This is part two of the New Year's Ritual I designed for you. In this episode I guide you through a meditation to release the past decade and clearly see your vision for 2020 and beyond. You can also view the entire process in written form at URL HERE
This episode is about being yourself, loving yourself, and allowing yourself not to push through fear. Today’s caller, Bianca wants to date but when an opportunity arises she gets scared. She developed a way to become a chameleon which gave her a false sense of confidence but after personal development work she is removing the masks she used to wear and now feels fear about others seeing her for who she really is. What we uncover is that what is driving her patterns around dating stems from her childhood.
[For show notes go here:]
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
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Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback — Get on the waitlist for this show
It's almost a new DECADE!!! Christine guides you through a process and ritual to acknowledge, honor and review the past ten years and get clarity on what to let go of before you step into 2020. Be sure to sign up at to receive the letting go and manifestation process that will air next week in written form.
And AUSSIES! Join us for a special one-day workshop in Brisbane on Jan 11th. Register here:
This episode is about releasing things that are in the way of going for your dreams. Today’s caller, Jessica feels trapped and unable to take risks or make decisions about her future. She wants to find her purpose but isn’t giving herself permission to dream. We work through how she can find a balance, be curious, and learn by way of experience.
[For show notes go here:]
Better Help — allows you to connect with a professional, licensed counselor or therapist in a safe and private online environment. You can change counselors anytime with no additional charge. Over It and On With It listeners receive 10% off their first month by using discount code ‘Overit’.
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback — Get on the waitlist for this show
If you feel like you have a lot of awareness but things in your life are not changing…it may be time for some “experiential” work. In this episode Christine defines what experiential work is and why it’s important. Jill joins her and they talk about what happens at Christine’s signature retreat to help you discern if it’s right for you.
More info about the retreat here:
This episode with Brooke is about taking things personally. We tend to allow ourselves to be impacted by what other people say or don’t say or how they respond to us. Part of growing into becoming an emotionally healthy person is not taking things personally. And, being able to receive feedback without spiraling out into self-doubt, upset, and giving your power away by letting other people impact what you think of you.
[For show notes go here:]
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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback — Get on the waitlist for this show
You probably know vulnerability is important for your well-being and for healthy relationships, but what does vulnerability actually mean and why is it so hard sometimes? In this CC, Christine explains why we avoid vulnerability and offers you 5 tips for creating more vulnerability and intimacy in your life.
This episode is about releasing your inner overachiever and fully feeling your emotions. Today’s caller, Quigley, has a pattern of overachieving and being a bit of a perfectionist. This pattern has served her and made her successful in many ways but deep down she feels unfulfilled and guilty. It is amazing how patterns and personality structures can take control of our lives. In this call, I share tools and techniques you can use if you relate to having similar traits.
[For show notes go here:]
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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — To provide feedback — Get on the waitlist for this show