
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: November, 2015
Nov 26, 2015

I love the week of Thanksgiving here in the U.S. because gratitude is on everyone’s mind. Cultivating a consciousness of gratitude is a spiritual practice – it’s a MUST for anyone who is committed to living a life of love. Plus, when we are aware of what we do have, we are a lot less inclined to obsess about all the things we don’t (and have fewer expectation hangovers!). Enjoying this special Coaches Corner from me where the focus is on gratitude.

Nov 24, 2015

This special episode has two career coaching sessions, the first with Nick and the second with Lindsey. Both Nick and Lindsey are searching for a way to use their passions and to share their gifts with the world.

Nick’s session focuses on his spirituality and whether or not his current position allows him to elevate the consciousness of others with his law practice.

Lindsey’s session concentrates on her transitions and her indecisiveness around using her creativity to reach her end goal.

Lessons from both calls are that we don’t need to leave jobs that are not creative enough; we can be creative and passionate in our current situations. If we honor where we are now by embracing our passions and our spirituality, we will end up spreading light to others.

If you yearn to make more of an impact in your work life, drastic changes to satiate your desires are unnecessary and often cause additional discomfort.

Increasing our vibrations will make everything we do a more spiritual experience.

Coaching Session #1 - Nick

While Listening to this Call Consider/Ask Yourself:
Do you feel a calling to make an impact?
Are you in a job that does not seem spiritual enough and you feel inclined towards doing something different?
Do you feel like you are compromising and paying your dues now in order to gain financial security?
Are you actively spreading light where you are or are you waiting for better circumstances?

Nick’s Question:
Nick wants to integrate spirituality into his current life but doesn’t want to break his life to fix it.

Nick’s Key Insights and Aha’s:
● He may be a light worker in the subtle sense
● He doesn’t have to change what he’s doing to make a difference
● He could focus on being and interacting with people

How Nick can get over it and on with it:
● Honor his calling to spread light through his existing work
● Bring more consciousness into what he is doing
● Try deepening his vibration when communicating with others in his work
● Try the 25/5 rule of working for 25 minutes and taking 5 to do something you enjoy doing

Tools and Takeaways:
● Become dedicated to your spiritual practice in your work
● Consider bringing beauty into your work environment
● Ask God on a daily basis to use you and pay attention to opportunities that may arise from it
● Implement practices that reconnect you to your higher power


Coaching Session #2 - Lindsey

While Listening to this Call Consider/Ask Yourself:
● Do you feel apathetic or stuck in your current career?
● Are you craving more creativity and passion in your life?
● Do you put a lot of pressure on yourself to figure everything out at once?

Lindsey’s Question:
Lindsey is having a hard time figuring out if her job transition was the right thing to do and if she should continue investing in her passion, music.

Lindsey’s Key Insights and Aha’s:
● She loves helping children with crafts
● She needs more of the creative aspect in her job
● She should focus on the next steps and not the end goal

How Lindsey can get over it and on with it:
● Lindsey could listen to her intuition in order to be more creative
● She should honor this phase of her life
● Ask her higher power to show her the people and situations she can serve

Tools and Takeaways:
● Ask yourself what is the next step, not the end goal
● Honor where you are and allow your passions to unfold
● Don’t expect a job to make you feel creative or passionate


Christine Hassler


Nov 21, 2015

There seems to be a lot to worry in life that we cannot control everything. But worrying is a HUGE drain of your energy and completely useless so in this Coaches Corner, Christine offers you a way to stop worrying, or at the very least dramatically reduce it.   Worry gives us a false sense of control when we are uncertain about someone or something. When faced with the unknown, worrying is often the default habit we slip into as it gives us a way to seemingly deal with whatever our concern is. In today’s episode, Christine breaks down worry for you and teaches you a technique that you can start using today to transform from worrywart to dream manifestor!

Nov 18, 2015

Our caller today is Sha who is a millennial. Millennials are today’s 20 and early 30 somethings. Many millennials are unjustly thought to be narcissistic, entitled and said to have no work ethic.

Sha is experiencing residue from having many of her decisions made for her during her adolescence. And it’s not just Sha who is confronting these issues; many millennials feel the effects of over-parenting and the accompanying pressures that linger from missing out on important developmental stages.

Sha and I uncover her validation issues and examine her inability to stick to a routine. She becomes aware of her past programming and I offer her tools to assist her in reprogramming herself. One important tool is to understand that what she wants to hear from others is what she actually wants to hear from herself.

We also explore ways to relieve anxiety and self-trust issues through being in the present.

After the coaching session, I offer a special guided meditation; so go to a quiet place where you can close your eyes and get serene with me.

Consider/Ask Yourself:
Do you have trouble making decisions?
Do you consult multiple people before you make a choice?
Is it hard for you to stick with a routine or stay disciplined?
Do you have a hard time quieting your mind?

