This episode is about knowing when a relationship has reached its expiration date. Today’s caller, Bretton, is looking for guidance about what his next steps are in a marriage that needs work. He has committed himself to do personal development work but his partner has not. Some relationships do have an end or an expiration date when it’s not for the highest good of everyone involved to stay in it. But, how do we know when it reaches that point?
Get inspired as you listen to Amanda share how she has built an incredibly successful and impactful business…all by the age of 25! This episode will encourage you to break free of trying to look a certain way and step into full authentic expression!
This episode is about getting a toxic person out of your life and taking action to set and enforce healthy boundaries. Today’s caller, Ashley, wasn’t loved the way she wanted to be loved as a child and her mother is still criticizing her. She wants guidance on how to coexist with her mother in a toxic relationship. Even if you don’t have someone toxic in your life, you will still get a ton of value out of this coaching session.
Jen Sincero is a bestselling author, success coach, and motivational speaker who spent more than a decade traveling the world helping people transform their lives and their bank accounts via her public appearances, private sessions, coaching seminars, and books, including the New York Times bestseller You Are a Badass
This episode is about how to stop parenting your parents. If you are a parent it is a great listen to make sure you are not falling into codependent patterns with your child. Today’s caller, Gina, is a people pleaser who is at the beginning of her journey of connecting all the dots. She is searching for guidance on how to become her own person, free of the guilt she imparts on herself about what she should or should not be doing for her mother.
Get ready for an incredible conversation with one of the most heart-centered, boss lady, bad-asses I know: Marie Forleo! Marie runs an online business school for modern entrepreneurs, called B School In this interview we cover a lot of ground from what you really do need to do in your business, what you should NOT do, how to balance masculine and feminine energies, and how to stop giving a crap about what people think of you.
This episode really isn’t about sex, it’s secondary. What this call is really about is letting go of your past so you can enjoy your present and future and letting go of judgment, especially of other people. Today’s caller, Michaela, feels guilty about judging her partner about something she perceives as a problem. And, whenever we are judgmental of another person it’s usually an indicator that there is something inside of us we need to look at.
Alexia Vernon is the author of the book, Step into Your Moxie: Amplify Your Voice, Visibility, and Influence in the World. Branded a “Moxie Maven” by President Obama’s White House Office of Public Engagement for her unique and effective approach to women’s empowerment, Alexia Vernon is a sought-after speaking and leadership coach to female (and male) executives, entrepreneurs, media personalities, and change makers