
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: November, 2021
Nov 27, 2021
We cover so much ground in this episode about diet, metabolism, hormones and overall health.

Dr. Jade Teta is an integrative physician, author and expert in the realm of natural health, fitness, metabolism and self-development. He spent the last 25 years immersed in the study of strength and conditioning, hormonal metabolism and the psychology of change and success. He has written five books on metabolism, and coauthored the exercise and sports nutrition chapters, of The Textbook Of Natural Medicine.

Dr. Teta runs both, Jade Teta,LLC and Next Level Human Inc., that combine his medical and fitness knowledge with his expertise in self-development and mindset change.  He writes and lectures extensively on the subjects of lifestyle medicine, natural health, and mindset change to both healthcare professionals and the public. His latest book is a daily meditation on making life changes and based on his 6 Powers.  Human 365 is available on Amazon.

Nov 24, 2021

This episode is about breaking a pattern. Today’s caller, Aimee, wants to end a relationship but keeps going back for more. She has a lot of awareness about why it isn’t healthy but she hasn’t taken the action to end it for good. We work through how she can find clarity and commit to her truth.


[For show notes, go here:]


When we don’t feel integrated, when all of our parts are not working in harmony, or we have parts of ourselves we have abandoned, we can feel fragmented, off-balance, and lost. If you ever feel lost, ask yourself — what parts of me have I lost versus why am I lost or why do I feel lost? — then, think about what parts of yourself you need to bring back in and integrate.


We can get caught in a bind and judgmental of ourselves when our adult brain, our conscious mind is like — this is a terrible situation. Why am I here? We can’t seem to get out of it or we get out of the situation and we go back for more. It is because the subconscious is looking for an unmet need.


Healing comes when we give ourselves what we need, take action, and keep our promises to ourselves. Remember, feeling relief is an indicator that we are on our way to the truth.


Do you want to call in a healthy relationship and break patterns when it comes to dating and men? To start your journey and create an epic relationship, on November 30th, Stefanos and I will facilitate our last Be the Queen program for a while. Go to to apply.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Is there a situation you are in, a behavior you repeat, or a relationship you know needs to end but you just can’t seem to get out of it?
  • Do you find yourself calling something love or calling a relationship healthy or calling a situation okay but it isn’t? It is just familiar.
  • Are you confusing true love and safety with familiarity and certainty?
  • Are you abandoning your inner child by continuing to put yourself in situations that aren’t for your highest good?


Aimee’s Question:

Aimee doesn’t know how to end her relationship of 11 years. She keeps going back and putting her needs aside.


Aimee’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • Her relationship is not loving, it is familiar.
  • Her relationship doesn’t meet her needs.
  • She feels disconnected and lost.
  • As a child, she felt she had to earn her mother’s love.
  • She has chronic trauma and doesn’t feel safe.
  • She is ready to break her pattern of going back but feels guilty.
  • She knows she will never be loved by her mother the way she wants.
  • She doesn’t want to be in this relationship.
  • She cannot tend to her inner child if she goes back to the unhealthy relationship.
  • She finds it hard to get out of her head.
  • She is scared to show her true self.
  • It is time for her to receive.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Let her inner child grieve the pain for the love she didn’t get from her mother.
  • Connect and commit to her inner child.
  • Leave the relationship and get professional support.
  • Stay committed and strong when she feels guilty.
  • Write a letter or record the promises she is making to herself.



  • If you have a pattern you can’t seem to quit, ask yourself if it is what you think it is.
  • If you need help connecting to your inner child, listen to the Inner Child Workshop at



STORYWORTH is an online service that offers a unique gift. Storyworth helps your family share stories through thought-provoking questions about their memories and personal thoughts. Storyworth has helped numerous families learn about each other in profound and special ways. After a year, Storyworth compiles stories and pictures in a keepsake book that ships for free. Give the important people in your life a meaningful gift and get $10 off your first purchase.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Nov 20, 2021
Nate Klemp joins me to talk about "The 80/80 Marriage," a new model for balancing career, family, and love. The 80/80 Marriage pushes couples beyond the limited idea of “fairness” toward a new model grounded on radical generosity and shared success, one that calls for each partner to contribute 80 percent to build the strongest possible relationship. Drawing from more than one hundred interviews with couples from all walks of life, stories from business and pop culture, scientific studies, and ancient philosophical insights, husband-and-wife team Nate and Kaley Klemp pinpoint exactly what’s not working in modern marriage. Their 80/80 model of marriage provides practical, powerful solutions to transform your relationship and open up space for greater love and connection.
Learn more here:
Nov 17, 2021

This episode is about opening ourselves up to opportunity by courageously embracing change. Today’s caller, Marilyn, just turned 50 and feels lost in life and with no clear direction for her future. She has been playing it safe and fears making changes in her life. We discuss how she can listen to her intuition to be open to the opportunities that may come from shaking up her life.


[For show notes, go here:]


Many of us have put up a wall to protect ourselves and as long as we are more invested in protecting ourselves from getting hurt, we are not going to be open to living into our full potential and achieving our heart’s desire. Because that protective wall keeps us from being hurt and blocks out the amazing possibilities that can come from having an open heart.


And, often, the older we get, the harder it can be to make changes in our lives. Because we become comfortable and complacent. Some people are happy with complacency. They are content in a rinse-and-repeat life, comfort zones, and doing the same things. It is totally fine that they find meaning in other things. But we grow when we put ourselves through challenges and in new situations. So, no matter what your age, instead of settling and giving up on new experiences, make some changes.


Are you a woman looking to call in your beloved? Do you put pressure on yourself to be in a relationship? To start your journey, on November 30th, Stefanos and I will facilitate our last Be the Queen program for a while. Go to to apply.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you more comfortable playing it safe even if it means you don’t love your life? Do you consider yourself risk-averse unless you weigh all the options and it seems like a smart thing to do?
  • Do you feel disconnected from the way you were as a child? Maybe you were brave,  creative, or outgoing as a child and as you’ve gotten older you’ve wondered where that person went?
  • When you think about making a change do you focus too much on all things that could go wrong versus what could go right?


Marilyn’s Question:

Marilyn feels lost and doesn’t have a clear path of what she wants for her future.


Marilyn’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She is single and finds it easy to be alone.
  • She thought she would meet someone more quickly.
  • She feels lost and has a wall up.
  • She is conservative in her actions to protect herself.
  • She has done the inner child workshop.
  • She has been with the same company for 20 years.
  • She is considering relocating and finding a new position.
  • She was a brave child.
  • She is focusing on what could go wrong instead of opportunity.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Make a change. Shake her life up a little bit.
  • Tap into her warrior woman.
  • Consider what could be great about making a change.
  • Do the empty chair process with her inner child.



  • Choose change or let life bring change to you.
  • Take some risks.
  • Start paying attention to things that could go right instead of what could go wrong.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Nov 13, 2021
A friend and former yoga buddy of mine, Todd McCullough, joins me to dispel some myths about what it takes to transform your body and live healthy!  He's a fitness and mindset expert and takes us through a wonderful meditation at the end of the interview.
Todd attended University of Florida, where he was a starting football player. Like many athletes, he suffered numerous injuries. He had a career in finance at Merrill Lynch, and was laid off during the financial crisis of 2008.

Todd knew it was time for a new direction. His football injuries led him to a
yoga studio, where he discovered a way to move with his physical
restrictions. This led Todd to merge his new passion for yoga with athletic
training — and TMAC FITNESS was born. It began as a personal training
business, where Todd trained thousands of clients, including Olympic
athletes and celebrity artists. Eventually, it was time to scale.

Now, TMAC FITNESS is an online membership-based company that
provides short, fast, and effective workouts — with a strong emphasis on
mindfulness. Todd's signature online program, TMAC 20, has helped
more than 20,000 people get in shape and get their mind right from home.
Learn more here:
Nov 10, 2021

This episode is about realizing control is just a protective behavior. Today’s caller, Beck, wants to feel safe and worthy of love without feeling the need to calculate and devise a plan to control the outcome of a situation. We work through ways she can express her emotions and voice her truth to meet her needs.


[For show notes, go here:]


We all have, at some level, an addiction to control. We have different relationships with it and it is hard for us to completely be in uncertainty, non-attachment, and surrender. The more personal development work we do, the more we are able to step into those things but it is naturally human to have those kinds of controlling pieces come up.


Often, what we consider as controlling is a part of us that doesn’t feel safe. And, that part is trying to protect us. I also believe semantics and words are very important. No one wants to be called controlling.


It is hard to get leverage and to do the work we need to do on ourselves when we use a word that has a lot of judgment on top of it. Instead of thinking of your behaviors as controlling, think of them as protective behaviors. It feels better and makes it easier to understand, accept, and shift them.


Are you a woman looking to call in a man? Do you put pressure on yourself to be in a relationship? To start your journey, join our free live call on November 11th, and then on November 30th Stefanos and I will facilitate our last Be the Queen program for a while. Go to to apply.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you find yourself fighting for control or manipulating situations to make yourself feel safe?
  • Are you someone who holds your thoughts and emotions in for a long time?
  • How are you asking for what you need?
  • Think about your childhood and the times you got in trouble, or the times you were told you were naughty, or when you did something wrong, did you collapse the “I did something wrong” to mean “I am wrong”? Do you have an old childhood belief that because you did something bad or wrong it means you were wrong or unlovable?


Beck’s Question:

Beck wants to explore her relationship with control and guidance on how to work through it to support herself in her relationship.


Beck’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She’s been doing inner work.
  • She fears being perceived as a controlling person.
  • She manipulates situations to get what she wants.
  • She experiences expectation hangovers.
  • She controls things to protect herself.
  • Her parents loved her, but it felt conditional when she did something wrong.
  • She is afraid of losing love.
  • She is sensitive and has big feelings.
  • As a child, she couldn’t separate her actions being wrong from her being wrong.
  • She creates distance in her partnership when she doesn’t show her true emotion.
  • She doesn’t always know what she needs.
  • Her partner struggles to handle her emotions.
  • She tests people to see if they love her.
  • She outsources getting her needs met.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Communicate her truth when she feels it.
  • Ask for what she needs, consistently.
  • Know she can make mistakes and still be worthy of love.
  • Sprinkle the release of her emotions out when they arise, not to let the floodgates open after keeping them inside.



  • Realize that you can make mistakes and still be worthy of love.
  • Look at where you are not speaking your truth.
  • Emotions are better let out than kept in.



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Nov 6, 2021
This is such a rich conversation about relationships, sex and sexuality, monogamy and love. Alexandra H. Solomon, PhD, is a clinical assistant professor in theDepartment of Psychology at Northwestern University, a licensed clinical psychologist at The Family Institute at Northwestern University,  and the author of Taking Sexy Back: How to Own YourSexuality and Create the Relationships You Want (February 2, 2020; NewHarbinger) and Loving Bravely: 20 Lessons of Self-Discovery to Help You Get the LoveYou Want (2017; New Harbinger), which was featured on the TODAY show. She is an international speaker and teacher whose work has been featured on six continents.  She is also a strong,positive resource on Instagram, where she has earned more than 160K followers to date.


Her website:

Nov 3, 2021

This episode is about mothering the inner child and connecting to the little one inside. Today’s caller, Nyikia, is working to give herself the love and compassion she didn’t get as a child but is having difficulty connecting with her inner child. We work through that connection and a daily practice she can use to nurture herself and her little one.


[For show notes, go here:]


We are often good at giving others what we need to give ourselves the most. This is where we can fall into traps in relationships. Whether it’s romantic relationships, work relationships, or friendships, we can be loving, compassionate, loyal, and show up for others but the person we need to do that for is our inner child and ourselves.


We can’t go back in a time machine and change our parents or live a different childhood. But, remember, the mind doesn’t know the difference between a well-imagined thought and current reality. So, we can give ourselves the childhood we never had by being a mother or father to our inner child.


Join Us for a Special Master Class, “Calling Him In Masterclass”. Learn How to Attract a Man Who Is Your True Match So You Can Experience the Epic Soul Mate Love You Desire Nov. 4th at 5:00 PM PST. Sign up here:  


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Did you have a mother or father who didn’t fall into the traditional role? Maybe, your mom wasn’t nurturing or your father was absent or not protective and you have a hard time connecting with that inner parent?
  • Are you good at loving others and taking care of others but not so great at taking care of yourself?
  • Have you done a lot of self-work in the last several years or months, but feel in some areas, especially with the inner child, you don’t know what to do or you are not making progress?


Nyikia’s Question:

Nyikia is looking to heal and move past childhood issues but is finding it difficult to connect to her inner child.


Nyikia’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She grew up with only her mother as a caregiver.
  • Her mother was emotionally and verbally abusive.
  • Her father was absent, for the most part.
  • She has an adopted brother.
  • She is doing personal development work to connect with her inner child.
  • She has avoidant strategies and distracts herself.
  • She wants to acknowledge her inner child.
  • She longed for feeling safe when she was a child.
  • Her IQ has been rewarded more than her EQ.
  • She often shuts down her emotional releases.
  • It is easy for her to find compassion for others but not for herself.
  • Her inner child doesn’t feel worthy of nurturing.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Check-in with a picture of her as a child once a day.
  • Tell her inner child how worthy she is of nurturing and love. 



  • Check-in daily with your inner child and have a conversation.
  • Re-visit the recording of the Inner Child Workshop at
  • Consider what you didn’t get as a child and how you can give it to yourself.



STORYWORTH is an online service that helps your family share stories through thought-provoking questions about their memories and personal thoughts. Storyworth has helped numerous families learn about each other in profound and special ways. After a year, Storyworth compiles stories and pictures in a keepsake book that ships for free. Give the important people in your life a meaningful gift and get $10 off your first purchase.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.