Sha’s Question:
Sha finds it hard to make decisions and is having trouble relaxing.

Sha’s Key Insights and Aha’s:
● She was peacocking all the time
● She wasn’t seeing herself
● She may have missed out on fundamental developmental stages
● She has difficulty with discipline and routines
● She doesn’t trust herself

How to get over it and on with it:
● Practice telling yourself “be here now”
● Repair yourself by giving yourself the developmental stages you didn’t have
● Take actions to support autonomy and decision making
● Add some routines to your life
● Start making decisions

Tools and Takeaways:
● Validation seekers should write a list of everything they want to hear from others and say these things to themselves
● Make a solo decision making challenge
● Write out a routine for yourself. Have one commitment every morning and one commitment every evening
● Start a meditation practice


Christine Hassler

The Solo-Decision Making Challenge

Christine's Meditation Rx CD


Nov 14, 2015

In this coaches corner Christine discusses whether or not it’s possible to change someone else.  Consider: Is there someone in your life you really hope will change? Do you find yourself taking on the responsibility for other people’s transformation? Do you even get annoyed when you see someone you care about not living into the potential you see in them? Christine explains why we are tempted to change others and teaches you how to let go of expectations of other people. You will learn that it is not your job or your right to save anyone along with some tips on how you actually can make an impact on the lives of others.

Nov 11, 2015

This episode will support you in getting through and to the other side of any kind of loss. My coaching call with Regina today uncovers the challenges she is having with grief over the loss of her husband. She says she regrets not being the best mother in the world and not living the life she wanted to live. She’s is questioning her purpose and experiencing quite a bit of apathy in her life.

Regina experiences an “aha” when she realizes she is able to create the positive future she desires.

Take note of Regina’s tone of voice before my coaching as she describes beating herself up and then again after we discuss her ability to practice self-love.

Regina shared her progress with me in an email after our session. She writes “I’ve started forgiving myself and when I find myself in a negative thought I stop and think “this isn’t self-love”.

It’s a reminder to all of us to live, not just exist. Find something you want to live for, even it seems silly and give yourself permission to love.


Consider/Ask Yourself:
Have you recently been through a loss and can’t seem to move on?
Have you been through a loss and are aware you need time to grieve?
Do you tend to look back on your life and wish you could have done things differently?
Are you at a point in your life where you are just existing and need to start living again?

Regina’s Question:
Regina would like to move past her sadness and regret of not living the life she wanted.

Regina’s Key Insights and Aha’s:
● There is a part of her that doesn’t want to “be” anymore
● She doesn’t believe we get more than one love in our lives
● She beats herself up a lot
● She knows if she could create a negative story for herself she is capable of creating a positive story too

How to get over it and on with it:
● Make a choice to start creating a future which is enlivening
● Give yourself permission to live
● Speak to yourself like a loving mother would to a child
● Write out some promises you will keep to yourself

Tools and Takeaways:
● Practice self-love
● Consider that loved ones who have transitioned are angels and guides in your life
● Accept that you did the best you could with the tools you had at the time


Nov 11, 2015

Hi and welcome back to my over and on with it podcast. I’m recording today from my home state of Texas. I love being here and spending time with my family, especially my two nephews. They live in a realm of never-ending possibilities and abundant curiosity. It’s refreshing.

Our call today is from Maya. Maya wonders if she should use her proven brute force tactics to manifest her dreams, but she understands it might not be the way to manifest this one.

Realizing that the mind doesn’t know the difference between a well-imagined thought and reality can help Maya start manifesting her dream right now. If she aligns her vibrations to her desires she will start to make choices which pull her closer to her dream.

So, how do we pursue our dreams and not get disappointed? How do we not experience an Expectation Hangover?

If we pursue our dreams with high involvement and high intention, but low attachment we are not overly disappointed when our dreams don’t manifest in the manner we thought they would. This allows us to follow our dreams without being afraid of being let down.

A good example of someone who aligns themselves vibrationally to what they desire is Jill. Jill is the amazing person who coordinates all of my retreats. She has a special place in her heart for Taylor Swift. She loves her. Jill has manifested concert tickets and opportunities to see Taylor Swift because she believes she can, almost as if it’s magic.

If you would like coaching from me in an upcoming episode, go to

Consider/Ask Yourself:
Are you longing to go down a non-traditional path?
What is the first step towards your goal?
Is there an experience you would like to have, but not sure how to make it happen?
Are you downgrading your dreams because you’re afraid to be let down?

Maya’s Question:
Maya has a vision for her life but believes she is going down an uncharted path. She would like to manifest being in the pope’s presence. She wonders if she should use brute force to make things happen or should she go with the flow.

