This is a call about releasing anger to find passion and calm. Today’s caller, Kirsten, is feeling anxious about what comes next for her. She is a stay-at-home mom who has fallen into the trap of looking for something external to relieve something internal. But as you know, something external never fixes or resolves what’s going on internally.
[For show notes go here:]
For many of us, we are so busy being ‘human doings’ that we forget about being human beings. And during this time when we are staying at home, we have an opportunity to come face-to-face with who we really are because we are less distracted. I encourage you, during this time, to go within and delve into nothingness and see what comes up. That's why my Mastery course is such a good investment at this time. This is the perfect time to do your inner work.
Our passion and our true calling often reside underneath our anger. If we haven’t addressed our anger, especially as women who tend not to let it out, it is hard to find our passion. And, passion and purpose is a juicy, fiery energy.
What we think we want to do often comes from a place of conditioning. But when we release the energy of compassion, we open up the second chakra of our body and when we pull the anger out all of the passion opens up.
Releasing anger in a healthy way, as in Expectation Hangover, basically it is finding a safe space. It is important that we voice our feelings at our parents in particular, not at them directly but in a therapeutic way. They don’t need to know about it. In our effort to protect them, we suppress our feelings. When we get the anger out, let it go and eventually get to forgiveness, real forgiveness, then we can have healthier relationships with our parents.
It is important to release our anger, release our sadness and to get our energy up and moving so it doesn’t turn into anxiety, fear, pain, or disease.
Would you like to work directly with me? I have two Private Client spots open. Email for more information.
Join Stef and me three to five times per week, as we guide you through breathwork to release stress and fear, meditation to shift your state, and then answer your questions to support you. Visit and allow us to support you.
Stefan and I will be hosting our second ‘Be the Queen’ virtual teaching and coaching in April. The program for women seeking to call in an amazing, conscious relationship includes nine calls, a Facebook group, Facebook Lives, and a bonus live event in September.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
Kirsten’s Question:
Kirsten feels lost and is trying to find herself now that her kids are getting older.
Kirsten’s Key Insights and Ahas:
How to Get Over It and On With It:
Assignments and Takeaways:
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.