Join Christine and Rob as they talk about leaving a “safe, secure, good enough” career to pursue what you are really passionate about, lessons learned from taking a massive leap of faith, the importance of intentional experiences and connections with like-minded people, and forgiveness.
his call is about sticking to a routine. Today’s caller, Megan, wants to stick to a routine that allows her to accomplish her goals but is instead modeling her life around other people in her life. This is a great episode to kick off the new year as we delve into how to narrow down what is really important, becoming aware of how you respond to stress and how to focus on high-value priorities.
Christine guides you through a new seven-step transformational goal-setting process that will make manifesting your dreams A LOT easier. Going through this process will support you in identifying what is blocking you and then taking action toward your goals. Use this process in combination with last week’s guided meditation to release 2018 and call in 2019 and you will be kicking off the year feelings so clear and inspired!
This call is about moving out of indecision, making a choice, and taking action. Today’s caller, Cecilia, wants permission to make a decision. She has allowed logistics to block any action she is considering and she is overwhelmed with the ‘hows’ and hasn’t fully examined the ‘what ifs.’ During the call, we uncover what her intuition is telling her and why she should listen to it.