Jen Sincero is a bestselling author, success coach, and motivational speaker who spent more than a decade traveling the world helping people transform their lives and their bank accounts via her public appearances, private sessions, coaching seminars, and books, including the New York Times bestseller You Are a Badass
This episode is about how to stop parenting your parents. If you are a parent it is a great listen to make sure you are not falling into codependent patterns with your child. Today’s caller, Gina, is a people pleaser who is at the beginning of her journey of connecting all the dots. She is searching for guidance on how to become her own person, free of the guilt she imparts on herself about what she should or should not be doing for her mother.
Get ready for an incredible conversation with one of the most heart-centered, boss lady, bad-asses I know: Marie Forleo! Marie runs an online business school for modern entrepreneurs, called B School In this interview we cover a lot of ground from what you really do need to do in your business, what you should NOT do, how to balance masculine and feminine energies, and how to stop giving a crap about what people think of you.
This episode really isn’t about sex, it’s secondary. What this call is really about is letting go of your past so you can enjoy your present and future and letting go of judgment, especially of other people. Today’s caller, Michaela, feels guilty about judging her partner about something she perceives as a problem. And, whenever we are judgmental of another person it’s usually an indicator that there is something inside of us we need to look at.
Alexia Vernon is the author of the book, Step into Your Moxie: Amplify Your Voice, Visibility, and Influence in the World. Branded a “Moxie Maven” by President Obama’s White House Office of Public Engagement for her unique and effective approach to women’s empowerment, Alexia Vernon is a sought-after speaking and leadership coach to female (and male) executives, entrepreneurs, media personalities, and change makers
This call is about trust, belonging, and establishing connections in relationships. Today’s caller, Jesse, has a lot of awareness about what is holding her back but can’t seem to change her behavior specifically when it comes to having close connections, intimate relationships, and trusting others. If you feel you don’t belong, know you are not alone. We all have felt that way at one time or another.
My dear friend Lissa Rankin, best selling author, physician, speaker, mystic and founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute joins me for a heartwarming conversation about how to connect more deeply to our inner voice and only take action when it is aligned with our deepest truth. We also discuss why self-help is not (and really cannot be) something we do all by ourselves. Lissa also guides you through a beautiful and powerful process to connect with what she calls, “Your Inner Pilot Light”
This call is about breaking patterns, shifting identities, and looking at life from a spiritual perspective. Today’s caller, Betsy, has done some therapy but can’t seem to shift her story. During our discussion, we uncover that Betsy is basing too much of her identity on her past and with people who weren’t meant to play such a big role in her life.
In this quickie episode, Christine discusses why asking for help is key to your success and well being. She gives you tips for getting over the common obstacles that arise when asking for help (like feeling like we are a bother or being afraid of a getting a no). You’ll also learn a very simple, practical process for asking for help from your inner guidance and the Universe.
This call is about changing your story and how to thrive, not just survive. Today’s caller, Chris, is dealing with shame and frustration around the story she has about money. Oppression and scarcity have been major themes in her life and she is looking for guidance about how to shift it. We work through how she can be open to giving and receiving love and moving out of ‘victim’ and into acceptance in order to shift her energy.
Join Christine and Rob as they talk about leaving a “safe, secure, good enough” career to pursue what you are really passionate about, lessons learned from taking a massive leap of faith, the importance of intentional experiences and connections with like-minded people, and forgiveness.
his call is about sticking to a routine. Today’s caller, Megan, wants to stick to a routine that allows her to accomplish her goals but is instead modeling her life around other people in her life. This is a great episode to kick off the new year as we delve into how to narrow down what is really important, becoming aware of how you respond to stress and how to focus on high-value priorities.
Christine guides you through a new seven-step transformational goal-setting process that will make manifesting your dreams A LOT easier. Going through this process will support you in identifying what is blocking you and then taking action toward your goals. Use this process in combination with last week’s guided meditation to release 2018 and call in 2019 and you will be kicking off the year feelings so clear and inspired!
This call is about moving out of indecision, making a choice, and taking action. Today’s caller, Cecilia, wants permission to make a decision. She has allowed logistics to block any action she is considering and she is overwhelmed with the ‘hows’ and hasn’t fully examined the ‘what ifs.’ During the call, we uncover what her intuition is telling her and why she should listen to it.
Listen in as Christine summarizes the main lessons and blessings we all gained from 2018 and forecasts what is up for us in 2019. She then guides you through a beautiful meditation to gracefully let go of 2018 and begin co-creating 2019.
This call is about using a creative process to create vibrations high enough to reshape your story. Tiffany feels blocked by her past. She has done the mental work but still feels blocked emotionally. Remember, it’s never too late to reshape your story. Don’t think just because Tiffany is a young woman, as an older man or woman you can’t reshape your story. It’s not too late for you.
Natalie Jill is a Fat Loss Expert turned high performance coach. She helps people across the globe reach their health, business and life goals BY empowering them to level up and create everything from nothing.
This call is about the importance of soothing and nurturing ourselves so we feel safe. Caller, Sally, doesn’t feel motivated and wants guidance on how to break the pattern of feeling down. When we feel safe, we automatically feel more creative and relaxed. We have the opportunity to restore and replenish ourselves and when we feel safe, we are also able to process and heal wounds and traumas.
Ajit was born to a middle-income family in Jaipur and grew up in an extended family of 23 other people under one roof. Space and money were scarce, and so as a little boy, he dreamt of abundance.
This call is about sorting through emotional traffic and protecting yourself energetically. If you feel like an empath or a sensitive person, chances are you are someone who has emotional intelligence and is impacted by the energy and emotions of others. If family members or friends call you sensitive or over-dramatic, this episode with Tiffany provides guidance on how to deal with your empathic gift.
[For show notes go here:]
When empaths or highly-sensitive people are flooded with other people’s emotions, it’s like traffic that slows us down. It can make us more triggerable, and it takes us longer to see clearly what is truly triggering us. We have to get out of traffic emotionally. We do that by processing our own feelings and by setting emotional boundaries. So, we can be compassionate with people but not sympathetic.
The more we can be in compassion, not sympathy, the more we can keep our emotional immune system up and be emotionally healthy. If highly-sensitive people don’t process their own emotions or discern what are their emotions or someone else’s, they can be highly-reactive, a.k.a. dramatic.
When we keep ourselves emotionally healthy, we are less likely to be drained by other people’s emotions. It’s important not to isolate yourself to protect yourself. Being alone is replenishing but we all need other people. Don’t fear people or connections.
It is super important to let go of the limiting belief that you think something is wrong with you. You need to update your beliefs and know that nothing is wrong with you. You need to find your tribe.
Connect with like-minded people on January 3rd. For just $20 you can be part of my virtual group coaching session. It includes a guided meditation and will help you to reflect, renew and replenish yourself this season. Go to to sign up.
And, as you may know, I am a Master Coach for the Primal Health Coach Certification Program, which teaches coaches how to thrive as a health and life coach. Early bird pricing for the special live event ends December 15th. Visit for everything you need to be a part of this transformational experience.
Consider/Ask Yourself:
● Are you often called out for being over-sensitive or being dramatic or reactive?
● Do you find yourself drained or triggered by people who are making choices you are not aligned with?
● Do you feel like the black sheep of your family or that no one really gets you?
● Do you tend to attract emotionally unavailable people into your life?
● Do you find solace in isolation and feel safer being alone?
● When it comes to feeling, do you have intense feelings and overwhelm and unbearable sadness?
Tiffany’s Question:
Tiffany is feeling lost and overwhelmed and feels like something is wrong with her. She asks for guidance on how she can embrace her empathy.
Tiffany’s Key Insights and Ahas:
● People tell her she is too sensitive.
● She feels she is different from her other family members.
● She is affected by other people’s actions.
● She feels things very deeply.
● She navigates through everyone else’s feelings.
● She is drawn to people who are ‘shut down.’
● She feels isolated and lonely at times.
● She is triggered by certain experiences.
● She doubts her thoughts and feelings.
● She is a people pleaser.
How to Get Over It and On With It:
● She needs to protect her energy and learn how to reduce the amount of traffic on her emotional freeway.
● She needs to upgrade her spiritual hygiene and read books about being an empath.
● She needs to clean up her own unprocessed feelings.
● She should sign up for my Personal Mastery Course and attend my Spring Retreat.
● She should do the emotional release work in Expectation Hangover.
● She needs to listen to her inner voice.
● She needs to let go the belief that something is wrong with her and own her gifts.
Takeaways For You:
● Read books written for empaths.
● Find out what the best spiritual hygiene practices for you are.
● Don’t people-please or think you get your value from making other people feel better.
● Process and clear your emotional traffic.
● Join my Personal Mastery Course to meet like-minded people and to start meeting your tribe.
Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community.
To watch episodes of coaching sessions, go to
Christine’s Personal Mastery Course
Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner
Christine’s Books, including Expectation Hangover
@ChristineHassler on Instagram — If you want to be a guest on this show.
Listen in as Christine and her partner, Stefanos, answer listener questions about dating and relationships. Topics discussed are: what to do when someone cheats in the relationship, how to get over the pain of being single and dating advice for introverts.
This call is about friendship and making friends as an adult. Today’s caller, Nicole, wants to move past a break up with a childhood friend and make trusting, intimate connections and friendships in her adult life. As adults, we have more communications strategies but we also have longer stories about what we judge as not good enough. This episode highlights the opportunities that present themselves when we feel, deal, and heal with imprints from our past.
In this episode, Christine explains why we feel lonely and gives you three different pathways to deal with (and overcome) loneliness this holiday season.
This call is about finding the motivation to be consistent and committed to working on important projects and self-care. Today’s caller, Jenna, would like to follow through with her passion project but limiting beliefs created in during her childhood and her fear of disappointment keep her from taking action. If you can relate to a lack of motivation or self-sabotaging behavior, then you will receive a lot from this episode.
Christine shares her personal gratitude ritual and leads you through a gratitude affirmation process. You can download her guided gratitude meditation at: