
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Dec 29, 2021

This episode is about discerning intuition from fear-based thoughts. Today’s caller, Tamy, doubts herself and uses constant learning as a compensatory strategy when she may not have fully integrated the information she has already gathered. If you have ever wondered if your feelings are fear-based or truly your intuition, or struggle with self-doubt, this is a great session to tune into.


[For show notes, go here:]


We often try to compensate for our self-doubts by people-pleasing, caretaking, obsessing about how we look, or being on a constant train of achieving or learning. Too much learning can be compensation for where we feel self-doubt.


You can be in radical self-acceptance or confidence, and still know there are things you are practicing and integrating.


When we truly listen to our intuition and when we are on track with our personal development work, we stay aligned. We won’t get on an ego-driven path. Ego-based success and compensatory success are houses of cards. And, that is what we fear because we can start to feel like a fraud. We feel as if we could lose everything. If you listen to your intuition, you will stay on a path of success that is sustainable.


Start paying more attention to how your intuition works. Start with little things. Intuition comes in more clearly when we are not distracted. The less we distract ourselves with thoughts of self-worth, validation, and acceptance the more space our intuition has to present itself.


If you missed my Release 2021 Ritual Coaches Corner make sure to do it before doing the Calling in 2022, Stepping Into the New Year Ritual available this week.


We have a holiday gift for you this January. Get $30 off of our Breathwork and Guided Meditation series. Use promo code ‘holiday’ at


The Early Bird discount for the Elementum Coaching Institute ends December 31, 2021, so get your application in.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you sometimes wonder if the information you’re getting or if the thoughts you are having are your intuition or fear?
  • Are you addicted to learning, always believing there is more you need to learn?
  • Do you doubt yourself or struggle with self-acceptance?
  • Do you have a fear of success; not just failure, but a bit of fear of success?


Tamy’s Question:

Tamy wants to know how to recognize and trust her intuition and get rid of self-doubt.


Tamy’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She is an intuitive person.
  • She fears taking action.
  • She has developed ways to rely on herself.
  • She judges herself and doubts her abilities.
  • She feels she doesn’t know enough.
  • She has higher standards for herself than she does for others.
  • She has been chronically learning without leaving time for integration.
  • She fears success.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Listen to her intuition and consider where she is being guided next.
  • Consider how her thoughts make her feel. If it makes her feel fear it is not her intuition.
  • Respond to the guidance she gets.



  • Journal about what would happen if you are successful. Start with ‘If I am successful then…’ and see what comes up for you.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Dec 25, 2021

Welcome to my annual two-part ritual to complete this year and step forward into the next with intention!  In this episode, I guide you through a step-by-step process to complete 2021 with awareness and intention and let it go! And stay tuned for next week's episode where I offer you a process to receive 2022. I record these fresh every year so be sure to tune in even if you are familiar with the process :)

Dec 22, 2021

This episode is about prioritizing ourselves and our children. Today’s caller, Aprisa, is a single mother who looks to others to get her needs met. She had a traumatic childhood and has not yet healed her inner child wounding. We also discuss depression and how highly-sensitive people have more proclivity to depression because feeling big emotions can feel scary.


[For show notes, go here:]


With single parents, the rightful roles of parent and child can get a little murky.

It is important not to hide our emotions from our children. It is okay for them to see us sad or angry but we want to make sure they know it is not their responsibility. Sadness doesn't last forever but it is important to feel it because when we hold down our emotions they get stuck. 


What often happens with people who are depressed is that they don't know what to do with their big feelings. They end up being distant, irritable, or sad. When what they need to get at is their anger, rage, grief, shame, and other big feelings. Oftentimes, when someone is diagnosed with depression it is important to look at the root cause and what else could be going on. And, many times the diagnosis of depression can be limiting. 


When we suppress our feelings and are not connected with our inner child we can collapse into the subconscious programming, patterning, and time travel when we are triggered.


Be on the lookout for my soon-to-be-released Year in Review episode and join me in releasing 2021 and calling in 2022.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you an introvert or a highly sensitive person who has a proclivity to depression, especially when you suppress emotions?
  • Have you found yourself parentifying a spouse or partner? Or, are you spousifying your child? 


Aprisa’s Question:

Aprisa is triggered by her traumatic past and doesn’t feel her needs are being met in her current relationship.


Aprisa’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She is a single mother.
  • She has abandonment trauma from her past.
  • She just moved to a new continent with her son.
  • She is currently in a relationship and puts her boyfriend before herself and her son.
  • She has been clinically diagnosed with depression.
  • She feels her needs are not being met.
  • She wants to feel peace and not be triggered.
  • She has big emotions and doesn't know how to explain them.
  • She looks to her partner to heal her inner child.
  • She gets triggered and emotionally falls back on her subconscious programming. 
  • She is passing on her anxious attachment style to her son.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Reduce the burden on her son by reframing how she explains her depression to him.
  • Create a secure attachment to her son to bring her closer to her inner child.
  • Acknowledge her big feelings and realize she is not doing anything wrong.
  • Connect to her inner child and love and parent herself with love and compassion.
  • Resist the addiction to codependency.
  • Prioritize herself and her son.





Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Dec 18, 2021
Another dear friend of mine joins me on the podcast today to discuss how to tap into and trust your intuition, the importance of leaving unhealthy relationships and the magic and power of animals. Alyson Charles is a shaman and spiritual teacher who is devoted to living by the calls of inner wisdom, mysticism, energy medicine, and shamanic practices she has mastered through her studies with spiritual teachers, both of and beyond this world. She leads global courses, events, and talks to reconnect people to their fullest power and confidence through sacred practices and rituals. Alyson's power animal shamanic journey was named a top meditation to try by O, The Oprah Magazine, and she has collaborated with a range of media outlets and brands, including the New York Times, HBO, National Geographic, Well + Good, mindbodygreen, Forbes, Elle, and Self.  
You can pre-order her beautiful new book here:
Dec 15, 2021

This episode is about making self-honoring choices without feeling selfish. Today’s caller, Pooja, has a beautiful relationship with her parents but is torn between pursuing her dream of being a life coach and staying in the U.S. or moving home to be closer to her aging parents who miss her. This episode will help you to get out of limbo and make decisions that feel selfish.


[For show notes, go here:]


We want to make choices that are aligned with us versus a “should.” Choices made from “should” create a higher likelihood of resentment. We either end up resenting the people who pulled us to make the choice or we resent ourselves for making the choice because we feel like we betrayed and abandoned ourselves, which is never a good situation.


Whenever you feel the pull of both duty and desire, ask yourself what the most self-honoring choice is, because when we make the most self-honoring choice we are less likely to feel resentment later. We show up more authentically in our relationships when we make choices that are self-honoring.


Choose something, start to take steps forward, and then if you need to choose something else, you can.


If you are considering becoming a great coach, the $2,500 early bird discount for enrollment in ends on December 31, 2021. Email if you have specific questions.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you struggling with a decision or choice, or have you been in limbo and it is causing you a lot of anxiety?
  • Are you often torn between what you want to do and duty, obligation, or love you feel for your family that is pulling you in a different direction?
  • Do you live far away from your parents or your family and feel a pull to be closer to them but also pull to stay where you are because you love it?
  • When you make a choice that feels self-honoring does it feel selfish to you?


Pooja’s Question:

Pooja is transitioning careers and is not yet ready to return to India to be with her aging parents. She would like guidance on whether to return or to follow her dream.


Pooja’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She moved to the U.S. with the intention of returning home after a work assignment.
  • She and her husband have been in the U.S. since 2013.
  • She is going through a career transition.
  • Her parents may expect her and her husband to return to India.
  • Her dream is to be a life coach.
  • She is torn between duty, obligation, and love.
  • She hasn’t had a heart-to-heart conversation with her parents about her dream.
  • Her values are aligned with her parents’ values.
  • Her parents have given her freedom in her life and have never asked her for anything.
  • Her parents are aging but healthy.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Make a decision without expectations or “shoulds.”
  • Have a conversation with her parents about her dreams and goals.
  • Commit to a decision and know that she can change it if she feels a nudge from her intuition.
  • Keep in contact with her parents via video.



  • If you are struggling with a decision/choice, remember you are not locked in. Empower yourself by getting out of limbo.



STORYWORTH — Do you have your gifts ready for the holidays? A thoughtful and meaningful gift you can give a family member is Storyworth. Storyworth helps your family share stories through thought-provoking questions about their memories and personal thoughts. Storyworth has helped numerous families learn about each other in profound and special ways. After a year, Storyworth compiles the stories and pictures in a keepsake book that ships for free. Give the important people in your life a meaningful gift and get $10 off your first purchase.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Dec 11, 2021

This episode is incredibly educational when it comes to our attachment styles.  I talk with licensed psychotherapist Ellen Boeder about how attachment styles are formed, how they impact our adult relationships, and what we can do to heal them so we can have more secure attachments.

A little more about Ellen . . . She has been a therapist since 2003.  She has a strong background in yoga and meditation, and her graduate training in Transpersonal Psychology also deeply inform her work.  Since getting married 12 years ago, and becoming a mother to two children, Ellen transitioned from working primarily with women to focusing on couples.  Ellen is trained in PACT, a therapeutic modality for couples founded by Stan Tatkin, PsyD., that synthesizes attachment theory, neuroscience, and affect regulation models to support couples in creating an enduring and nourishing relationship through secure functioning.

In addition to maintaining a part time private practice, Ellen is on faculty for the Relationship School—a business founded by her husband Jayson Gaddis that provides in depth relationship education for anyone who wants to learn, as well as training for relationship coaches. 

Dec 8, 2021

This episode is about setting healthy boundaries and speaking our truth. Today’s caller, Nicole, grew up in an unhealthy family dynamic. Her grandmother didn’t accept her family and tried to split them up. She wants to be at peace with the situation but has not yet dealt with her anger. During the holidays, if you are the one who is breaking generational patterns, you may be called selfish or righteous. It can be a difficult place to be put in. But, I encourage you to stand in your truth.


[For show notes, go here:]


So many families use guilt and obligation to get people to do things. If you don’t play into it then you may be told you are uncaring or disappointing. But, remember, guilt and obligation are not love. Just because you say no or have a boundary does not mean you do not love your family; it just means you are not playing into the unhealthy family dynamic.


Love itself is unconditional. You can love your family and have compassion for them but relationships are not unconditional. You wouldn’t stay in a relationship if the person lied, cheated, or took your money. And, just because someone is a blood relative doesn’t give them the right to have a relationship with you if they are violating certain boundaries. We can all have loving boundaries and have compassion for people but not tolerate their behavior. I don’t believe that just because someone has had a hard life and has been hurt, that they should have a get-out-of-jail-free card to mistreat other people.


We don’t have to let that into our lives. Just because someone has had a hard life it doesn’t give them the right to make our life hard.


Considering becoming a coach? Take a moment to listen to my Coaches Corner episode #312 with Alexi Parnos, co-founder of


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you feel guilty if you shut certain people, especially family members, out of your life? Are you carrying around anger or resentment about how you’ve been treated by your family?
  • Are you mad at your parents for not sticking up for you inside of their family?
  • If you are a parent, what do you want to teach your child about family dynamics?


Nicole’s Question:

Nicole is considering cutting her father’s family out of her life and would like guidance on how to navigate through an unhealthy family dynamic.


Nicole’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • Her father’s family tried to split her parents up.
  • She wants to cut her father’s family out of her life.
  • Her grandmother wants to form a relationship with her daughter.
  • She is holding onto hurt and anger.
  • She wants to be at peace with the situation.
  • She hasn’t recognized the impact the situation has had on her.
  • She played a therapist for her mother as a child.
  • Her father was afraid to stand up for his own family.
  • Her grandmother sends passive-aggressive notes.
  • She gets triggered by her grandmother.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Process her emotions to move into forgiveness.
  • Do the Empty Chair process and have a conversation with little Nicole about what she needs and give her a voice.
  • Mother her inner child.
  • Let herself release her anger or write an FU letter.
  • Set boundaries and open her heart.



  • Get honest with yourself about unhealthy family dynamics.
  • Will this be the year you speak your truth? Will you have a care-frontation conversation about what is going on? Or will this be another year of people-pleasing, swallowing your feelings, and having guilt and obligation, or just avoiding your family altogether?



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Dec 4, 2021
If you are interested in becoming a coach or already are a coach and want to be even more impactful, don't miss this episode.  You've heard me talk about the coaching certification program I co-founded with Stef, Preston Smiles and Alexi Panos.  Today, my dear friend and partner, Alexi, joins me as we take a deep dive into describing the Elementum Coaching Institute.
We cover: why and how it's different from other certification programs, how it's structured, what you learn, what you receive, and SO much more.  If you've been considering enrolling in Elementum, this episode will answer so many of your questions.
A little more about Alexi . . .
A leader in the Emergent Wisdom movement,  Alexi Panos was named as one of FORBES Top 11 Women Entrepreneurs, INC's magazines TOP 10 ENTREPRENEUR'S CHANGING THE WORLD, one of Origin Magazines TOP 100 CREATIVES CHANGING THE WORLD, and is a featured expert in the films THE ABUNDANCE FACTOR, RISEUP and AGE OF THE ENTREPRENEUR.  Alexi is a  Master Leadership and Embodiment trainer  and co-founder in The Bridge Method workshops and The Elementum Coaching Institute, host of the Top 10 Self Improvement Podcast UNLEASHED, business strategist, filmmaker and humanitarian (through her organizations E.P.I.C. and The Sisters Society); and as a bestseller, Alexi has authored the books 50 WAYS TO YAY! and NOW OR NEVER, both by Simon & Schuster. Alexi is a proud mama to 4 kids and currently lives in Austin, TX.  Follow her on Instagram and Youtube @alexipanos. @alexipanos
Dec 1, 2021

This episode is about healing sexual blocks in relationships. Today’s callers, Adam & Reanna, want to heal past trauma and have a healthy sex life together. I guide them through an exploration process. This session is useful even if there is no trauma in your past; It is an intimate process that brings couples closer together. And, because in many ways sex is something still taboo to talk about, and often shamed, I want to normalize the conversation. 


[For show notes, go here:]


Many times, we think men are the ones who want more sex but it's not gender, sexual identity, or sexual orientation specific. It is life-experience specific. Our experiences impact our sex life. There isn’t a childhood trauma that doesn't impact our sex life, even if there is no sexual abuse. Any kind of childhood trauma impacts our emotional, mental, financial, and sex life.


We often forget about intimacy and what a turn-on intimacy can be, even when we are dating. Our bodies talk to us. Especially as women, if we do not feel safe in our emotional body, our physical body will give us signs. And, many of the blocks in couples’ sex lives arise because they aren't reaching the levels of deeper emotional intimacy.


Having healthy sexuality is more than just having a good sex life. It is about feeling comfortable in your body, enjoying the sensual experiences of life, and knowing what your turn-ons are. When it comes to sex many of us consider the performance and pleasing the other person versus what feels good. 


Healthy sex is about feeling alive and vital and creative. We don't need a partner to have great sexuality and a great sex life. Sexuality and sex is about more than the physical act. It is an energetic experience. 


Get my free 2-part Sacred Union process at If you are in a relationship or you are your own beloved this is a great process to increase intimate connection in your life.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you have sexual trauma or any other type of trauma that shows up in relationships?
  • Is sex hard for you? Do you mentally want to be able to do it but when it comes to the physical act your body just shuts down and you experience trauma triggers?
  • Are you someone who may have an overactive sex drive, sexual compulsion, sexual addiction, or do you look to sex to fill a void?
  • Does your sex life in your relationship feel stagnant or that it needs some improvement or do you feel stuck?


Adam & Reanna’s Question:

Adam & Reanna have sexual issues affecting their relationship. They would like guidance on how to have a healthy emotional and physical relationship together.


Reanna’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • Her mother didn’t talk with her about sex.
  • She had a teacher be physically inappropriate with her.
  • She was in a long-term relationship with a controlling person.
  • She has trauma, shame, domestic violence, and PTSD in her life.
  • She wants to do the work to have a healthy relationship with Adam.


Adam’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • He is frustrated because he wants to help Reanna heal.
  • He wants Reanna to want to have sex with him.
  • He sometimes thinks he is addicted to sex.
  • He does not always feel worthy. He relies on physical intimacy to replace emotional intimacy.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Continue counseling and somatic therapy.
  • Slowly and gently explore each other. Take baby steps to intimacy.
  • Practice communicating their needs during the exploration process.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Nov 27, 2021
We cover so much ground in this episode about diet, metabolism, hormones and overall health.

Dr. Jade Teta is an integrative physician, author and expert in the realm of natural health, fitness, metabolism and self-development. He spent the last 25 years immersed in the study of strength and conditioning, hormonal metabolism and the psychology of change and success. He has written five books on metabolism, and coauthored the exercise and sports nutrition chapters, of The Textbook Of Natural Medicine.

Dr. Teta runs both, Jade Teta,LLC and Next Level Human Inc., that combine his medical and fitness knowledge with his expertise in self-development and mindset change.  He writes and lectures extensively on the subjects of lifestyle medicine, natural health, and mindset change to both healthcare professionals and the public. His latest book is a daily meditation on making life changes and based on his 6 Powers.  Human 365 is available on Amazon.

Nov 24, 2021

This episode is about breaking a pattern. Today’s caller, Aimee, wants to end a relationship but keeps going back for more. She has a lot of awareness about why it isn’t healthy but she hasn’t taken the action to end it for good. We work through how she can find clarity and commit to her truth.


[For show notes, go here:]


When we don’t feel integrated, when all of our parts are not working in harmony, or we have parts of ourselves we have abandoned, we can feel fragmented, off-balance, and lost. If you ever feel lost, ask yourself — what parts of me have I lost versus why am I lost or why do I feel lost? — then, think about what parts of yourself you need to bring back in and integrate.


We can get caught in a bind and judgmental of ourselves when our adult brain, our conscious mind is like — this is a terrible situation. Why am I here? We can’t seem to get out of it or we get out of the situation and we go back for more. It is because the subconscious is looking for an unmet need.


Healing comes when we give ourselves what we need, take action, and keep our promises to ourselves. Remember, feeling relief is an indicator that we are on our way to the truth.


Do you want to call in a healthy relationship and break patterns when it comes to dating and men? To start your journey and create an epic relationship, on November 30th, Stefanos and I will facilitate our last Be the Queen program for a while. Go to to apply.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Is there a situation you are in, a behavior you repeat, or a relationship you know needs to end but you just can’t seem to get out of it?
  • Do you find yourself calling something love or calling a relationship healthy or calling a situation okay but it isn’t? It is just familiar.
  • Are you confusing true love and safety with familiarity and certainty?
  • Are you abandoning your inner child by continuing to put yourself in situations that aren’t for your highest good?


Aimee’s Question:

Aimee doesn’t know how to end her relationship of 11 years. She keeps going back and putting her needs aside.


Aimee’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • Her relationship is not loving, it is familiar.
  • Her relationship doesn’t meet her needs.
  • She feels disconnected and lost.
  • As a child, she felt she had to earn her mother’s love.
  • She has chronic trauma and doesn’t feel safe.
  • She is ready to break her pattern of going back but feels guilty.
  • She knows she will never be loved by her mother the way she wants.
  • She doesn’t want to be in this relationship.
  • She cannot tend to her inner child if she goes back to the unhealthy relationship.
  • She finds it hard to get out of her head.
  • She is scared to show her true self.
  • It is time for her to receive.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Let her inner child grieve the pain for the love she didn’t get from her mother.
  • Connect and commit to her inner child.
  • Leave the relationship and get professional support.
  • Stay committed and strong when she feels guilty.
  • Write a letter or record the promises she is making to herself.



  • If you have a pattern you can’t seem to quit, ask yourself if it is what you think it is.
  • If you need help connecting to your inner child, listen to the Inner Child Workshop at



STORYWORTH is an online service that offers a unique gift. Storyworth helps your family share stories through thought-provoking questions about their memories and personal thoughts. Storyworth has helped numerous families learn about each other in profound and special ways. After a year, Storyworth compiles stories and pictures in a keepsake book that ships for free. Give the important people in your life a meaningful gift and get $10 off your first purchase.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Nov 20, 2021
Nate Klemp joins me to talk about "The 80/80 Marriage," a new model for balancing career, family, and love. The 80/80 Marriage pushes couples beyond the limited idea of “fairness” toward a new model grounded on radical generosity and shared success, one that calls for each partner to contribute 80 percent to build the strongest possible relationship. Drawing from more than one hundred interviews with couples from all walks of life, stories from business and pop culture, scientific studies, and ancient philosophical insights, husband-and-wife team Nate and Kaley Klemp pinpoint exactly what’s not working in modern marriage. Their 80/80 model of marriage provides practical, powerful solutions to transform your relationship and open up space for greater love and connection.
Learn more here:
Nov 17, 2021

This episode is about opening ourselves up to opportunity by courageously embracing change. Today’s caller, Marilyn, just turned 50 and feels lost in life and with no clear direction for her future. She has been playing it safe and fears making changes in her life. We discuss how she can listen to her intuition to be open to the opportunities that may come from shaking up her life.


[For show notes, go here:]


Many of us have put up a wall to protect ourselves and as long as we are more invested in protecting ourselves from getting hurt, we are not going to be open to living into our full potential and achieving our heart’s desire. Because that protective wall keeps us from being hurt and blocks out the amazing possibilities that can come from having an open heart.


And, often, the older we get, the harder it can be to make changes in our lives. Because we become comfortable and complacent. Some people are happy with complacency. They are content in a rinse-and-repeat life, comfort zones, and doing the same things. It is totally fine that they find meaning in other things. But we grow when we put ourselves through challenges and in new situations. So, no matter what your age, instead of settling and giving up on new experiences, make some changes.


Are you a woman looking to call in your beloved? Do you put pressure on yourself to be in a relationship? To start your journey, on November 30th, Stefanos and I will facilitate our last Be the Queen program for a while. Go to to apply.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you more comfortable playing it safe even if it means you don’t love your life? Do you consider yourself risk-averse unless you weigh all the options and it seems like a smart thing to do?
  • Do you feel disconnected from the way you were as a child? Maybe you were brave,  creative, or outgoing as a child and as you’ve gotten older you’ve wondered where that person went?
  • When you think about making a change do you focus too much on all things that could go wrong versus what could go right?


Marilyn’s Question:

Marilyn feels lost and doesn’t have a clear path of what she wants for her future.


Marilyn’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She is single and finds it easy to be alone.
  • She thought she would meet someone more quickly.
  • She feels lost and has a wall up.
  • She is conservative in her actions to protect herself.
  • She has done the inner child workshop.
  • She has been with the same company for 20 years.
  • She is considering relocating and finding a new position.
  • She was a brave child.
  • She is focusing on what could go wrong instead of opportunity.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Make a change. Shake her life up a little bit.
  • Tap into her warrior woman.
  • Consider what could be great about making a change.
  • Do the empty chair process with her inner child.



  • Choose change or let life bring change to you.
  • Take some risks.
  • Start paying attention to things that could go right instead of what could go wrong.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Nov 13, 2021
A friend and former yoga buddy of mine, Todd McCullough, joins me to dispel some myths about what it takes to transform your body and live healthy!  He's a fitness and mindset expert and takes us through a wonderful meditation at the end of the interview.
Todd attended University of Florida, where he was a starting football player. Like many athletes, he suffered numerous injuries. He had a career in finance at Merrill Lynch, and was laid off during the financial crisis of 2008.

Todd knew it was time for a new direction. His football injuries led him to a
yoga studio, where he discovered a way to move with his physical
restrictions. This led Todd to merge his new passion for yoga with athletic
training — and TMAC FITNESS was born. It began as a personal training
business, where Todd trained thousands of clients, including Olympic
athletes and celebrity artists. Eventually, it was time to scale.

Now, TMAC FITNESS is an online membership-based company that
provides short, fast, and effective workouts — with a strong emphasis on
mindfulness. Todd's signature online program, TMAC 20, has helped
more than 20,000 people get in shape and get their mind right from home.
Learn more here:
Nov 10, 2021

This episode is about realizing control is just a protective behavior. Today’s caller, Beck, wants to feel safe and worthy of love without feeling the need to calculate and devise a plan to control the outcome of a situation. We work through ways she can express her emotions and voice her truth to meet her needs.


[For show notes, go here:]


We all have, at some level, an addiction to control. We have different relationships with it and it is hard for us to completely be in uncertainty, non-attachment, and surrender. The more personal development work we do, the more we are able to step into those things but it is naturally human to have those kinds of controlling pieces come up.


Often, what we consider as controlling is a part of us that doesn’t feel safe. And, that part is trying to protect us. I also believe semantics and words are very important. No one wants to be called controlling.


It is hard to get leverage and to do the work we need to do on ourselves when we use a word that has a lot of judgment on top of it. Instead of thinking of your behaviors as controlling, think of them as protective behaviors. It feels better and makes it easier to understand, accept, and shift them.


Are you a woman looking to call in a man? Do you put pressure on yourself to be in a relationship? To start your journey, join our free live call on November 11th, and then on November 30th Stefanos and I will facilitate our last Be the Queen program for a while. Go to to apply.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you find yourself fighting for control or manipulating situations to make yourself feel safe?
  • Are you someone who holds your thoughts and emotions in for a long time?
  • How are you asking for what you need?
  • Think about your childhood and the times you got in trouble, or the times you were told you were naughty, or when you did something wrong, did you collapse the “I did something wrong” to mean “I am wrong”? Do you have an old childhood belief that because you did something bad or wrong it means you were wrong or unlovable?


Beck’s Question:

Beck wants to explore her relationship with control and guidance on how to work through it to support herself in her relationship.


Beck’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She’s been doing inner work.
  • She fears being perceived as a controlling person.
  • She manipulates situations to get what she wants.
  • She experiences expectation hangovers.
  • She controls things to protect herself.
  • Her parents loved her, but it felt conditional when she did something wrong.
  • She is afraid of losing love.
  • She is sensitive and has big feelings.
  • As a child, she couldn’t separate her actions being wrong from her being wrong.
  • She creates distance in her partnership when she doesn’t show her true emotion.
  • She doesn’t always know what she needs.
  • Her partner struggles to handle her emotions.
  • She tests people to see if they love her.
  • She outsources getting her needs met.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Communicate her truth when she feels it.
  • Ask for what she needs, consistently.
  • Know she can make mistakes and still be worthy of love.
  • Sprinkle the release of her emotions out when they arise, not to let the floodgates open after keeping them inside.



  • Realize that you can make mistakes and still be worthy of love.
  • Look at where you are not speaking your truth.
  • Emotions are better let out than kept in.



THIRDLOVE — Delivers life-changing comfort for your body with high-quality underwear, sleep, and loungewear. Thirdlove obsesses over every stitch. Visit the Fitting Room and take the quiz at to find your perfect bra size and style. They have over 80 bra sizes, including half-cup sizes, and great-fitting, comfy loungewear! Use the link to get 20% off the first purchase of your new favorite Seamless wireless bra or loungewear. They have a 100% fit guarantee.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

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Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Nov 6, 2021
This is such a rich conversation about relationships, sex and sexuality, monogamy and love. Alexandra H. Solomon, PhD, is a clinical assistant professor in theDepartment of Psychology at Northwestern University, a licensed clinical psychologist at The Family Institute at Northwestern University,  and the author of Taking Sexy Back: How to Own YourSexuality and Create the Relationships You Want (February 2, 2020; NewHarbinger) and Loving Bravely: 20 Lessons of Self-Discovery to Help You Get the LoveYou Want (2017; New Harbinger), which was featured on the TODAY show. She is an international speaker and teacher whose work has been featured on six continents.  She is also a strong,positive resource on Instagram, where she has earned more than 160K followers to date.


Her website:

Nov 3, 2021

This episode is about mothering the inner child and connecting to the little one inside. Today’s caller, Nyikia, is working to give herself the love and compassion she didn’t get as a child but is having difficulty connecting with her inner child. We work through that connection and a daily practice she can use to nurture herself and her little one.


[For show notes, go here:]


We are often good at giving others what we need to give ourselves the most. This is where we can fall into traps in relationships. Whether it’s romantic relationships, work relationships, or friendships, we can be loving, compassionate, loyal, and show up for others but the person we need to do that for is our inner child and ourselves.


We can’t go back in a time machine and change our parents or live a different childhood. But, remember, the mind doesn’t know the difference between a well-imagined thought and current reality. So, we can give ourselves the childhood we never had by being a mother or father to our inner child.


Join Us for a Special Master Class, “Calling Him In Masterclass”. Learn How to Attract a Man Who Is Your True Match So You Can Experience the Epic Soul Mate Love You Desire Nov. 4th at 5:00 PM PST. Sign up here:  


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Did you have a mother or father who didn’t fall into the traditional role? Maybe, your mom wasn’t nurturing or your father was absent or not protective and you have a hard time connecting with that inner parent?
  • Are you good at loving others and taking care of others but not so great at taking care of yourself?
  • Have you done a lot of self-work in the last several years or months, but feel in some areas, especially with the inner child, you don’t know what to do or you are not making progress?


Nyikia’s Question:

Nyikia is looking to heal and move past childhood issues but is finding it difficult to connect to her inner child.


Nyikia’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She grew up with only her mother as a caregiver.
  • Her mother was emotionally and verbally abusive.
  • Her father was absent, for the most part.
  • She has an adopted brother.
  • She is doing personal development work to connect with her inner child.
  • She has avoidant strategies and distracts herself.
  • She wants to acknowledge her inner child.
  • She longed for feeling safe when she was a child.
  • Her IQ has been rewarded more than her EQ.
  • She often shuts down her emotional releases.
  • It is easy for her to find compassion for others but not for herself.
  • Her inner child doesn’t feel worthy of nurturing.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Check-in with a picture of her as a child once a day.
  • Tell her inner child how worthy she is of nurturing and love. 



  • Check-in daily with your inner child and have a conversation.
  • Re-visit the recording of the Inner Child Workshop at
  • Consider what you didn’t get as a child and how you can give it to yourself.



STORYWORTH is an online service that helps your family share stories through thought-provoking questions about their memories and personal thoughts. Storyworth has helped numerous families learn about each other in profound and special ways. After a year, Storyworth compiles stories and pictures in a keepsake book that ships for free. Give the important people in your life a meaningful gift and get $10 off your first purchase.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Oct 30, 2021
I am so thrilled to have one of my best - and also most powerful - friends back on the show.  Kate Reardon gives those in need of healing guidance the inspiration and tools for growth so they can achieve the unthinkable and conquer the impossible. 

Kate is a qualified practitioner of Naturopathy and Nutritional Medicine, an Intuitive Metaphysical Healer, best-selling author, keynote speaker, facilitator, yoga teacher, devoted mother and host of the ever-popular, Lean In podcast. 

Kate is the co-founder and managing director of Natural Instinct Healing, the internationally acclaimed and award-winning private Detox, Health and Wellness retreat centre in Bali - which now offers virtual cleansing retreats! Kate also mentors clients from all walks of life across the globe, including high profile celebrities, public figures, doctors, psychologists, business leaders and even royalty, treating and guiding each individual on a mind, body and soul level.

Her best-selling book, “The Essential Cleanse” is the ultimate guide to unlocking the potential to drastically heal from the inside out. 

When she’s not in the consulting room or preparing for a workshop, Kate can be found either being Mama bear to three beautiful girls, immersed in nature, soaking up a book or dancing her heart out!

Register for her 7 day immersion here:

Learn more about Kate here:


Oct 27, 2021

This episode is about obsessive thinking and anxiety. Today’s caller, Megan, wants to know why she obsesses over things such as decisions, relationships, and her body image. She would like guidance on how to shift her patterns but feels she may always have anxiety. We dial back the clock to discover why she adopted it as a coping strategy and work through how she can empower herself so her anxiety can be an alarm instead of a constraint.


[For show notes, go here:]


One of the best things the mind does to deal with anxiety in the body is to obsess because it is a distraction and keeps us from feeling the physiological discomfort in the body. Anxiety is energy that is fast buzzing energy. This frenetic energy is in our minds and our nervous systems. It can be really overwhelming so we develop ways to do something with it or to turn it into something. When we obsess over things and think about things over and over and over again, it’s the way the mind is trying to deal with all that frenetic energy.


Obsessive thinking is a coping strategy. If we look at those patterns as alarm systems, have compassion for ourselves, and understand there is nothing wrong with us, it is easier to shift patterns like anxiety and obsessive thinking that are not serving us.


The hardest things to change about ourselves are the things that are protecting us. The patterns cling to us because they believe they are helping us like they had in our childhood.


If you are a woman looking for a man and put pressure on yourself to be in a relationship, the holidays can be challenging. In late November, join Stefanos and me for our Be the Queen program. This upcoming event is the last live event until at least next year. Go to for more information. Sign up early and get access to the Bonus Call on 11/11/21.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are there things in your life you obsess about or just can’t stop thinking about?
  • Do you obsess about your body, what people are thinking about you, or your dating experiences?
  • Did you grow up with an anxious parent?
  • Do you doubt your self-worth?
  • Do you fear you will never be able to change the patterns you don’t like or judge yourself over?


Megan’s Question:

Megan has a pattern of obsessing over things in her life and would like guidance on how to shift her obsessive thinking and to become more empowered.


Megan’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She obsesses over body image issues, men, and romantic relationships.
  • She feels her anxiety is robbing her sense of inner peace.
  • She has done personal development work.
  • She believes she has always had anxiety.
  • Her mother was hard to predict and inconsistent.
  • She gets frustrated trying to shift her patterns.
  • She fears she will always have anxiety.
  • She doesn’t speak up for herself or set self-honoring boundaries.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Be compassionate and make friends with her obsessions.
  • Make a list of the things she is certain of and has control over in her life.
  • Surrender and accept that her anxiety is trying to protect her from getting hurt.
  • Focus on meeting her needs and speaking her truth by empowering herself.
  • Listen to the Coaches Corner How to Navigate, Resolve, and Prevent Conflict with Jayson Gaddis.



  • When you feel anxiety, consider the highest purpose of your obsessiveness. How is it serving you?
  • Do not put a label on yourself. Empower yourself to react to things differently.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Oct 23, 2021

My guest today talks to us about what attention really is, how to focus it (and stop a wandering mind), and leverage our minds to not only bring us success, but peace. Dr. Amishi Jha is a professor of psychology at the University of Miami. She serves as the Director of Contemplative Neuroscience for the Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative, which she co-founded in 2010. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California–Davis and postdoctoral training at the Brain Imaging and Analysis Center at Duke University. Dr. Jha’s work has been featured at NATO, the World Economic Forum, and The Pentagon. She has received coverage in The New York Times, NPR, TIMEForbes and more. She is the author of the new book Peak Mind which we talk about in this episode.

Oct 20, 2021

This episode is about overcoming not-enoughness and meeting our own needs to be secure in relationships. Today’s caller, Boston, has a protective pattern from his childhood that shows up as jealousy. It is blocking him from feeling secure in his relationship. He is working to shift his jealous feelings and is asking for guidance to understand the origin of his feelings and heal his anxious attachment style.


[For show notes, go here:]


We are human. We are going to have patterns and we are going to have programming. There will be feelings that come up. There may be anxiety, OCD, insecurities, jealousy, co-dependence, people-pleasing, etc. It is not who you are. I say it again, it is not who you are.


Just because you have jealousy doesn’t mean you are a jealous person. Just because a pattern comes up for you, jealousy, or anything else you want to shift, it doesn’t mean you are that pattern. It is so important that whenever we are working to shift something, we accept it. The more we judge and shame ourselves, the more it sticks and the harder it is to change. So, if you are trying hard to change things about yourself, do not make yourself miserable. Being aware and accepting your patterns is the path forward.


Often, we make things more complicated than they need to be. Our primary desire is to feel safe, seen, heard, and loved. The more we get it from within ourselves the more we get it from others. The more we can acknowledge the tender parts inside of us the less we need external validation.


If you are a woman looking for a man and put pressure on yourself to be in a relationship, the holidays can be challenging. So, starting late November or early December, join Stefanos and me for our Be the Queen program. This upcoming event is the last event until next year. Go to for more information.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you struggle with jealousy in your relationship even if there is no reason for it?
  • Do you judge yourself for getting jealous?
  • Did you grow up feeling like you fit into society, your family, or your peer group? Did you look or feel different, like you were not good enough?
  • How are you at meeting your own needs?


Boston’s Question:

Boston has a pattern of exhibiting jealousy in his relationships. He would like guidance on how to heal his triggers.


Boston’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • He recently started his personal development journey.
  • He puts his jealous behavior on to his partner.
  • He judges himself for his jealous tendencies.
  • He is mentally working through his patterns to interrupt them.
  • He has an anxious attachment style.
  • He is looking for reassurance in his relationship.
  • He grew up in an area where people were discriminatory.
  • He had very little emotional connection with his parents.
  • His parents argued a lot in his childhood.
  • He didn’t feel good enough as a child.
  • He was jealous of other families and the love he thought they shared.
  • He moved to a new country at a very young age.
  • He developed tough skin to protect himself.
  • His partner is patient and understanding.
  • He has old hurts and insecurity.
  • His fear of losing his family is preventing him from enjoying it.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Understand his jealousy is trying to protect him.
  • Be compassionate with himself when he is triggered.
  • Remind himself he is enough.
  • Talk to his younger self about what he needs and reassure himself.
  • Ask his partner to work with him on his inner child work.
  • Embrace and enjoy the life he has created.





Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Oct 16, 2021
If you avoid or dread conflict or find you have too much of it in your life, you will find this episode so helpful! Jayson Gaddis is here to talk about his new book Getting To Zero: How to Work through Conflicts in your High-Stake Relationships and teach us SO much about how to have healthier relationships.  He is a relationship expert and sought-after coach, as well as the Founder of The Relationship School and host of the successful Relationship School podcast. Jayson leads the most comprehensive relationship training in the world of intimate relationships and partnership, as well as trains and certifies relationship coaches. He has a master’s in psychology and lives with his wife and two children in Boulder, Colorado.
Get the book and free goodies here:
Oct 13, 2021

This episode is about taking the pressure off of self-imposed timelines. Today’s caller, Elizabeth, has a sense of urgency. She feels she needs to get into a relationship and have children. But, at the same time, she is experiencing rejection, ghosting, and men leaving. She thinks she is doing something wrong.


[For show notes, go here:]


For whatever reason, we put ridiculous timelines on ourselves. Who knows where they come from society, parents, or our inner critic. We also put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to be or to achieve certain things. And, all the while we’re not really paying attention to what we truly need to be learning. We miss out on the magic that can come from being present and in the moment.


And, enmeshment or co-dependence means that we are a little bit too reliant or dependent on another person to make us feel a certain way. We all want a mother to be the constant source of love and nurturing but we also want a mother to let us go on our way or let us suffer and find our own way.


If we have someone who always rescues us, how do we ever learn to rescue ourselves?


If you are a woman looking for a man and put pressure on yourself to be in a relationship, the holidays can be challenging. So, starting late November or early December, join Stefanos and me for our Be the Queen program. This upcoming event is the last event until next year. Go to for more information.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you unconsciously put pressure on yourself or others and it is sabotaging you from getting the things you truly want?
  • Did you have too close of a relationship with your mother or a parent?
  • Do you feel a timeline or sense of urgency to get married, have babies, or accomplish something at a certain time?
  • Would you say that you were an exceptional partner to yourself?


Elizabeth’s Question:

Elizabeth feels she is the reason her relationships don’t work out.


Elizabeth’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She feels she can’t get relationships right.
  • She feels she has been called to have children.
  • She was very close to her mother, maybe too close.
  • She is trying to source her love through other people to fill the void.
  • She clings on to men.
  • She misses being in a close relationship.
  • She didn’t develop her own sense of self.
  • She is scared to voice her feelings in relationships.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Prioritize loving herself and individuating.
  • Find her wise inner mother and untangle her enmeshment with her mother.
  • Look back at past relationships and consider how she could do things differently.
  • Write a reassuring letter to her future self that everything is going to be alright and then have her future self write back.
  • Realize it wasn’t her fault that guys take off but she can take responsibility for her part in the relationship.



  • Listen to the Coaches Corner interview with Bethany Webster, The Mother Wound.
  • If you feel pressured to get somewhere, write a letter to your future self and then have your future self write back to you about how everything works out.
  • If you are in a pattern, ask yourself what wound is it bringing attention to that could be healed.
  • Join the Be the Queen program.



THIRDLOVE — Delivers life-changing comfort for your body with high-quality underwear, sleep, and loungewear. They do comfort, so you can do you. Visit the Fitting Room and take the quiz at to find your perfect bra size and style. They have over 80 bra sizes, including half-cup sizes, and great-fitting, comfy loungewear! Use the link to get 20% off the first purchase of your new favorite Seamless wireless bra or loungewear. They have a 100% fit guarantee.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Oct 9, 2021
Sex and sexuality. These are part of the human experience.  Yet for so many, sex and sexualty brings up shame, insecurity and even painful memories.  It is possible to enjoy your sexual expression no matter what you have been through while empowering yourself by learning about your preferences and consent.
There is no one better to discuss these topics with me than. Dr. Betty Martin.

She has had her hands on people professionally for over 40 years, first as a Chiropractor and upon retiring from that practice,  as a certified Surrogate Partner, Sacred Intimate, and Somatic Sex Educator.  Her explorations in somatic-based therapy and practices informed her creation of the framework, The Wheel of Consent®.

As part of her work with the School of Consent, Betty travels around the world teaching practitioners how to create empowered agreements in their client sessions, in her highly sought-after training “Like A Pro: The Wheel of Consent for Practitioners.” 

Wheel of consent videos:



Oct 6, 2021

This episode is about doing inner child work to heal the mother wound. Today’s caller, Abigail, feels she is struggling to connect with her feminine energy but we discover that she is being triggered by her circumstances and it is revealing a coping strategy she relied on in her childhood. We discuss ways she can make the most of this healing opportunity.


[For show notes, go here:]


You can’t really tap into true masculine and feminine until you do inner child work. Because we can confuse being in our feminine or masculine energy with protective behaviors and coping strategies. It is important for us to find our divine mother and father energy but healing our childhood wounds is the starting point.


When past trauma in her child wounding is triggered, it is an invitation for us to deal with it by speaking to our little one and giving them a voice. It makes it much easier to trust because our inner child isn’t tugging at us telling us they are not okay.


What keeps some people from doing inner child work is that they think they have to relive their trauma or relive memories of their childhoods. It is possible to heal your childhood and connect with your inner child even if you have no memories or traumatic memories.


When we are given pauses in life, or when we feel we are in limbo, they are opportunities for us to focus on our inner work.


Join us for our LIVE Inner Child Workshop on October 8–10th. It will be the last live inner child workshop taught by Christine and Stefanos for a while. Get live coaching or attend the workshop online If you can’t make it live you can get the recording. If you need help financially go to


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you struggling with identifying what is masculine and feminine energy? Or, you are not sure how to be in your masculine or feminine?
  • Have you worked on the mother wound and know intuitively there is still more to do?
  • Do you identify with being a caretaker? Someone who takes care of other people’s needs as a way to try and get your own needs met?
  • As a child, were you more in the parent role than you were in the child role? Did a parent count on you for emotional support? Did they confide in you? Were you more of a friend to them and not allowed to truly be a kid?


Abigail’s Question:

Abigail struggles with staying in her feminine energy.


Abigail’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She has had a lot of uncertainty in her life.
  • She has difficulty adjusting and trusting changes.
  • She holds fear about changes in her life.
  • She frequently changes her residence.
  • She left her nursing career to be a doula.
  • Her parents dealt with uncertainty differently.
  • She didn’t have a good role model for embracing uncertainty.
  • She didn’t feel safe as a child.
  • Caretaking became a coping strategy for her.
  • She beats herself up emotionally.
  • She felt responsible for everyone else’s happiness.
  • She wants to be free to express her needs.
  • Her mom treated her like a friend and not a child.
  • She feels worthless if she isn’t caring for others.
  • Her partner feels safe to her.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Check-in with little Abigail to see how she is.
  • Accept and have compassion for herself.
  • Give her rage a voice and write an F-U letter to her mother.
  • This is a healing opportunity for her. She is exactly where she needs to be.
  • Join the Inner Child Workshop.
  • Check out the Mother Wound Coaches Corner and the work of Bethany Webster.



  • Use the pauses in your life to give your inner child a voice and to heal unhealed wounding.



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

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