
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: January, 2017
Jan 28, 2017

Christine answers emails from listeners and covers two very important topics on this episode of Coaches Corner.  The first question is about whether a young woman should stay in a job she absolutely hates.  The second question is from a man who is in a relationship where he is facing domestic violence where leaving is not so easy due to other factors. Tune in to hear all the details.   Be sure to check out one of Christine’s favorite podcast “Your Kickass Life” with Andrew Owen.

Jan 25, 2017

Today’s episode is about finding your true purpose, and how it relates to your career. Emily is longing for more confidence, and to show up more consistently in her work. She wants to feel more connected to her purpose and the people she feels called to serve. During the call, I switched roles with Emily, because when she felt like she was on the spot, her self-judgment took over, and she couldn’t get to the level of clarity she wanted to. She kept coming up with reasons why she’s not consistent and sharing scares her. Ask yourself, what are you not doing that you know you should be doing? With what are you inconsistent? Often, we are not all in, because we don’t have a big enough why. And, without a big enough why, or a big enough vision, we lack motivation and inspiration. We all have to process enough of our pain to re-orient to be pulled by a vision. If you really wanted to be doing something consistently, you would be doing it. The only true and pure purpose of life is to grow and become more aware of the love and the oneness that we are. But for most of us, that understanding is not fulfilling enough. We yearn to share and express our love in some way. And like Emily, we feel called to make a meaningful impact in the world. And, please, please, please give me some feedback. I created a special survey, just for my listeners, and I would really appreciate it if you would take 2-5 minutes to fill it out to let me know what you like about the show, and what you want to hear more of. Women with a Vision Mastermind features brilliant speakers, and will cover building a heart-based business, accessing your intuition, embracing your feminine power, and creating an action plan to drive your vision forward. May 5-8th, 2017 in N. Carolina. Early bird pricing is available until March 7th. Go here for more info: Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Is consistency an obstacle for you when it comes to taking action? ● Does striving for perfection stop you from taking action? ● Do you know what you should do, but just aren’t doing it? ● What is your why? Do you have a vision that pulls you forward?   Emily's Question: Emily is looking for guidance on how to be more open with her clients.   Emily's Key Insights and Ahas: ● She feels people won’t take her seriously. ● She is inconsistent in her business. ● She is self-absorbed and lacks a why. ● She lacks self-acceptance. ● She has unresolved pain from her past. ● She’s on a mission to figure out who she authentically is.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She needs to write out her why. ● She should commit to a consistent social media plan. ● She needs to meditate and create her ideal client avatar.   Takeaways: ● Be honest with yourself about which pains are still pushing you. ● Get clear about your why. ● Join my Inner Circle community.   Sponsor: Daily Energy — Get 30% off of Daily Energy. It’s the simplest life hack you can do for your health this year. Audible — Free audiobook download and a 30-day free trial. I highly recommend Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram - Send your questions to Christine anytime.

Jan 21, 2017

A mix and match episode of Coaches Corner this week!! Listen to me answer a listener question about using marijuana as a salve to soothe some hurts, anxiety and restlessness.  I also have a chat with Zlata Sushchik about balancing masculine / feminine energy related to our workouts and nutrition. She also takes us through a step-by-step process to feel our own version of “sexy fit” And a reminder to take the SURVEY about this podcast. I want your feedback!!!   More about Zlata here:

Jan 18, 2017

Today’s episode is about being confident in your current relationship. During this coaching session with Nicole, she tells me she is in her first serious romantic relationship, and she is afraid she is going to sabotage it. Nicole is to be acknowledged for her level of awareness and coachability during this call. It was fun to work with her to update her belief systems and to get her excited about learning how to be in a relationship. One thing we didn’t talk about was her possible “Upper Limits” issue. Nicole is getting more love and emotional availability than she ever has before, which is what she wants; she just doesn’t know what to do with it. I wanted to empower Nicole to enjoy the relationship she’s in, because it’s important to know the difference between when it’s time to go back into our past and chip away at something, and when it’s time to get over it and on with our lives. So, we worked on Nicole’s belief systems, and I allowed her to adopt a beginner’s mind. She didn’t have a healthy model for being in a romantic relationship, so I recommended she learn about what a healthy romantic relationship is. Get my guide, 6 Steps to Intuitive Decision Making, free when you check out my fresh and updated website. My Inner Circle membership community is growing quickly. It’s a place you can hang out with like-minded people, where you get access to one-on-one coaching calls, my customized, guided meditations and visualizations, and lifestyle practices. E-mail, with any questions you may have.   * There are only 2 spots left for my Women’s Spring Retreat March 10-12. Sign up today, so you don’t miss out.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Is there something in your life you are afraid of losing? ● Do you feel new at something, and feel you should just know how to do it? ● Are you aware or think you have some limiting beliefs from your past that are negatively impacting your current situation? Nicole's Question: Nicole would like to know why she feels triggered to leave romantic relationships.   Nicole's Key Insights and Ahas: ● She’s afraid of losing the things she cares about. ● She felt her parents were emotionally unavailable. ● She feels it’s better to be alone than to feel disconnected when she’s with someone. ● She gets panicked in the moment. ● She will try enjoying her relationship more.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She should reprogram her brain with her new belief system. ● When she feels panicked she should place one hand on her heart and one on her belly, and ask, “What do I need, right now?” ● She should get books to help her learn about love and relationships. ● She should have patience, get excited, and have fun.   Assignments: ● Are you having an Upper Limits issue? Check out The Big Leap, by

Gay Hendricks and listen to my Upper Limits Coaches Corner. Make a list of all the reasons you deserve the good things that are happening to you. ● Update and reframe your belief systems. Go to Byron Katie’s The Work for free worksheets. ● Have a beginner’s mind.   Sponsor: ONNIT: Get a 10% discount on your order by using this link. Freshbooks: Get a Free 30-Day Unrestricted Trial to Online Accounting Software. Enter “Over It and On With It” in the ‘How did you hear about us?’ section.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram - Send your questions to Christine anytime. David Deida Alison Armstrong Harville Hendricks

Jan 14, 2017

Christine answers caller questions from Adam and Ally. Learn about why when life gets too good. we often freak out, worry it’s going to end or accidentally sabotage it.  This is called an Upper Limits Problem.  Christine also coaches on how to get out of a victim funk, man (or woman) up and change your life.

Jan 11, 2017

Today’s episode is about moving from being single to being in a relationship. I coach Alex on uncovering fears and limiting beliefs that can keep us from being in a relationship, or anything we truly want. When we desire something, and it does not manifest in our life, we have a tendency to blame ourselves, do a spiritual bypass, or mentally obsess about what we need to change and fix about ourselves to make it manifest. Often, these strategies do not work. What does work is taking a deep and honest look at why not having what we want, is actually what we want. Consciously we want something but there is a hidden fear or limiting belief, that is creating a block. For Alex, it was her fear of rejection. Not being in a relationship feels safer for her. It doesn’t matter how much she desires something, if part of her is scared to have it, it’s hard, if not impossible, to manifest it. This is very different approach than the dating advice we often hear. A relationship is not a symbolic trophy of self-love. If you are single and want to be in a relationship, ditch the apps, the dating columns, and relationship advice for a while, and do some of the things I encouraged Alex to do. Get honest about what really scares you in having what you want. *Coaches — Notice I didn’t coach Alex into making a plan to date differently, to love herself more, or to step more into her feminine. Be willing to let go of trying to find a fix-it solution for your clients. Instead, guide them to discovering what is in their way. If your intention for the new year is to connect with a tribe of like-minded people, and to feel and act more confident, joining my Inner Circle will assist you with both. The Inner Circle is a membership community, where you get access to one-on-one coaching calls, my customized, guided meditations and visualizations, and lifestyle practices. E-mail, with any questions you may have. There are only 3 spots left for my Women’s Spring Retreat March 10-12. Sign up today, so you don’t miss out.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you craving a relationship but not having much luck with dating? ● Do feel conflicted about having a relationship? ● Do you judge yourself, or think something is wrong with you, because you are single? ● Is there anything in your life, which is not manifesting, but you don’t know why not?   Alex's Question: Alex has reached a phase in her life where she thinks she would like to be in a relationship, but is not sure why she hasn’t drawn in a romantic partner.   Alex's Key Insights and Ahas: ● She feels as if she is always pursuing dating. ● She believes she isn’t doing something correctly when it comes to dating. ● She is afraid any relationship she gets into will not be successful. ● She fears rejection. ● She knows she is a great catch but may not 100% believe it. ● She feels suffocated when she is overwhelmed by anything. ● She could be scared of herself. ● She feels with her head instead of her heart.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She needs to write out guidelines for what she wants to feel in a relationship. ● She needs to be willing to be vulnerable, and open up her heart completely. ● She should incorporate a meditation and visualization practice into her life. ● She should drop the persona she created to keep herself safe, and let herself be truly seen.   Assignments: ● Ditch the list of everything you want to attract in your life. Work instead to identify the fears that may be in your way. ● Be vulnerable. ● If there is something you want in life, but it’s not manifesting, it may be time to reach out to a coach. There are two spots open for private clients. It’s an investment of both time and money. Email for more information.   Sponsor: Daily Energy — Get 30% off of Daily Energy. It’s the simplest hack you can do for your life this year.   Resources: "Being Single is Not a Disorder" Blog Post Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram - Send your questions to Christine anytime. Christine’s BooksExpectation Hangover20 Something. 20 Everything

Jan 7, 2017

This week I answer questions related to dealing with anxiety and panic attacks and overcoming financial blocks.  To submit your question, email And exciting news! FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to / CHRISTINE and enter OVER IT AND ON WITH IT in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section

Jan 4, 2017

Today’s episode is about breakups. I coach Jackie through what she calls an earth shattering, heartbreaking breakup, but the lessons that surface during the call can be applied to any type of Expectation Hangover. After a breakup, our hearts hurt, we feel grief, and we miss the person we ended the relationship with. The way to get out of grief is not to obsess over your ex, beat yourself up, or go out looking for someone else. The way through the grief is to milk it for all it’s worth, and to see what it is bringing up for you to heal. In Jackie’s case, her breakup is an opportunity to reframe old beliefs she had around betrayal. She continued to collect evidence for the story she believed from her childhood. Jackie was basically dating her dad. She was trying to get the love, attention and approval from her boyfriend that she never received from her dad. Remember, whatever you are going through, no matter how challenging it is, remember it is happening for you, not to you. We can get stuck in the loop of pain if we are just looking at the current situation. Don’t think a relationship was a failure just because it ended. Some relationships have an expiration limit. Look for the lessons the relationship is there to teach you. Look for the reasons you brought the person into your life in the first place.   If your intention for the new year is to connect with a community of like-minded people and follow through with your meditation goals, joining my Inner Circle will assist you with both. The Inner Circle is a membership community where you get access to one-on-one coaching calls, my customized, guided meditations and visualizations, and lifestyle practices. E-mail with any questions you may have.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● If you are going through a breakup, are you willing to see the pain as a catalyst for growth? ● Are there breakups from your past you got through, but never really got over? ● Could old wounds be impacting the people you are attracting to a relationship? ● Is there someone you know is bad for you to be in a relationship with, but you find yourself going back for more?   Jackie's Question: After a recent breakup, Jackie would like to know how she can move past a relationship that was bad for her.   Jackie's Key Insights and Ahas: ● She feels people are deceptive and tricky. ● She felt lucky her ex chose her. ● She played small around her ex. ● She feels like it’s unsafe to be her, and she wasn’t good enough. ● She collected evidence to confirm her long-held beliefs. ● She longed for attention from her dad.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She should ask herself what she is learning, and why she drew this person to her. ● She should release the judgment that being vulnerable makes her messy or weak. ● She needs to confront the truth that she was the daughter of an alcoholic. ● She should go back and communicate to little Jackie. ● She should find a connection with the divine masculine. ● Write out a reality check letter to herself. ● She should attend My Signature Retreat in March 2017.   Assignments: ● Read and watch my blog and Vlog about How to Get Over a Breakup. ● Read my book Expectation Hangover. ● Take an inventory of your previous breakups, to see if you are repeating patterns in current relationships. ● Try to attend the ladies only Signature Retreat this March.   Sponsor: Freshbooks: Get a Free 30-Day Unrestricted Trial to Online Accounting Software. Enter “Over It and On With It” in the ‘How did you hear about us?’ section.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram - Send your questions to be answered on Coaches Corner.   Christine’s BooksExpectation Hangover20 Something. 20 Everything