
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: October, 2022
Oct 29, 2022

Have you forgotten who you truly are? Are you caught up in some self-doubt, guilt, loneliness, sadness or disappointment? Could you use a reminder of how lovable you are? Then don't miss this episode where Christine speaks straight to your heart.

Oct 26, 2022

This episode is about how loving actions help us heal. Today’s caller, Jada, was never shown love in childhood and wants to know how she can learn to love herself. When we don’t have loving stable parenting, we are at a disadvantage. But, people who have had a disadvantaged childhood and have done the work to heal it, find a force, love, and momentum that is unstoppable.


[For show notes, go here:]


Growing up without a role model for what love feels like is akin to growing up in a house with only one language. Would you expect yourself to speak another language naturally? Would it just appear in your brain? No. When we don’t have models for what love is, it is hard to access love; it is hard to know what true healthy love is without other people. It makes it hard to access self-love as well.


When something bad happens, many people say that the experience has made them stronger and more resilient. But what that translates to is the experiences they endured created walls to protect their heart so they never really let love in because they are scared to death of being hurt again. For many people who had difficult childhoods, there is a lot of anger and grief they never got to feel.


When we are healing trauma it is not about going back and reliving the experience. It’s about giving ourselves the voice we never had. When looking at self-love, we have to take actions that signify self-care and actions that signify that we are being good to ourselves. That is the first step in learning how to love ourselves.


Love is a feeling that we can access through actions.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you want to love yourself but you are not sure how?
  • Did you have a traumatic childhood full of chaos and without a role model of love?
  • Do you question if you will get over your past?
  • Could it be possible that you are doing loving things but you don't even know it?


Jada’s Question:

Jada grew up without a role model of what love is and would like guidance on how to find genuine self-love.


Jada’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She feels anxiety when telling her story.
  • She was abused and didn’t have love in her childhood.
  • She feels unworthy and undeserving of love.
  • She wants to turn her memories into something else.
  • She has done self-work for three years.
  • She is repressing anger.
  • She wants love and support.
  • Her inner child craves unconditional love.
  • She recognizes how her lack of self-love shows up in her life.
  • She is tired of how her childhood has affected her.
  • She does not go into victim.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Discontinue trying to find beauty in the trauma.
  • Take the time to process her emotions.
  • Recognize that love; she may not know how to feel self-love but she knows what loving actions are.
  • Give herself credit for how far she’s come.
  • Know that as she continues on this healing path she will propel forward.
  • Find a seasoned therapist so she doesn’t have to do healing alone.



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

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Oct 19, 2022

This episode is about accepting where we are in life and enjoying it to the fullest. Today’s caller, Lindsey, has wanted to find a partner to share her life with for a long time. She has done personal development work but still believes she needs to fix herself before calling in a partner. We work through ways she can trust life, trust divine timing, and enjoy her life.


[For show notes, go here:]


When we have hindsight, it is easy to move into acceptance. We look back and consider that something happened for a reason it makes it easier to accept. When we have to accept something, or we choose to accept something that isn’t what we want, that is when the real spiritual ninja work comes in.


The constant trying to figure out why — which is something we all do to some degree — we don’t have something we want or something in our life isn’t working. We pick ourselves apart with a fine-toothed comb trying to find the reason. Because if we find the reason, it gives us control and then we can do something to solve it. It is a pattern of constantly looking.


Acceptance is when we move into the peace of what is. It is when we stop wishing for something to be different or when we have feelings about circumstances not being what we want, we don’t bypass them. Resignation is when we give up. Acceptance has relief energy. When we surrender we can be open to something shifting.


When we move into full acceptance of who we are and where we are in our lives, the acceptance keeps us in the energetic of love and shifts what we are broadcasting.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Is there something you want badly and think you will be happier when you get it?
  • Are you single and don’t want to be single but you can’t move into acceptance of it?
  • Have you done work to change an issue or circumstance but it isn’t shifting and you keep trying?
  • Do you believe your life would be better if you had something you don’t?


Lindsey’s Question:

Lindsey has been single for most of her life and would like guidance on how to call in a partner.


Lindsey’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She has been single for 10+ years but wants to call in a partner.
  • She is an adventurous woman in life and work.
  • She has a belief that men find her good enough to sleep with but not good enough to date.
  • She believes she would be better in a relationship.
  • She is sad because she doesn’t have a partner.
  • She feels she has no control over finding a partner and pities herself.
  • She feels looked over by the people in her life.
  • She has limiting beliefs about herself.
  • She is constantly doing to not think about the uncertainty of life.
  • She believes that if she doesn’t work hard to get something she won’t get it.
  • She is incorporating practices to keep herself present.
  • She surrenders in water and with music.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Accept where she is right now.
  • Move toward acceptance and let go of wanting something else.
  • Make a playlist of songs that make her love her life in the now.
  • Stop herself from going down a spiral.
  • Stop trying to fix something that isn’t broken.
  • Trust life and trust divine timing.



  • You can’t always get what you want but you can get what you need. If we can move into acceptance of wherever we are or are not, we have more enjoyment and freedom in our life.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Oct 15, 2022

If you feel like you have done lots of personal development work yet certain patterns or issues keep coming back, then don't miss this episode! Christine explains why you must plant flowers after you weed your consciousness and break circuits that are currently running your mental programming.

Oct 12, 2022

This episode is about the protective patterns we create when we don’t feel safe. Today’s caller, Amanda, says she wants guidance on how to access her sensuality but the core issue is truly about how she can feel safe and be vulnerable. We can’t feel safe in our sexuality or sensuality unless we feel safe in our vulnerability.


[For show notes, go here:]


When women don’t feel safe in their bodies we tend to go into our heads. We talk, talk, talk, and don’t notice what is going on in our bodies. As human beings, we are a combination of doing and being, flowing and going, masculine and feminine, sensual and productive, right and left. So, one of our biggest turn-ons is safety. If we feel safe, we can let go. If we don’t feel safe, forget about it. We need to learn that it is safe to feel and to be emotionally vulnerable.


When we attempt to make changes while in frustration, it is important to shift into vulnerability and full self-expression. We need to accept all aspects of ourselves. Sensuality can feel scary because it feels out of control when we keep our safe place in our heads.


When we don’t feel safe, we have protective patterns that frustrate us. We judge the patterns and try to change them. But, nothing heals judgment. The first step of healing is to love, accept, and thank the pattern for protecting us.


If you don’t feel safe expressing yourself emotionally, you won’t feel safe expressing yourself sensually and sexually. When an expression is muted, all expressions are muted.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you feel blocked from your sensuality? Would you like to be more expressed in your life, especially sexually?
  • Did you have the space to be expressed as a child? Was vulnerability encouraged in your house or did you have to hide or numb your feelings or deal with them on your own?
  • Are you in a relationship and feel inhibited with your own partner?
  • Do people in your life give you feedback that they would like to be closer to you? Do you feel your relationships could be deeper but you are scared to go there?


Amanda’s Question:

Amanda feels shame and guilt when it comes to sensuality and would like guidance on how to embody her sexuality without guilt and to feel good.


Amanda’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She will be 40 this year.
  • She is in a loving, committed relationship.
  • As a child, she was raised Christian and was taught to believe that “good girls don’t” do certain things.
  • She wants to let go of things that don’t serve her.
  • She feels awkward when expressing her sensual self.
  • Feeling uncomfortable and numb stems from her childhood.
  • She doesn’t feel safe being vulnerable.
  • People care about her and want to be honest with her.
  • She wants to break the pattern.
  • She commits to being in her body and creating opportunities to be emotionally vulnerable.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Remind herself that it is safe to feel.
  • Feel her discomfort but also feel she is safe.
  • Practice vulnerability.
  • Write three questions to evoke emotional vulnerability.
  • Recreate an opportunity to be fully expressed.
  • Forgive herself for judging herself and being hard on herself.



  • If you want to be more sensually or sexually expressed, look at how emotionally expressed you are.
  • Do you make safe spaces for your sensuality?



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Oct 5, 2022

This episode is about upper limiting and discerning deal breakers versus growth opportunities in relationships. Everything seems to be finally working out for today’s caller, Daria, but she is having difficulty accepting it and her fiance. She asks for guidance on how to break existing patterns to make sure she doesn’t self-sabotage herself or her relationship.


[For show notes, go here:]


It is very common that once we start to get the things we want, we start to wonder if we deserve them and if they are fleeting. We often have unexpected feelings when things start to go well.


When the hormones and infatuation of a new relationship wear off, in the realness of a relationship, there may be things about our partner that we don’t like. In most relationships, there are things about our partners we just don’t like and that we want to change. These things fall into several categories but more definitive would be to think of them as deal breakers or growth opportunities.


There are some things about our partner that we need to decide if it is truly annoying or not. Focusing on what we love about our partners and accepting them for who they are can go a long way. We can choose to focus on the great things about our partners.


When we want to request a change of behavior from our partner, they must feel safe in the relationship.


My Women’s Retreat is this weekend, October 7‒9, 2022 in Austin. Go to to get more information about this gentle and nourishing life-changing opportunity. Whatever your issue or concern there is a place for you.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you sure about your relationship? You don’t have doubts but there are some things about your partner you wish they would change.
  • Do you tend to have high standards and wonder if you are settling?
  • Are you good at communicating what you need in a relationship? Or, maybe you are not as good at it as you think you are?
  • Are you willing to be the change you want to see in the relationship?


Daria’s Question:

Daria is feeling a sudden change of feelings toward her fiance and would like guidance to ensure she doesn’t self-sabotage.


Daria’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She is upper limiting herself.
  • She discovered her ex-husband deceived her.
  • Her upbringing drastically changed when her mother got sick.
  • She loves her fiance.
  • She feels herself pulling away from her partner.
  • She wishes he could be more of a grownup with her.
  • She feels comfortable asking for things from him but feels she has to do it constantly.
  • She loves his sense of playfulness and is a good friend to people.
  • She is not sure when she is trying to change her partner or change the things he does.
  • She is trying to learn how to deal with him and her feelings.
  • Her relationship feels lopsided.
  • She wants to make the relationship work.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Read The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks.
  • Get turned on by the things she loves about her partner.
  • Realize her fiance feels her come-and-go energy and it can make him feel unsafe.
  • To break her pattern, consider when and how she can lean into how much she loves him.
  • Trust life and know that it is safe to be happy.



  • Experiment with a person who annoys you. For one week, choose to only recognize the amazing things you like about them.



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram

@SacredUnionCouples on Instagram — Males who want to be on the show — For information on any of my services

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Oct 1, 2022
Author, speaker, teacher and force of love Danielle LaPorte joins Christine to dive deep into inner child work, forgiveness, radiance, choosing higher quality thoughts and so much more.
Make sure to get her new book  How To Be Loving: As Your Heart is Breaking Open and Our
World is Waking Up
which is a nuanced perspective on the life-changing power of
Self Compassion, shadow work and being more receptive
to Higher Guidance. This is a guide on how to use the
genius of your heart to create conditions for healing.
Learn more at