This episode is about holding space for our partners. Today’s caller, Brandon, would like guidance on how to be in the healthy space of masculine and feminine presence. It is a lovely conversation about integration and holding space when you get to a place where you feel wonderful, but your partner isn’t quite there.
[For show notes go here:]
When someone comes to us and vents, there is a desire to want to fix whatever it is. The masculine tends to want to fix. The feminine tends to want to take it on and over-empathize into sympathy or go into a caretaker role. We all have masculine and feminine energetics inside of us.
Underneath any upset is an unmet need. When we can find the need in an argument or a trigger inside ourselves, we can begin to deal with the true trigger. When we are trying to ease the trigger with talk or action, it usually doesn’t work because we are not reaching the unmet need.
Remember, everyone is on their own path. When one person gets to a place of feeling evolved like they’ve “got it” in some ways they want the other person to join them. And, wanting someone you care about to grow and evolve is great. However, judgment can creep in. When we grow and we have awareness we can get on a spiritual or personal growth soapbox. It can be unconscious, or subtle, but the other person can feel judged. The other person can feel pressure.
When you get triggered, ask yourself if your masculine comes out or your feminine. Or, can you be in the healthy space of masculine and feminine presence, where the masculine part of you welcomes it, holds space, and asks it what it needs and the feminine part has massive compassion and nurtures you?
Join us for our virtual Relationship Retreat on June 11‒13, 2021. It will be recorded if you can’t make it live. Go to We will discuss masculine and feminine energy, polarity, and the duality of all things. Couples and singles are welcome.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Brandon’s Question:
Brandon would like assistance with integrating some learnings into his relationship.
Brandon’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram
@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services.
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Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist and global relationship and empowerment expert.
For over two decades, Terri has worked with a diverse group of clients that includes everyone from stay-at-home moms to celebrities and Fortune 500 CEOs.
She has a gift for making complex psychological concepts accessible and actionable so that clients and students achieve sustainable change.
She inspires over 250,000 people weekly through her blog, social media platform, signature courses, and her popular podcast, The Terri Cole Show.
To get your copy of the book and the free gifts from Terri, go to
This episode is about loving your big feelings and emotions. Today’s caller, Beth, wants to feel comfortable in her skin. In her childhood home, her gift of being an empath became a liability. Whoever is the most open, the most sensitive one in a family often absorbs everyone else's feelings. Beth would like guidance on how to keep her heart open but not feel overwhelmed by her feelings.
[For show notes go here:]
In today's world, it's often hard to keep our hearts open. So many people are numb, or shut down from feeling, or are scared to feel the “negative” feelings like sadness and anger, or have built walls and around their hearts and wear masks every day. When we are empathic and live among people who suppress, we feel it all.
Oftentimes, what makes an empath’s heart hurt is feeling sympathy or sorry. It is feeling someone else's pain and suffering so much so that we feel bad for them. It is a judgment. When we are in sympathy we are judging.
The truth is none of us want to be blissfully ignorant. Ignorance really isn’t bliss. We may think it is and think back to a time when maybe we weren’t so awake and aware and romanticize it, thinking maybe it was better, but it really isn’t. We are here to evolve. We are here to awaken. And although it comes with many challenges, going back into being asleep is not an option.
Feelings are part of our life force and tears are not bad. Celebrate yourself.
Join us for our Love and Relationship Group Coaching Call on April 22 at 5 pm Central. It will be recorded if you can’t make it. Go to It’s $20. We will discuss masculine and feminine energy, polarity, and the duality of all things.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Beth’s Question:
Beth would like guidance on how to be more self-aware.
Beth’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram
@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services.
Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show
Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.
This episode is about calming an anxious or hypervigilant mind. Today’s caller, Demi, has a pattern of obsessive-compulsive thinking, anxiety, and a worst-case scenario mindset. She would like guidance on how to calm her mind and be more compassionate with herself. It is a very human trait to worry and have anxiety, especially for people who grew up in a chaotic home.
[For show notes go here:]
One of the ways we can deal with hypervigilance or anxiety is by witnessing it. It is important we do our best not to make it wrong and accept it. The moment we realize it is not us, the moment we recognize it as OCD, our inner critic, or when we can name it, it gives us a sense of control. It makes it feel as if it is not a runaway train. That’s how we begin to calm down.
The pattern of not being able to relax but also feeling like you are not doing enough is caused by the emotion underneath the hypervigilance we don’t want to feel. And, with hypervigilance comes increased sensitivity. Increased sensitivity usually means more connection to intuition, compassion, and empathy.
People who grew up in a chaotic home may have a hard time relaxing because often, that was the calm before the storm. Having an emotional release with no judgment is an important part of working with this.
If you know someone who isn’t able to calm down or “just not think” about something it is important to have sensitivity and compassion for them because it can be maddening for the person dealing with anxiety or OCD to be told to calm down when the pattern is playing out.
Join us for our Love and Relationship Group Coaching Call on April 22 at 5 pm Central. It will be recorded if you can’t make it. Go to It’s $20. We will discuss masculine and feminine energy, polarity, and the duality of all things.
Email to get on the early bird list for our upcoming Relationship Retreat.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Demi’s Question:
Demi has struggled with overthinking and FOMO since her teen years and would like guidance on how to calm herself.
Demi’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram
@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services.
Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show
Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.
This episode is about letting go of patterns and relationships that no longer serve you. Today’s caller, Barbara, has a pattern of staying in things long after they are dead, long after the signs say something is no longer in alignment with her life, or it is depleting her life in some way. The pattern of trying to breathe new life into something already dead is a waste of a precious life force. If you can relate to holding on to things for too long or staying in relationships after their expiration date has expired, this episode is for you.
[For show notes go here:]
Being able to nurture and be empathetic and feel what others are going through is a gift. Gifts usually come with a learning opportunity. The gift of being incredibly caring and empathic comes with the learning opportunity of boundaries, of not loving or caring for another so much that we lose sight of ourselves.
If you want to step into your gifts as a healer, empath, teacher, or true caregiver without depleting yourself, for your gifts to flourish you have to break the pattern of giving to dead ends. Break the pattern of giving so much you deplete yourself of your energy, self-care, self-worth, and self-love. Break the cycle of giving to dead ends, nourish your gifts, and use them in a way they can be fully received.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Barbara’s Question:
Barbara is questioning staying in her current relationship.
Barbara’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram
@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services.
Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show
Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.
Stef (Christine's husband) is back on the podcast to talk with me about the common challenges we see couples face and how to overcome them. We will also be hosting a virtual relationship retreat in June, go to to get on the early bird list for discounts and details.