
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: October, 2016
Oct 30, 2016

This is a MUST LISTEN. One of my favorite people in the world and someone who is truly a soul brother to me, Aubrey Marcus, and I talk about purpose, relationship, having a tribe and going through the FIRE of life (aka the personal growth path).   A little about Aubrey….   He is committed to empowering people to achieve their fullest human potential. He is the founder of Onnit, known for nutritional supplements based on a holistic health philosophy he calls Total Human Optimization. Aubrey Marcus has since grown Onnit into an industry leader, providing innovative peak performance supplements, foods, fitness equipment, and apparel.   Aubrey has a degree in philosophy, a multi-sport athlete (check out his instagram page @aubreymarcus and see some of the crazy physical stuff) and lives life with intense focus and willingness to seek the Truth.   He is about to start a new course which you can join in on “Go for your win” which you can learn more about at   And get a discount on any Onnit product at

Oct 26, 2016

The human experience is a beautiful thing, even when it’s challenging. It is sacred when someone is vulnerable. Today’s caller, Toni, shares her vulnerability as she asks for guidance. She reveals that many of the decisions of her life come from a place of fear. Toni is confused about what security and love really are. We talk about having a relationship with a higher power especially after she has gone through times in her life when she didn’t feel there was any kind of God. There IS some kind of higher power. There are so many names for it, so many ways people interpret it, but to me, it is infinite unconditional love. It may be hard to believe in any kind of God, when there is so much suffering in the world. The best way I can attempt to understand all the horrible things that happen, is that they happen as a result of human choice and free will. While many human choices are still made from a place of pain and fear, we are in a time of awakening. We are in a massive shift in consciousness. What is available to us all, is to make the choice to see the world through spiritual eyes. See ourselves through more spiritual eyes, without judgment; to see through the eyes of infinite and unconditional love. To heal our own pain that is preventing us from feeling connected to a higher power. We are moving into more acceptance, forgiveness and gratitude. If you are craving a deeper spiritual connection, please don’t wait for God to prove itself to you -- instead, open your heart, and pray to be shown the way. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are one. You are love. You are connected.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Do you feel you are operating more out of fear than faith? ● Are you making a lot of decisions with fear or self-doubt? ● Are you a people pleaser, who is afraid of disappointing people? ● Is connecting to a higher power challenging to you? If you do have a connection, would you like to deepen it? ● Are there situations in your life that make you doubt whether a God exists?   Toni's Question: Toni feels all aspects of her life are affected by her making decisions from a place of fear. She would like to find a way to think more productively.   Toni's Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She fears failing and disappointing people. ● Her self-worth is based on her people pleasing. ● She’s confused about what security and love really are. ● She hasn’t felt protected, or connected to her spirituality, since her father passed. ● She feels like she would be clearer, if she had a spiritual connection. ● She has been operating in survival mode. ● She should know she is not broken. ● She can change her relationship with herself, today. ● She can focus on her blessings, not on her fears.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She should realize she can access her spirituality. ● She should start processing her pain, and remove judgment, to arrive at forgiveness and love. ● She should put herself in an environment where she can heal. ● She can start cultivating her relationship with God, by talking to him/her.   Assignments and Takeaways: ● What is in your way of a connection to a higher power? ● What is keeping you in patterns of people pleasing and indecision? ● Do you have old trauma that needs to be processed? ● What beliefs may be keeping you from having beliefs? ● What religious upbringing did you have, which no longer resonates with you? ● You need to find which truth resonates with you. ● Look for a spiritual community of people who are committed to awakening, and who know we are all connected to source.  ● Start to develop a relationship with your higher power. ● Pray. Pray for experiences, feelings, and pray to be shown the way.   Sponsor: Audible - Free audiobook download and a 30-day free trial.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Christine Hassler Free E-book Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Over It and On With It Initial Podcast

Oct 22, 2016

So much good stuff in this coaches corner.  Everything from dealing with a break-up, to dating tips (learn how to write a great online profile), to being better in your relationship.   Listen to my friend and incredible dating coach, Marni Battista and I share about love and dating.   A little more about Marni: Marni Battista has a Masters in Education and is a Certified Life Coach by the International Coaching Federation. She is also a Master Practitioner at administering an Energy Assessment, “The D-Factor,” that helps clients pinpoint exactly why they are, or are not date-able, and what types of messages they are unconsciously broadcasting to others based on their thoughts, feelings, actions and attitudes. Marni is also trained as a Facilitator and Mentor Trainer by the Hoffman Institute, a world-renowned leader in personal development. In addition, Marni is the on-camera Dating & Relationship Coach to Tristan Couveras, star of the new hit reality TV show, “ControlTV,” produced by Seth Green and Ken Fuchs, producer of “The Bachelor.”   Get so much more from her here:

Oct 19, 2016

Do you feel a yearning to have a child? All women feel a desire to create, to give birth to things and to experience unconditional love. Sometimes, we project that on external things. Or, maybe we women feel we need to have a purpose. It may be that we need to move into a place of unconditional love for ourselves. We need to learn to love and nurture ourselves. You don’t want to have a child and then expect the child to fill your inner voids, or to make up for all the places you don’t love yourself. We should be as clear as possible about our decision to have a child, before bringing a baby into the world, so we do not project our emotional wounds on to the child. So consider, are you sure it is a baby you want, or is it something else you are yearning for? It takes courage to investigate what is true for us. Today’s caller, Jenny, is struggling with whether or not she wants to have children. As we dig deeper, it becomes apparent her issue is really about her honoring her own truth, and how she may not be able to reach clarity on the issue until she clears up some old beliefs and patterns. They are many reasons why you may not be 100% clear about a decision you are facing. Your clarity may be affected if you are not at a good point in life to make the decision, or if you are too impacted by what other people think, or society's expectations of you. You may also have difficulty if you have issues from your past influencing you, or if you are considering the choice as an either-or. All of these things can keep you in limbo. Consider form versus essence, where the baby is the form, and the essence is everything you think that baby is going to make you feel. If you are longing to become a parent, what is it you want to feel, and how can you bring it into your life now? The more you trust you are able to mother or father yourself in a loving way, the better mother you will be. Practice forgiving any misunderstandings about what being a parent means, that you may have bought into when you were a child. My personal mastery coaching course, Over It and On With It, is now open for registration until October 20th, 2016. The 6-week course includes a 90-minute call every other week, worksheets, guided meditations and more. This course is the best of my spiritual practices and practical tips. An investment in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. Go to to register or email   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you feeling the pressure of your biological clock? ● Are you struggling with a big life choice? ● In dating, or any other relationship, do you struggle with your own authenticity?   Jenny's Question: Jenny feels the subject of having children is coming up more and more during her relationships, but she’s not sure where she stands on the issue.   Jenny's Key Insights and Aha’s: ● Her early motherhood influences were not positive. ● She doesn’t feel pressure from her biological clock, it’s pressure from other people about her biological clock. ● She wants to be married in the future. ● She tends to be repeating the patterns of her mother. ● She may not unconditionally love herself. ● She wants to find the perfect partner. ● She can not seem to get to the root of her issue. ● Her definition of authenticity may need to be adjusted.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She should stop looking to other people to help her make her decisions. ● She should find self-love and self-trust within herself, before making the decision to have a child. ● She should try to bring out the mother archetype within herself. ● She should trust her intuition. ● She should write out her misunderstandings she adopted when she was a child. ● She should ask for guidance during her spiritual practice. ● She should rephrase her authenticity statement.   Assignments and Takeaways: ● Look at what is impacting your choices ○ Are you too far ahead of yourself? ○ Are you too impacted by what other people think? ○ Are there issues from your past, clouding your judgment? ○ Are you holding your choice as an either-or? ● If you are longing to be a parent look at the ways you can do it right now. ● Make new agreements with yourself, you are able to keep.   Resources: Christine Hassler How to Make Change Happen and stick! FREE Webinar Valid until 10-20-2016 Over It and On With It Personal Mastery Coaching Course Expectation Hangover Christine Hassler Podcasts Christine Hassler Free E-book Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram

Oct 15, 2016

Originally from Chicago, Samantha Bennett is a writer, speaker, actor, teacher and creativity/productivity specialist and the author of the bestselling, "Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day" (New World Library). She is the creator of the, dedicated to helping creative people get unstuck, especially by helping them focus and move forward on their goals. Now based in a tiny beach town outside of Los Angeles, CA, Bennett offers workshops, keynotes and private consulting. She also makes a heck of a roast chicken.    Her latest book is, "Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers and Recovering Perfectionists" (New World Library, Nov. 2016)

Oct 12, 2016

Today’s caller, Emma, is seeking guidance after a breakup. She would like to move forward with building her business but finds herself battling with self-doubt and procrastination. Emma is taking ownership of the issue and has a high-level of self-awareness about it, but she needs to uncover what is holding her back.  When we ask ourselves the question “what am I learning from this situation?” instead of “why did it happen to me?” we unlock something which is critical to our growth and healing. When a relationship ends, we are never 100% victims. We need to take 100% responsibility for the 50% which is our part. That said, we must do so without self-judgment or blame. We must accept we did the best we could with what we had at the time, and we now have an opportunity to do better moving forward. In future relationships, Emma has the opportunity to be more intimate. She was playing out the same patterns of withholding and people pleasing in her business, as she did in her marriage. Instead of being vulnerable she felt ashamed of sharing what was really going on in her life. People crave intimacy. Especially those who love us, care about us or want to get to know us. They want to feel like they are getting the real person. It’s hard to love someone who is wearing a mask or people pleasing all the time because we never know how they really feel. If you withhold of yourself through people pleasing, perfection or because you don’t trust people, it is time to examine that aspect of yourself. Emotional suppression holds energy back. Forgiveness can only begin after we bring acceptance and compassion to our feelings. We are unique but in many ways we are similar. We also have core pains and patterns that hold us back and once we move and shift those, we can move the needle in other parts of our lives. I address core pains and patterns in my Over It and On With It Mastery Course. My personal mastery coaching course, Over It and On With It, is now open for registration until October 20th. The 6-week course includes a 90-minute call every other week, worksheets, guided meditations and more. This course is the best of my spiritual practices and practical tips. Go to to register. Allow me to give you the support you need.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you a procrastinator? ● Have you gone through a breakup and blame yourself or the other person? ● Do you relate to being a people pleaser? ● Is intimacy challenging for you? ● Would you like to teach your children something you wish you had learned as a child?   Emma's Question: Emma would like strategies on how to move forward after her breakup.   Emma's Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She feels as if she wasn’t enough in her relationship. ● She is a people pleaser. ● She doesn’t trust herself. ● She suppresses her emotions. ● She did the best she could with the tools she had at the time. ● She punishes herself for going after what she wants. ● She needs to get eliminate the belief she needs to be perfect to teach forgiveness.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She needs to welcome the emotional aspect of her feelings. ● She should do forgiveness work around her self-blame. ● She should be compassionate towards herself to move into acceptance. ● She can empower her children with the tools she didn’t have. ● She needs to believe she deserves her dreams. ● She should create a meditation course for others to help herself heal.   Assignments and Takeaways: ● Write a letter to yourself or another person without sending it. It will help move the energy so it can be healed. ● Take a look at your life and see where you are withholding, not being honest, or people pleasing, and channel the energy to create something fun. ● Empower your children with the tools and knowledge you wish you would have had.   Resources: Christine Hassler How to Make Change Happen and stick! FREE Webinar Valid until 10-20-2016 Over It and On With It Personal Mastery Coaching Course Expectation Hangover Christine Hassler Podcasts Christine Hassler Free E-book @chrishassler on Snapchat @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram

Oct 8, 2016

You’ll love my interview with my dear soul sister Alexi who is seriously a major FORCE of light, love and inspiration in the world today.  We talk about fear, the imposter syndrome, meeting the love of your life (and how it often looks different than you expect) and much more.    A little more about Alexi: Alexi Panos is an author, transformational vlogger, entrepreneur and humanitarian who is on a mission to make personal development mainstream by synthesizing big ideas into fun, bite sized nuggets of goodness that spread throughout the world and create a ripple effect of positivity and love.   Alexi helps people discover how to access personal freedom, love and REAL happiness through a blend of ancient wisdom, psychology, somatic teachings, NLP and philosophy—shooting straight from the heart with her no-nonsense and passionate delivery of authenticity, quirkiness and fun.  She teaches people how to ditch their limiting stories and mindsets and set out to create the life they’ve always dreamed of.   Whether she’s speaking + facilitating workshops around the world with her transformational Bridge Method, drilling clean water wells through her non profit E.P.I.C., dishing insights from her own personal quest for truth in her books and blogs, or inspiring millions of viewers around the world as host of her compelling and inspirational YouTube Series, she’s completely OBSESSED with creating experiences that matter, move + inspire people into their greatness and authentic selves.   Alexi was was recently named ORIGIN Magazine’s TOP 100 CREATIVES CHANGING THE WORLD, one of 11 NOTEWORTHY MILLENNIALS by Huffington Post, is the winner of Elixir Magazine’s Millennial Mentor Award, one of 15 WOMEN THAT WOW by Creativ Magazine, and one of the stars of the breakout documentary THE ABUNDANCE FACTOR and RISE UP.   To learn more about her work visit

Oct 5, 2016

Today’s caller, Trish, thinks she is calling in for career advice but during the session, she discovers her own self-doubt is the barrier to her growth. It takes courage to look inward and see our biggest roadblock is ourselves. We must deal with these roadblocks with compassion and truth. Truth with love, compassion and gentleness is how we must deal with ourselves when we doubt ourselves, question our own worth or create our own suffering.  You must not buy into the belief you must be stern or harsh with yourself in order to shift. Judgment only reinforces a disconnection with your own inner knowing. If you want to be able to tap into your intuition and make choices that are most authentically aligned for you on your soul path, you must be mindful of how you are with yourself. Be a compassionate and honest coach to yourself. Let your mission and your passion become more important than your self-doubt. A major trap for people seeking clarity about their life or career path is they get too far ahead of themselves. If you are full of self-doubt, that is the message you are energetically sending to the universe. Maybe, it is time to update what your definition of confidence is.    Remember: Clarity comes from confidence and commitment. Confidence is full acceptance and compassion. Commitment is making your vision bigger than your biggest insecurity. Anything is possible. You can have what you dream of having and you can be free of what you want to be free of. If you are stuck in your career and you want to move forward with intention, freedom and passion, you can. You are able to remove your inner roadblocks to make anything possible. My very first online personal mastery coaching course, Over It and On With It, is now open for registration. The 6-week course includes a 90-minute call every other week, worksheets, guided meditations and more. This course is the best of my spiritual practices and practical tips. There is an early bird discount now that expires soon so don’t miss it. Go to to register.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are you working on determining what to do in your life? ● Do you have a career path in mind but feel uncertain about next steps? ● Do you feel you have to prove something in order to feel confident or capable of going after what you want? ● Is there a vision or mission you feel passionate about but you are letting your insecurities overshadow your commitment to your mission?   Trish's Question: Trish would like help in figuring out her career path.   Trish's Key Insights and Aha’s: ● She feels fulfillment from working in a spirituality related business ● Her self-doubt is creating a barrier to her growth ● Her autoimmune disorder may be causing her negative self-talk ● She wants to take a holistic approach to her life ● She would like to feel confident about her abilities   How to get over it and on with it: ● She should treat herself like she treats other people, with love ● She should trust herself more ● She should try not to look at her inner change as work ● She should make her own holistic coaching program and practice on herself ● If she gets in alignment with what she wants more opportunities will come her way   Assignments and Takeaways: ● Design your own self-confidence program and become your own client. ● Practice speaking compassionately to yourself. ● Look to other people who are ahead of you on the career path you want to be on for inspiration, but not for comparison. ● Write out your vision for your life and then go for it.   Resources: Christine Hassler Over and On With It Personal Mastery Coaching Course Christine Hassler Podcasts Christine Hassler Free E-book @chrishassler on Snapchat @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram

Oct 1, 2016

Listen in to a talk with me and one of my soul sisters (who lives in Bali) as we talk about optimal health. If you have ever done (or want to do) a cleanse or detox, this is a MUST listen.  Kate also shares about her own journey as a healer and the importance of learning boundaries and self-care.  Be sure to listen to the end because Kate leads us through an AWESOME guided mediation to connect more deeply to your intuition.   A bit more about Kate: Kate Reardon has two Bachelor Degrees in Health Science specializing in Complementary Medicine, Naturopathy and Nutritional Medicine. But early on in clinical practice she knew she was never going to be your typical Naturopath or Nutritionist… You see she has a very strong intuition that allows her access to see, feel and know things about people that they often cannot see within themselves. This ‘gift’, which she has had since childhood (yep she’s been communicating with the spirit world a long time), has brought her enormous blessings and challenges throughout her life. She LOVES being able to infuse all of this together. Her work as a Naturopath and Nutritionist is deeply rooted in a holistic approach that aims to heal the body from the core cellular level. And her intuitive metaphysical channeling work incorporates healing on emotional and spiritual levels; therefore her approach to health and wellness encompasses a direct acknowledgement of the ‘whole’ person – mind, body, spirit. Connect with Kate or learn more: