
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: February, 2017
Feb 25, 2017

Listen in as Christine coaches Chip, a fitness entrepreneur who wants to increase his impact and income by launching an online course but is not sure of where to begin.  You’ll get to hear a different side of Christine’s coaching as she puts on her business / entrepreneur hat and supports Chip in getting clarity on the specifics of his course and launch.   If you are an aspiring entrepreneur and want a clear step-by-step plan for how to build or grow your business AND would love Christine’s coaching then you will LOVE B-School which is the the world-renowned online business school for modern entrepreneurs.   The 8-week online training offers step-by-step guidance on how to build a profitable brand that stands out, market your business in an authentic, non-sleazy way, and seriously increase your online presence so that you can spread your message to the masses - and make money!   Enrollment opens only once a year, so if you’re considering B-School  do not delay!   Go there to see the bonuses Christine is offering and to enroll:

Feb 22, 2017

This episode is about becoming getting over your past and becoming connected to your heart. Today’s caller, Jane is still impacted by a traumatic childhood. She would like to move past it and find someone to share her feelings with. [For show notes go here:] I acknowledge Jane for her courage and her vulnerability. Just calling in is a testament to how far she has come. It’s true that when we are ready, we are guided toward our resources and teachers to help us heal. Jane said she felt anxious. For many people, anxiousness comes from having a chaotic childhood, not having structure, or having too much structure. If it’s true for you, don’t make yourself wrong, but also don’t use your past as an excuse to either be a rebel, or to feel like you can’t parent yourself or add structure to your life. You can. Our hearts are an intuitive voice of wisdom, guidance and reassurance. In our logical, mind-based world it is often easier to think than to feel, but emotional processing and healing cannot be done in our heads. People tend to be able to process and release emotions through writing. If you have been repressing your emotions, or distracting or numbing yourself, try writing down your feelings to help you hear your heart. Remember strength is not pushing through something. Strength is vulnerability. To truly live into our potential, we must connect to our hearts. Special announcement — We hit 1 million downloads in February! I am so grateful to all of you, and to celebrate I am giving away a gift to 3 of you. The prize is one month in my Inner Circle membership community for free. You can win by sharing why you like #overitandonwithit on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.  Just post, tag me, and don’t forget to add the #overitandonwithit hashtag! I recently spoke about the importance of connecting to our hearts at Aubrey Marcus’s Go For Your Win event. You can listen to what is probably my favorite interview of all time, Coaches Corner episode with Aubrey, if you are not familiar with him. Would you like to connect deeply to your feminine power, and get clarity that leads to deep healing? At the end of September 2017, I am hosting a retreat in a place which has cracked open my heart. Enrollment is now open for my women’s only Spiritual and Self Love Retreat in Bali. Contact to register. If you want to actualize your dreams and have a heart-based online business, enroll in Marie Forleo’s  B-School. I am offering free mastermind day and other bonuses because I believe in the program so much. Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Is there something from your past that is creating problems in your present? Are you frustrated, and believe you should be over it by now? ● Do you deal with rushing around, running late, and feel like you are not meeting your deadlines? ● Would you like to be able to feel and connect to listening to your heart?   Jane's Question: Jane would like to finally like to move past her traumatic childhood.   Jane's Key Insights and Ahas: ● She recognizes how strong she had to be, to get through her childhood. ● She has a lot of anger and sadness. ● She has felt alone for a large part of her life. ● She appreciates her ability to keep trying. ● She welcomes people in her life to share her feelings and to be honest with.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She should practice more release writing. ● She should get Expectation Hangover and perform the Temper Tantrum technique. ● She should find a professional to help her process her feelings. ● She should tell the universe she is ready for her guides to come forward. ● She should find a place to volunteer with children. ● She should say 3 loving things to herself about herself.   Assignments: ● Practice release writing. I teach you how to do it in Expectation Hangover. ● In your spiritual practice, pray for your spirits, guides, healers, or coaches to come forward in a physical human form. ● If you are processing pain from your childhood, volunteer with children or animals to feel unconditional love.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram Marie Forleo’s B-School

Feb 18, 2017

Listen in as Christine answers listener questions. The first one is from Frank who is 34 and dealing with a massive career expectation hangover.  He keeps experiencing setbacks at work which are negatively impacting his confidence and ability to financially support himself. The second question is from Debra who at 52 found herself having a very unexpected (and inappropriate) romantic connection with a 33 year old colleague.   Also be sure not to miss the FREE video training series about how to build a business and life you love from Marie Forleo. Go here to check it out:   And for more info on Christine’s retreat to Bali go here:

Feb 15, 2017

Today’s episode is about manifesting a relationship. Leila has been impacted by her father’s happiness, or lack of it, much more than she realizes. She would like guidance on how to remove any blocks she has formed. [For show notes go here:] As you heard in the call, Leila’s true inspiration for calling in was the desire to be in a loving relationship, and to understand why she wasn’t attracting the kind of relationship she wants in her life. Programming from our past can impact us more than we are aware. In Leila’s case, she didn’t realize her father’s apathy towards his own life affected her. As a child, she felt like he wasn’t excited to be with her, and she felt not chosen and not fully seen. She longed for a connection with her father. We can only give the love we give ourselves. A parent’s impact on us is often more obvious when they have been abusive or suffer from an addiction. It’s important to look at the more subtle things that may be affecting you. Leila also didn’t want to take on the responsibility of fixing someone or making them happy. She felt taking on a relationship would be a heavy weight and a burden, and she would be responsible for making the man happy. It’s important to note that the role of a romantic partner and role of a parent are two very different things. Listen to my Coaches Corner with Marie Forleo of B-School. B-School is an online business school that covers everything you need to know to start your own business, plus I am offering bonuses because I believe in the program so much. I am offering four live group coaching calls, a guided meditation and visualization for each module and some new surprises for 2017! Email And Andrea Owen from my favorite podcast, Your Kick Ass Life is offering her e-book and audio, How the Crap Talk in Your Head is Making You Crazy and 3 Ways to Change It, for free if you text ‘selftalk’ to 444999.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● How has your parents’ overall level of happiness affected your level of happiness?   Leila's Question: Leila would like to more deeply understand her feelings surrounding her father’s work, to make sense of why she has difficulty with committed relationships.   Leila's Key Insights and Ahas: ● She picked up her father’s shame about his job. ● She doesn’t share details of her life with her father. ● She never felt important to her dad. ● It is not her job to fix her dad. ● She is looking to fill a void. ● She feels an over-responsibility towards men.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● Make a list of what she wanted from her dad, and forgive him for not being able to give her those things. ● It is time for her to get a clear idea of what she wants from a romantic relationship. ● She should step into her divine masculine energy and give herself the validation, appreciation, and encouragement she longed for from her dad. ● She should let go of the belief she has a block towards being in a relationship. ● She needs to break the pattern of believing she needs to fix anyone.   Assignments: ● Look at beliefs or ways of being you have taken on from your parents, and write a letter to them giving those things back. Rip it up or burn it, afterward. Do a visualization of you giving unwanted fears, judgments, or limiting beliefs you acquired from your parents back to them with love and forgiveness. ● If you want to attract a romantic relationship or upgrade the one you have, have a clear picture of what you want and what you have to give. ● Let go of the belief of a relationship block, or you are doing something wrong, and get excited about any investment you make in yourself in a way of giving to your future partner and family. ● If you want to make a change in your career, or take your business to the next level, look into B-School.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram — Send your questions to Christine, to be answered on Coaches Corner. Marie Forleo’s B-School Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Feb 11, 2017

I have such a treat for you all this week as Marie Forleo joins us on Coaches Corner. She drops SO much wisdom in this interview.    Some of the topics we cover include:   What “modern marketing” really is all about – and why it’s not sleazy! How to overcome fear when it comes to your business and stepping into your purpose The reason why taking action is critical  . . . even if you do not know your final destination How to get clarity in ANY situation What you can do to figure out if your business is viable idea   Marie just released a FREE video training series where she gives you some incredible guidance on starting or building your business.

Go HERE to get it. (   Also, I am a proud affiliate partner of B School and will be announcing my special bonuses soon (one of them is coming to my home in San Diego for a free masterminding day with me!).  Be sure to sign up at for my emails so you stay in the know.   A little more about Marie Forleo: Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and one of Inc.’s 500 fastest growing companies, Marie's mission is to help you build a life you love and use your gifts to change the world. She’s the creator of the award-winning online show MarieTV with over 26 million views on YouTube with an audience in 195 countries. She’s the founder of B-School, an online business school for modern entrepreneurs. Through her Change Your Life, Change The World initiative, every product purchased helps support a person in need.

Feb 8, 2017

Today’s episode is about stepping out of your comfort zone, and following your dreams. Mel has financial security in her current position, but feels called to do something more impactful. She would like guidance on how to get to where she wants to be. [For show notes go here:] Mel was experiencing two major blocks: fear, and her own limiting beliefs about not being good enough. When we don’t know what is ahead of us, we are faced with uncertainty, and with uncertainty comes fear. Our security doesn’t come from an external source. The person who makes you safe is you and your connection to source. I encouraged Mel to take off the golden handcuffs. It may feel like safety and security to her, but it is not freedom if she is not happy, and she feels called to do something more. Financial security and wealth are available through various forms. There is a fine line between fear and excitement. If you are at the tipping point between excitement and fear, I encourage you to lean into the excitement, and stop fighting with fear. Mel’s belief of not being good enough was something we all experience at one time or another. I reminded her that we all have an infinite amount of potential. During the call, the use of numbing agents came up. The use of pot, alcohol,  shopping, etc., are common when we suppress both emotion and desire.  Mel had some unprocessed emotion from her childhood, and she felt suppressed by her parents. But, as an adult, she was doing to herself what they did to her. If you use numbing agents to suppress your emotions and desires, listen to my Coaches Corner episode How to Stop Numbing with Pot.   Special announcement — We hit 1 million downloads! I am so grateful to all of you, and to celebrate I am giving away a gift to 3 of you. The prize is one month in my Inner Circle membership community for free. You can win by sharing why you like #overitandonwithit on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.  Just post, tag me and don’t forget to add the #overitandonwithit hashtag! And, be sure to listen to my new Coaches Corner with Marie Forleo of B-School.  And Andrea Owen from my favorite podcast, Your Kick Ass Life is offering her e-book, How the Crap Talk in Your Head is Making You Crazy and 3 Ways to Change It, for free if you text ‘selftalk’ to 444999.   Also, I created an Over It and On With It survey, just for my listeners, and I would really appreciate it if you would take 2-5 minutes to fill it out to let me know what you like about the show, and what you want to hear more of.   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Do you feel imprisoned by golden handcuffs? Do you struggle with the limiting belief of never being enough? ● Do you think following your dreams is careless or risky? ● Do you believe you deserve happiness, and are capable of creating it?   Mel's Question: Mel would like to know how to lessen her attachment to her income and transition out of her current position to follow her passion.   Mel's Key Insights and Ahas: ● She allows fear to make her feel not good enough. ● She doesn’t completely believe she can feel happy and fulfilled. ● She believes being happy is being careless, irresponsible and selfish. ● She would like a closer relationship with her parents.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She should get clear on what will make her feel prepared to make a change. ● She needs to stop using numbing devices and work through her sadness and anger directed at her mother and father. ● She needs to write or record her vision to reprogram herself.   Assignments: ● Prepare yourself to make a change by getting clear about what you want. ● Stop using numbing devices to suppress your emotions and desires. ● Write down or record your vision.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram — Send your questions to Christine, to be answered on Coaches Corner.

Feb 4, 2017

I share BIG NEWS in this episode and give you a way to receive a FREE month into my inner circle.  Also listen in as I answer two caller questions. The first one is about why letting of of ex’s you know are not good for you is so hard.  In the second question I cover challenges related to being the child of alcoholics.

Feb 1, 2017

Today’s episode is about how to let go of relationships from your past, and how to heal old wounds. Danielle is consciously aware of what she is going through, but is still triggered by things in her past. One frustrating part of the human experience is when we are consciously aware of something, but we are still affected by it in a negative way. We have to be gentle with ourselves, and know that when we go through a change, it is typical for a part of us to be a little freaked out. And, we don’t get over it by giving ourselves a pep talk. We have to go back, and give ourselves permission to feel our sadness or our fear. Danielle was aware of her anxious attachment, and she knew it needed to stop. Her willingness to get over it created the insights and shifts she had during our conversation. If you want to get over a relationship you are invested in, you have to be willing to let them go. Danielle never felt chosen by her biological dad. She had more pressure on her, in her family, than support. She was there for everybody else, but no one was there for her. It was important to get Danielle out of her rational head, and into her heart. She consciously knew her issues, but she kept attracting the same type of relationships, because she never shifted emotionally. My work with Danielle was about going back and understanding what her younger self really needed. I asked her to go back and speak to herself as if she was her father speaking to her, and tell herself the things she wished he would have said. Let go of any belief someone will choose us and make us worthy. I created an Over It and One With It survey, just for my listeners, and I would really appreciate it if you would take 2-5 minutes to fill it out to let me know what you like about the show, and what you want to hear more of.   I will be co-hosting a retreat for men and women with Aubrey Marcus in Austin, TX in April. More details to come!   Consider/Ask Yourself: ● Are there things you consciously know, but you are still being triggered and affected? ● Are you still attached, in a relationship or energetically, to an ex or another person in your life? ● Do you think there could be some hurt involving your parents, you haven’t quite dealt with? ● Do you keep attracting the same type of person over and over again?   Danielle's Question: Danielle was in a dysfunctional relationship for three years, and is still attached to the person, even though they broke up nine months ago.   Danielle's Key Insights and Ahas: ● She kept her feelings hidden as a child. ● She chose a partner who reinforced her childhood belief that her feelings don’t matter. ● Her ex was never there, and was never consistent with her. ● She started her dysfunctional relationship shortly after her father passed. ● She is still wanting a relationship with her father. ● She was told she was supposed to save her parent’s marriage. ● She may not have discovered who she really is. ● She will have more compassion for herself. ● She will allow herself to feel her feelings without overthinking them.   How to Get Over It and On With It: ● She needs to connect to her inner child, and make herself know she is worthy. ● Attend the Women’s Spring Retreat in March. ● She should use the Release Writing or Temper Tantrum tools in Expectation Hangover.   Assignments: ● Be honest with yourself about any dysfunctional relationships or anxious attachments, and be willing to let them go. ● Stop using your head so much. ● Allow someone else to help you, by getting a coach, or going to a retreat or workshop.   Sponsor: Freshbooks Get a Free 30-Day Unrestricted Trial to Online Accounting Software. Enter “Over It and On With It” in the ‘How did you hear about us?’ section.   Resources: Christine Hassler Christine Hassler Podcasts Find me on Snapchat @chrishassler @christinhassler on Twitter @christinehassler on Instagram — Send your questions to Christine, to be answered on Coaches Corner.