
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: January, 2021
Jan 30, 2021
If you are feeling confused, frustrated or stuck regarding your career, this is the interview for you.  Ashley Stahl joins Christine to talk about the ways you can get clarity on your next career move, learn the 10 core skill sets that exist in the workforce and more! 

Ashley is counter-terrorism professional turned career coach and author of the book You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, Design Your Dream Career, and she's on a mission to help you step into a career you’re excited about and aligned with. She supports clients in 31 countries in discovering their best career path, upgrading their confidence and landing more job offers. Her book-- along with $2,000 worth of free courses on money mindset, getting clarity on your career, and starting your side hustle -- is available now at

Jan 27, 2021

This call is about being the change you want to see in a relationship. Today’s caller, Jasmine, would like more intimacy and connection in her marriage. We work through how the relationship dynamics have changed and the childhood wounding that may be affecting her and her husband. Whether you are in a relationship or not, if you are someone who wishes someone else would change or wish someone would be different, this is an episode you should listen to.


[For show notes go here:]


Both men and women have masculine and feminine energy in us. It is like the Yin and Yang. They go together in balance. Most of us have one energetic that sits in front of the other. The feminine yearns for presence, affection, and intimacy. The masculine energy is focused. It is responsible, but it can be in the shadow masculine if it is focused to the point that it is ignoring emotional availability.


I am making a massive generalization here, but I see women, for a while, putting more work into a relationship. Then, after learning to drop into their feminine they often expect something to change in the other person. If you decide to be more into your feminine energy, be sure to do it freely, without expectation.


When we are the invitation; when we are the change that we want to see... that is truly the only way change is created. Are you the invitation without expectation? Or, are you being the invitation because you want something to happen?


Connecting to your inner child is February’s topic for the Virtual Group Coaching Call. $20 is all it cost to connect with your inner child and other like-minded people.


Join Stefanos and me for our 3-day virtual Inner Child Workshop. It’s not about working on yourself. It's about connecting to your little one and letting go of some things you have been carrying around. We can help you bring your little one into their future, which is your present, and help them feel loved and safe. Don’t let money be an issue, we have scholarships! or email March 19-21, 2021


Do you want to make coaching your career? Join our 6-month coach training program. You will be mentored by me and three other master-level coaches. Plus you will have the opportunity to be a coach in the program moving forward. Go to


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you in a bit of a relationship rut? Has a relationship, marriage, or even a friendship been going along for years and it’s good but there’s something you would like to change?
  • Have responsibilities in your life made you grow apart from your partner?
  • Are you the more conscious one in a relationship and feel like you are constantly wanting your partner to grow or be conscious with you and they just seem to stay where they are?
  • Are you aware that the most intimate relationships in your life often trigger your childhood issues?


Jasmine’s Question:

Jasmine wants more connection and intimacy from her husband of 11 years.


Jasmine’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She has been married for 11 years.
  • She and her husband lead a busy life.
  • She would like more emotional intimacy from her husband.
  • She is doing consciousness work.
  • She has shifted the relationship dynamic.
  • She has tried initiating physical contact.
  • She has childhood wounding with regard to her father.
  • She loves small quiet moments.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Create what she wants in the relationship.
  • Acknowledge her husband more.
  • Be vulnerable to create intimacy.
  • Step into her feminine energy and be the invitation.
  • Do not try to get Dad’s love from her husband.
  • Be inspired to move toward love.
  • Download the Sacred Union process and possibly share it with her husband.


Takeaways For You:

  • Are there patterns in your relationship where you may be breeding resentment based on old stories that need to be updated?
  • Would a little bit of relationship detoxing shift your relationship to the next level?
  • If you want something to change be the invitation for it.
  • Consider joining us for our Inner Child Workshop.
  • Download our free guided Sacred Union process.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Jan 23, 2021
In this episode you'll learn why everyone (even you!!) is wired for peak performance. Steven Kotler New York Times bestselling author and peak performance expert—on a science-based approach to unleash our full potential and succeed against all odds. During a time when it’s easy to give up, Kotler teaches us how to exceed our limitations with his newest book, The Art of the Impossible.  Kotler decodes the secrets of elite performers, including top CEOs, Olympic athletes, and respected artists—many of whom his organization Flow Research Collective trains. Listen and learn the role of flow in pulling off the impossible, how to become exponentially more productive, and how to innovate in mind and matter.
Grab Steven's book here:
Learn more about him here:
Jan 20, 2021

This call is about self-acceptance and leading a fully-expressed life. Dani calls in looking for guidance on how to get out of the funk she is in. She feels unmotivated and burned out. But, as we discuss, the beautiful thing about burnout is that it is a wake-up call to tell us we are living in an unsustainable way. It is in the unknown that magical opportunities present themselves. When we plan and control everything there is little room for the universe to surprise us.


[For show notes go here:]


A lot of us are committed to personal growth. But, we must be aware of when we are working on ourselves a little too much and sometimes just let it be. Be in radical self-acceptance. Be in a place of just accepting where we are and shifting our energy into one of love and gratitude. It is the balance between not brushing stuff under the rug and living in denial but not overworking ourselves so we are always a personal growth project.


When we grew up in a house where there was a lot of uncertainty or chaos there is a frenetic energy that happens. It is constantly looking for safety and certainty. It can keep us very busy. If you relate to that, I encourage you just to stop and slow down. Because our soul, or the universe, does not give us much momentum on something when it comes from a place of lack. Sometimes we just need to stop and be with ourselves.


Join Stefanos and me for our 3-day virtual Inner Child Workshop. It's not about working on yourself. It's about connecting to your little one and letting go of some things you have been carrying around. We can help you bring your little one into their future, which is your present, and help them feel loved and safe. Don’t let money be an issue, we have scholarships! or email March 19-21, 2021


Do you want to make coaching your career? Join our 6-month coach training program. You will be mentored by me and three other master-level coaches. Plus you will have the opportunity to be a coach in the program moving forward. Go to


Dani’s Question:

Dani feels a loss of identity, burned out, and unmotivated and would like guidance on how to break free of her funk.


Dani’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She was a full-time musician who started a life coaching business last year.
  • She feels she has a block around her career.
  • Her focus on her career is a coping strategy.
  • She puts a lot of pressure on herself.
  • She wants to live a balanced life.
  • She’s done a lot of personal development work.
  • She is always searching for something and pushing herself.
  • She hasn’t felt safe in her life.
  • She has no anticipation for the future.
  • She feels uncertain.
  • She has taken many risks in her life.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Resist the habit of trying to figure everything out.
  • Embrace uncertainty.
  • Give herself the gift of feeling safe in the present moment.
  • Permit herself to just be.
  • Move out of distraction and into stillness and safety.


Takeaways For You:



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Jan 16, 2021
This episode is a hug for your mind and your heart.  Well-respected physician and educator, Dr. Nzing Harrison joins Christine to speak about how to cope with all the stress of this year, why compassion is a requirement for your brain and health, how to identify and deal with addiction or unhealthy coping strategies and SO much more.  Dr. Harrison is the Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder of Eleanor Health, a value-based provider of compassionate, comprehensive, outpatient addiction treatment. Approachable and energetic, she has been known to explain medical concepts with an ease and humor that results in her audiences developing understanding of difficult material while having a good time doing it! She has written and presented several articles and workshops on the medical aspects of addiction and other psychiatric disorders, and has consulted on the same topics both nationally and internationally. Despite the credentials, she prides herself on being a  regular ol’ person who loves regular ol’ people.  She will tell you the most important accomplishment of her life is her husband and two teenage sons. Nzinga (yes, first name basis!) is excited to embark on this podcast journey, and can’t wait to answer any and all questions you may have about addictive or other psychiatric disorders.
Learn more here:
Jan 13, 2021

This call is about breaking out of patterns and unhealthy relationships. Elizabeth calls in asking for daily mantras, actions, and tools to help her feel worthy of a loving relationship. She is struggling with enoughness. She wants to get over a “toxic” relationship from her past and truly embrace, rather than sabotage, the healthy relationship she is in now. We get to the fundamental ouch or significant life event that created the misunderstanding that perpetuates her feelings of not being enough.


[For show notes go here:]


The feeling of not-enoughness is a major human problem. Eventually, we will evolve out of this not-enoughness thinking and raise children differently so we all don’t have to have this major human epidemic. Know that by listening to this show, doing inner work, and feeding yourself the truth, you are doing your part to evolve human consciousness.


Nothing outside of you can fulfill you and nothing external comes to you until you truly know that you are worthy and enough. That being said, we live in an interdependent world. And, although we cannot look to the outside world to make us happy, it is important to feel connected to others and attract and nurture healthy relationships, no matter where we are in our journey.


The brain may confuse familiarity with love because it was wired from an early age to make love an equation. Many learn that if they act a certain way they will get love. Conditional love can feel familiar. But, worthiness is not conditional.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you struggle with not feeling enough?
  • Have you ever had a “toxic” relationship?
  • Do you doubt that the people in your life really love you and see you? Do you fear that you will not measure up in some way?
  • Is there a fierce inner critic that lives inside your head? And, even though you know you should be nicer to yourself, you can’t seem to change your self-talk?


Elizabeth’s Question:

Elizabeth is searching for some daily mantras or actions that will make her feel enough and worthy.