Maya’s Key Insights and Aha’s:
● She may be attached to certain aspects of her dream
● She should make choices which keep her vibrational alignment
● She needs to think about how she would feel in her manifestation

How to get over it and on with it:
● Ask your inner knowing what your first step is
● Focus on the essence of the manifestation
● Visualize yourself experiencing the moment

Tools and Takeaways:
● Do positive projection work to create the conditions to get what you want in your world
● Record a voice memo of the experience you would like to have and listen to it every day


Nov 6, 2015

In this Coaches Corner episode, Christine guides you through a step-by-step process get over betrayal and on with your life!! Betrayal is one of the human experiences that can be so painful and hard to understand. It hurts when you feel lied to or when someone you thought you could trust shows you something different. When we feel betrayed or like our trust is broken, it’s natural to want to hang on to the anger, resentment, blame and “how could she” or “I can’t believe he” thoughts. But this keeps us in victim consciousness and only perpetuates our suffering.  Listen to learn how to get over it and on with it!

Nov 4, 2015

Do you know that every challenge you face presents an amazing opportunity for healing and growth? That is why I am so passionate about Expectation Hangovers - because they are doorways to transformation.

We do not want to relate to Expectation Hangovers as victims because it prevents us from leveraging the learnings! Disappointment happens FOR you, not TO you.

Expectation Hangovers teach us:
1. Control is an illusion
2. Our comfort zone is a trap
3. True fulfillment comes from inside
4. The Universe does not punish us

My call with Nadine is about overcoming the Expectation Hangover of a job loss and breakup We explore why we put pressure on ourselves to not make mistakes and how our past is able to influence us even though we may not recognize it.

Remember, if you point your compass towards spirituality and honor your feelings, you can use your soul’s inner wisdom to learn to love and to heal yourself. The door of opportunity exists for you to heal and transform after you experience an Expectation Hangover.

Consider/Ask Yourself:
What am I learning?
What am I healing?
What is my outer experience teaching me about my inner reality?
Can I relate to putting a lot of pressure on myself?
Do I think there is something I need to do to be loved or worthy?
Do I have negative self-talk which perpetuates high expectations of myself?

Nadine’s Question:
In February, Nadine was working her dream job and she had the perfect man. Now four months later, she finds herself in a new job she is not interested in and her man left.

Nadine’s Key Insights and Aha’s:
● She may be looking at herself as a home improvement project
● She engages in negative self-talk
● She has the same relationship over and over again
● Her childhood is not her fault

How to get over it and on with it:
● Ask your inner counselor what am I learning
● Ask yourself “in order to be loved I need to”
● What would you say to yourself as a child?
● Take a deep dive into your spiritual practice

Tools and Takeaways:
● Spend some time single and fall in love with yourself
● Write down “In order to be loved, I need” and then finish the sentence
● Talk to your younger self and reassure them
● Practice self-care by nurturing yourself
● Allow yourself to feel your own emotions with compassion
● Understand you are not broken and become who you truly want to be



Nov 4, 2015

This call is for all you do-ers and over-achievers out there.

We find ourselves in a time in which we wear our busyness like a badge of honor. We define ourselves by what we do. And when something we define ourselves by, such as a job, goes away we find ourselves with an Expectation Hangover.

An Expectation Hangover is disappointment. It’s when one of three things happen:
1.) Something doesn’t turn out like we planned
2.) Something does turn out like we planned, but we don’t get the feeling we thought we would have
3.) Life just throws us an unexpected curveball

My coaching session with Lisa today uncovers her Expectation Hangover as a huge opportunity for her to just be.

If you would like coaching from me in an upcoming episode, contact me at

Consider/Ask Yourself:
Can you relate to being busy all the time?
Do you often use busyness as a distraction?
Do you panic during times when you aren’t busy?
Do you have a busy life, but not a fulfilled life?
Is it challenging to receive loving support, including financial support from a family member?
Are you paying attention to all the things which are going right for you when you experience an expectation hangover?

Lisa’s Question:
Lisa feels she has accomplished a great deal this year. She completed her MBA, got married and will soon be moving to a new city. During her job search, she is encountering some rejection and the disappointment that goes along with it.

Lisa’s Key Insights and Aha’s:
● She kept herself busy as a distraction
● She relies on herself too much
● She doesn’t have to handle so many things on her own
● She has her worthiness attached to having a job

How to get over it and on with it:
● Ask yourself what am I learning during this expectation hangover?
● Surround yourself with your soul friends and family
● Give yourself full permission to relax and let go
● Break up with the idea that you are what you do
● Press pause on the goal line and re-orient yourself to the soul line

Tools and Takeaways:
● Give yourself permission to stop chasing results
● Get a copy of Expectation Hangover and work through the exercises and guided meditations
● Ask someone for support
● Take some quiet time for yourself
● Make an agreement with yourself to just be


Christine Hassler