. And, consider my Secret Sauce event for people who want to uncover their unique secret sauce and up-level their business, start a new business or make a career transition.   Consider/Ask Yourself: Is there a decision you are having a hard time making? Are you living in limbo land as you analyze the decision you have to make? Are you waiting for permission to do something you know in your heart you want to do? Do you collect evidence that supports your dreams or supports your fears?    Cecilia’s Question: Cecilia would like to know if her longing to be somewhere else, is the universe calling her to go there or if she has glamorized a moment in time.   Cecilia’s Key Insights and Aha’s: She feels relieved when someone gives her permission She knows she runs away from things She’s living in limbo land She’s not resisting the push towards making a clear choice She doesn’t have a lot to lose   How to get over it and on with it: She should answer her what if’s She should get aligned and behind one decision She should project 20 years in the future to see if she regrets her inaction Understand the universe will support her and the decision she makes   Tools and Takeaways: Get 2 sheets of paper and write one choice on one of the sheets and one choice on the other sheet. Then step forward using your intuition onto both sheets of paper at different times to see how your body reacts. This provides incredible feedback. Give yourself permission to choose and permission to take a leap. Listen to my Coaches Corner on How to Get Over Feeling Lonely.   Sponsor: Onnit Wellness - Receive a 10% discount on your purchase when you order through this link (including my favorite Alpha Brain).   Resources: Christine Hassler Expectation Hangover @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Secret Sauce Mastermind