Elizabeth’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She is having difficulty connecting her intellect with her heart.
  • She feels not enough and that her life is pointless.
  • She verbalizes the chaos she feels in her mind.
  • She was in an eight-year “toxic” relationship.
  • She has “love” attached to feeling a certain way.
  • She has trouble quieting her inner critic.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Be in the present moment and feel her feelings.
  • Stop and breathe when her mind starts racing.
  • Realize nothing is wrong with her.
  • Forgive herself for confusing familiarity with love.
  • Give her inner critic a new job description.
  • Practice release writing when her inner critic is bratty.


Takeaways For You:

  • If you struggle with not-enoughness, when you feel it coming on, stop and think that you are hungry for the truth. And then, feed yourself some truth.
  • Watch your language and watch what you are affirming.
  • Slow down! Drop in and breathe.
  • Give things you want to shift a new job description and a new role.
  • If you want some additional help join my Personal Mastery Course
  • Join us for the Be the Queen program.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Jan 9, 2021
Christine's guest today is A'magine, a sex educator and author who guides people into sexual empowerment.  A'magine has been teaching and speaking about sexuality for over two decades, including her TEDx talk “Owning Your Sexual Power.” She is author of Woman on Fire: Nine Elements to Wake up Your Erotic Energy, Personal Power and Sexual Intelligence and co-author of the best-selling classic Lesbian Sex Secrets for Men. 


Often conversations about sexuality can push a lot of buttons - this conversation is the opposite of that! You will feel reassured, seen, and empowered with steps to have a more fulfilling sex life!
Learn more about A'magine and her programs here:
Jan 6, 2021

Do you know the value of positive thinking but just can’t seem to shift out of negative thinking? This coaching session is about expectations and shifting negative patterns. During this call, we examine Danielle’s past to understand what formed her current expectations and get to the root of why she is sabotaging herself in relationships.


[For show notes go here:]


Any habituated response, feeling, or pattern of behavior you are currently engaged in was created a long time ago and you created it for a reason. If you really want to shift something you must get curious about the origin of it.


Your expectations about what could or could not happen in your present or future life are based on what has happened in your past until you consciously choose to update them. Significant life events and/or repetitive events trigger us to form beliefs. These beliefs cause us to form expectations about life, others, and ourselves which impact our present and create our future.


And, any “negative” pattern we want to change has a payoff and usually can’t be changed overnight. That’s why it is important that we learn what the payoff is and learn how to get it in a more positive way.


While it’s important not to become a victim in your life or be stuck in your story so much so that your past becomes an excuse or scapegoat for why you don’t have what you want, it is important to acknowledge it and understand how it is impacting you.


Stefanos and I created a series of eight prescriptive breathwork and meditation tracks you can use anytime. If you order by January 15, 2021, get $30 off your purchase at when you enter code “HOLIDAY”.


Your beloved exists. Start cultivating the relationship now by signing up for the upcoming Be the Queen program. It includes live sessions and one-on-one support. Go to and read the testimonials. Starting January 24, 2021. Sign up now to get access to the bonus session on January 14th.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you a negative thinker? Do you tend to sabotage things before they even get started?
  • Is anxiety something you would like to feel less of?
  • Do you desire a healthy, loving relationship?
  • Are you the child of immigrants?


Danielle’s Question:

Danielle would like to know how to relieve herself of self-imposed anxiety and negative thinking in relationships and dating.


Danielle’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She has become comfortable with her negative thinking.
  • She creates a frenzy inside of her.
  • Her parents got divorced.
  • She has fun memories of her childhood.
  • She saw her parents fighting.
  • She feels she needs to protect herself from being caught off guard.
  • She used her negative thinking as a shield to feel safe but it also keeps love out.
  • She is always in fight-or-flight mode.
  • She is a first-generation Cuban American.
  • She found her life coach through prayer and intention.
  • She will change her inner dialogue.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Identify her negative thinking, thank it for protecting her and ask her mind to help her to determine a true statement for what is happening.
  • Consider attending the upcoming Personal Mastery Course and the Signature Retreat.
  • Work with a healer to do some energetic bodywork.
  • Cut some cords energetically.



  • Be aware of what you affirm with your thoughts.
  • Get curious about your past. What were the repetitive events or significant life events in your past that cause your expectations and how are they affecting your life now?
  • Anything you would label as negative or a pattern you want to change, identify the payoff, and find a way to get that payoff in a more positive way.
  • Always approach your growth, development, and healing with love and curiosity. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support.
  • If you resonated with a lot of what came up in this coaching session, my Personal Mastery Course would be a great next step for you.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Jan 2, 2021
This is a special, loving and timely episode. One of my dearest friends and someone I turn to frequently for intuitive guidance and reassurance, Rebecca Tait, joins me to discuss how we can process 2020 and prepare for 2021.  Bec is a gifted psychic who provides intuitive guidance to people who feel stuck or uncertain in various aspects of their personal and professional life.
You can set your own personal session with Bec here:
To get Christine's 40 day journal and to-do list, go here:
To grab your download of our Breathwork and Meditation series and get $30 off using the promo code HOLIDAY go here: