
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: January, 2024
Jan 31, 2024

This coaching call is about getting out of our heads and into our bodies. Today’s caller, Ivy, had to suppress her natural inclinations as a child and she doesn’t feel safe in her body. She asks Christine for guidance around releasing the blocks to get what she wants from life. This session is extremely helpful if you relate to being in your head, or cognitive, or thinking more than feeling your way through things.


[For show notes, go here:].


As children, we internalize and amplify the voice and the messages of our parents and that is what becomes our inner voice, or inner critic. And, often, why we don’t feel safe in our bodies because we left our bodies at a very young age due to not feeling safe. We didn’t feel safe to be ourselves, and we didn’t feel safe mentally or emotionally.


There are so many things we do to protect ourselves. And what often happens is we hurt ourselves more. But until we realize so much of what we’re doing is protective patterning and until we find another way to “protect” ourselves, we keep doing the things that make us feel safe even if they aren’t the healthiest things for us. It is so deeply healing to get into our body and communicate with our inner child.


Remember, working with a coach or therapist is great, but it can be helpful if the person you are working with has struggled with similar things you are struggling with.


Journey to Joy is a free three-day inner child workshop with Christine and Stefanos on February 6th ‒ 8th, 2024. Send an email to to get more information or go to to sign up.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you have trouble getting out of your head into your body?

  • Have you been told to do somatic work or body-based practices but you just can’t seem to do it?

  • Do you have a fierce inner critic?

  • Do you carry a lot of shame?


Ivy’s Question:

Ivy would like guidance on how to remove the blocks that are keeping her from taking action to get where she wants to be.


Ivy’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She is in therapy.

  • She thinks she may have a block due to body shaming.

  • She is unable to identify how she feels.

  • She thinks she is emotionally unavailable.

  • She finds it difficult to express her anger.

  • She feels she is not worthy.

  • She struggles with using her internal compass.

  • She criticizes herself.

  • She has inner child wounding.

  • She would like to get out of her head.

  • She was shamed for being emotionally expressive as a child.

  • She doesn’t feel safe in her body.

  • She fears people will see her as messy and unlovable.

  • She had to suppress herself as a child.

  • She is committed to her healing.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Find her passionate parental voice.

  • Know that she is worthy.

  • Do inner child work. Possibly Journey to Joy.

  • Find things that work for her, not just what she is told to do.

  • Commit to loving herself and giving herself the childhood she didn’t have.



Christine Hassler — Take a Coaching Assessment

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

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Jan 27, 2024
We got a lot of feedback and questions from our last episode where we shared about some big inner child triggers that were coming up for us. In this episode we break down what exactly was being triggered, how we knew it was our inner child and how we handled it.  We also give YOU tips on how to know when your little one is triggered and how to love them through it. 
Please join us for our three day FREE workshop on connecting more deeply to your inner child called JOURNEY TO JOY 
Jan 24, 2024

This coaching call is about grief and guilt about past choices. Today’s caller, Michelle, is doing her best to navigate through the guilt and shame she feels about a decision she made. This is a beautiful conversation that can be triggering for a lot of reasons. Please listen with an open heart, open mind, and compassion. We all can relate on some level to making decisions we regret, or are not proud of, or that we feel shame or guilt around.


[For show notes, go here:].


With any choice, it is easier to look into the past from where we are now and evaluate the choice and wish we had done something differently. We have an amazing ability to judge and punish ourselves for a decision we made in the past. When truly we were making the best decision we could at the time.


If you have shame, guilt, or regret over a choice you made, how is that serving you? What is the guilt doing? How much longer do you want to punish yourself? 

Eventually, we have to let the guilt go and get to forgiveness because unless you have a time machine there is no way to change it. The only thing we can do is move forward.


When a person, especially a mother, is taking care of their health and making decisions that are most in alignment with their truth, it benefits their child.


Journey to Joy is a free three-day inner child workshop with Christine and Stefanos on February 6th ‒ 8th, 2024. Send an email to to get more information or go to to sign up.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Have you made a choice that you have shame or guilt about?

  • Are you trying to justify a decision you have made?

  • Is there a part of you that doesn’t feel safe and secure? 

  • Can you get out of your head, your beliefs, or your judgments and allow your heart to open to feel what you need to feel?


Michelle’s Question:

Michelle is asking for guidance on how to release the grief she feels about terminating her pregnancy.


Michelle’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • Michelle terminated her unexpected pregnancy last year.

  • She felt she was abandoning her inner child.

  • Her young-woman energy was not ready to have a child.

  • She feels unworthy, unsafe, and insecure.

  • She wants one day to step into motherhood but wants to release her grief first.

  • She knows the pregnancy came into her life for a reason.

  • She knows she made the best decision for her.

  • She’s been trying to connect with the soul because she didn’t during her pregnancy.

  • She was not ready to be a mother.

  • She knows she is worthy but finds it difficult to embody it.

  • She wants to let go of things that don’t serve her.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Know that taking care of ourselves is the best thing for our children.

  • It is time to deal with her inner child wound.

  • Grieve without the story and the justification.

  • Ask the child what it was there to teach her.

  • Create safety and security for herself.

  • Check out Byron Katie’s “The Work.”

  • She is worthy of love.

  • Trust her decisions.

  • Join the Journey to Joy inner child workshop.

  • Prepare to consciously conceive with love.



  • Where are you not making self-honoring choices in the name of love?



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Christine Hassler — Take a Coaching Assessment

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Jan 20, 2024
This is a juicy one! Stef and I talk about how our daughter Athena is taking us to the next level of inner child work...for ourselves and others.  We discuss what inner child healing is and why it's so important - and what can happen (or not happen) in your life if you "keep the past in the past" and continue to neglect your own inner child.  Inner child work is not woo-woo or is perhaps the most important and pivotal work you can do for yourself, your family, your community and the world.
To join us for our FREE 3 day inner child workshop, go to
Jan 17, 2024

This coaching call is about removing blocks. Today’s caller, Matt, has fears related to starting a new entrepreneurial business based on childhood wounding. Christine offers guidance about how he can release his self-protective mechanisms and fears of not being worthy of success.


[For show notes, go here:].


There are life-changing repercussions from significant childhood events where we felt shame, were not seen, or were not loved for who we are. Those events can create conscious and subconscious blocks because deep down our inner child believes something is wrong with them.


Many of us don’t get to where we want to go in life because we haven’t healed the origin wound that is holding us back.


We can get critical of the ways we believe we are sabotaging ourselves. But in reality, we are not sabotaging ourselves, we are protecting ourselves. The next time you notice yourself procrastinating or making excuses, put your hand on your heart and remember that it is just a form of self-protection and that you are safe to express yourself because you are an adult now and you’ve got this.


Did you set goals for 2024? Being personally matched with a coach may be the support you need to make your intentions a reality. Commit to six highly-curated sessions and get a transformational experience for a low price. Apply at


Journey to Joy is a free three-day inner child workshop with Christine and Stefanos in February. Sign up at


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Was there an event in your life that has dramatically impacted how you see yourself and how you see the world?

  • Is there something you want to do, maybe a career you want to step into or a relationship you want to take to the next level but you’re terrified?

  • Do you fear rejection?

  • Do you fear getting your heart broken, so much so that you don’t go after the things you want?


Matt’s Question:

Matt has blocks around starting a video production business.


Matt’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • He has a day job.

  • He had an HIV diagnosis that changed his trajectory.

  • He runs a support group for others with HIV.

  • He fears that something will go wrong when he tries something new.

  • He is in a two-year relationship.

  • He has a block around planning for the future.

  • He has childhood wounds around being who he is.

  • He has a lot of awareness about his blocks.

  • He’s been incorporating inner child work into his life.

  • He wants to get his website up and running but he is stalling and making excuses.

  • He has time management concerns around starting a new business.

  • He loves video editing and being creative.

  • He acknowledges it is OK to have fears.

  • He is ready to make a change.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Change his language when talking about his fears and protective patterns.

  • Don’t get frustrated with the protective part of his psyche.

  • Completely accept himself for who he is.

  • Know he is lovable.

  • Get a picture of himself as a teen and use it as a tool to follow his “why.”



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Christine Hassler — Take a Coaching Assessment

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Jan 13, 2024

Josh is an ex-paramedic, and Holistic Nutritionist, specializing inIK8VB gut health. It was the successes his clients have had with complex digestive diseases, previously thought to be impossible, that got him connected to some of the world's most renowned doctors.                       

Since then, he’s been recruited to the Priority HealthAcademy as a medical lecturer, helping educate doctors on the holistic approach to gut health, and complex digestive issues.  

Jan 10, 2024

This coaching call is about doing the work and not expecting a partner to bring the romance to you. Today’s caller, Joey, is yearning for more romance and intimacy in her marriage but her fear of abandonment may be holding her back from deeper intimacy. Christine offers guidance on how Joey can accept her partner for who he is and create more romance in her relationship.


[For show notes, go here:].


We all can relate to that initial stage of a relationship where it’s hot and heavy and you can’t get enough of each other, and then it’s ten years later. How do you sustain that? You can’t. You cannot sustain the initial hormonal rush that happens when you first get together with someone. But, what you can do is grow your passion.


When you initially meet someone, even if it’s your soulmate and fireworks go off, the kind of intimacy you have with someone after you have known them for five, ten, or twenty years is much deeper. And, unfortunately, it cannot be so HOT sometimes because you know someone a little too well. However, if you can reframe how you see it, it can be a turn-on.


Connect to your partner in a way that lights them up instead of expecting them to romance you and seduce you the way you think they should do it. Let that build the passion. Because when you are constantly on someone to be more romantic, passionate, and emotionally available, it is not a turn-on for them.


When you take an interest in what your partner loves, it pays emotional and sensual dividends.


Did you set goals for 2024? Being personally matched with a coach may be the support you need to make your intentions a reality. Commit to six highly-curated sessions and get a transformational experience for a low price. Apply at


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you someone who wants more romance and passion in your relationship?

  • Do you want more emotional intimacy in your relationship?

  • Have abandonment wounds made you more avoidant in relationships?

  • Are you willing to accept your partner for who they are and see that as the most romantic thing you could ever do?


Joey’s Question:

Joey would like guidance on how to create emotional availability and intimacy in her marriage.


Joey’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She and her husband do conscious healing work.

  • She has abandonment wounds from childhood.

  • She left her corporate work and is becoming a coach.

  • She is not sure if it is her emotional unavailability, or her husband’s, creating intimacy issues.

  • She wants romance and passion from her husband.

  • She has been married for ten years.

  • She sets the bar for romance high because of her abandonment wounds.

  • She may be overlooking when her husband sends intimate signals.

  • She finds fault and resentment in her husband when he doesn’t meet her expectations.

  • She creates fantasy relationships with other men in her head.

  • She is vague when asking for what she wants.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Accept her partner for who he is and stop projecting on him.

  • Reframe how she looks at passion, romance, and intimacy.

  • Acknowledge, nourish, and encourage her husband when he does romantic or sensual things.

  • Make space outside of her relationship to ensure intimacy lines don’t get blurred.

  • Remind herself that what she truly craves is consistency and stability.

  • Be clear about what she wants.



Christine Hassler — Take a Coaching Assessment

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Jan 6, 2024

This is the second part of my annual ritual to complete this year and step forward into 2024 with intention! In this episode, I guide you through a receiving process and meditation to start 2024 with steps to get clear about what you want to call in. Be sure to listen to the 2023 release episode to prepare you to receive freely.

We are $30 off on our breathwork and meditation series. Go to and use the promo code 2024.

Jan 3, 2024

This coaching call is about letting go of wanting to be right and healing a sister wound. As a teenager, today’s caller, Mariella, idealized her older sister but didn’t agree with her relationship choices. She feels her concern fell on deaf ears. She is asking for guidance on how to let go of her need to be right and to be happy with her sister.


[For show notes, go here:].


In communications with others, we need to be honest with ourselves about whether we are sharing our feelings or just sharing our opinions. If we want vulnerable, healthy, authentic connections with people, use “I” language and share feelings rather than opinions. Because other people’s lives are none of our business. We can have multiple opinions about the lives of others but they don’t matter.


Also, be honest with yourself about how often you want to be right. What do you get from being right? We can have a difference of opinion with others and not push the point without letting people walk all over us. An argument just to prove we are right is not worth the energetic real estate it takes to wait for our position to be validated.


We can take 100% responsibility for our lives without being in other people’s business. We can either let go of our past by processing and accepting it, or we continue to live with it in our present.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Is there something that happened and you are waiting for someone to tell you that you are right?

  • Have you been hurt or have you had an expectation hangover regarding your sister or a female friend?

  • Are you someone who feels that you give more in relationships than you receive?


Mariella’s Question:

Mariella would like to feel validated by her sister and let down the wall she has up when it comes to her sister’s happiness.


Mariella’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She felt her sister’s ex wasn’t good for her sister when she was young.

  • She felt her sister chose her ex over her.

  • She felt her sister didn’t listen to her or take her views seriously.

  • She was 13. Her sister was 18.

  • She is waiting for her sister to tell her she was right.

  • She finds it difficult to be happy for her sister.

  • Her sister is going to remarry.

  • She wants what is best for her sister.

  • She feels a responsibility to keep the family in order.

  • She is happily married.

  • She feels that her feelings don’t matter.

  • She is disappointed that her sister doesn’t fit into her idea of who she should be.

  • She has difficulty coming to terms with who her sister is.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Tell her inner child what she needs to hear without expecting her sister to do it.

  • Realize her sister’s life is not her business.

  • Accept her sister for who she is.

  • Be happy with her sister, not for her.

  • Grieve and accept that she will never receive validation from her sister.



Caraway Cookware — Caraway products are toxicity-free, beautiful, and easy to clean and use. The cookware and bakeware sets have a chemical-free slick coating. To take advantage of a limited-time offer for listeners of this podcast, go to Get a 10% discount when you upgrade your kitchen experience.



Christine Hassler — Take a Coaching Assessment

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.