Ever been ghosted which is when someone you were in communication with all of a sudden totally disappears with zero explanation. Most often it happens in dating. You are seeing someone and texting frequently and then all of a sudden . . . crickets. Ghosting can also happen in friendship. It is incredibly painful and frustrating because you are left with no reason other than the reasons you make up in your head (which are usually not very healthy!). Listen in as Christine goes on a rant about ghosting, ex
This episode is about moving from awareness to integration. Todays caller, Natalie, has been on the path of personal growth for two years but is finding it difficult to integrate her new awareness and make real change happen in her life. Awareness is great but its only a step to actually making changes in our lives. We have to take awareness and shift it into changes changes in the way we think, changes in the way we react and process our feelings
If you have a service based business OR are considering hiring a coach do not miss this episode. Listen in as I sit with Jill, who has worked with me for over eight years, and talk about: 1. Why sales and enrollment is not icky and really is a service to people 2. How to overcome objections and turn them into coachable moments 3. The most important things you need to do to build your service based biz and become successful and comfortable with enrollment 4. What to watch out for when hiring a coach We also
This episode is about breaking out of a self-imposed prison cell and taking a conscious action which will lead to change. Todays caller, Shanna, needs to squelch her limiting beliefs and embrace her strengths and her power. Shanna has been punishing herself. Shame does that to us. When we feel ashamed about something we overcompensate and that becomes our punishment. Anytime we are in overcompensation mode and do not allow ourselves to live the li
Most people think mental toughness when they imagine a Navy SEAL. What they don't expect is the thoughtful, yoga-innovating, joking and laughing, professor of leadership named Mark Divine. Through Marks teaching, entrepreneurial endeavors and travel to foreign countries, he noticed the power of mental toughness, emotional resilience, intuitive leadership and a healthy spirit for anyone wanting breakthrough performance. They weren't solely for combat or restricted to the business world or one culture. He'
This episode is about vanquishing self-criticism, letting things go that no longer serve you, and how to get what you want from life. We are not always good friends to ourselves and it can be reflected back to us in our friendships like it is today in my call with Claire. One of Claires friendships has just reached an expiration date and she is learning valuable lessons from it. Other people can be mirrors for us and often, it takes someone else
Christine speaks with Women For One Founder and author Kelly McNelis about her new book Your Messy Brilliance. This is a must listen for all perfectionists and over-doers out there. Learn how to embrace ALL parts of you, even the messy ones, and live a more authentic life. Get your copy of Kellys book here: http://womenforone.com/messy-brilliance-book/ Share your story and join Women For One here: http://womenforone.com/
This episode is about understanding the basis of relationships that feel like an addiction. Todays caller, Arelle, has some unresolved daddy issues which keep her latched on to a much older man. When we have a strong co-dependent relationship and it feels like an addiction or a drug it generally comes from a childhood wound. It is important, developmentally and psychologically, to have a healthy relationship with our parents. If we don't have a hea
Its 11/11 do you know the significance of that number? Listen to find out! In this Coaches Corner Christine also teaches the difference between a trigger or issue based choice and a preference. She empowers you to honor who you are and what you like and let go of FOMO. She then shares some great take-aways from top speakers like Brene Brown, Jane Fonda, Shonda Rhimes and Marianne Williamson that she just heard speak at a big event. Christine reveals one of her preferences when it comes to massive crowd
This episode is about shining your light and stepping into your full potential. Todays caller, Sara, wants to break her pattern of self-sabotage, stop playing small and to live an abundant life. We dont just arrive at our full potential. We take steps to move into our full potential by not limiting ourselves, by sharing our gifts, by expressing ourselves authentically, and by going after what we truly want and not feeling any guilt or shame about
Picture a time, maybe it is even now, when you have been preparing for something BIG like an interview, event, presentation, or the release of some creative endeavor. Now consider how much mental, physical, and emotional energy you put into it. Was it a lot -perhaps too much? Did you find yourself stressing out about it? On top of that did your perfectionist start to kick in like you kept tweaking and editing and trying to make it better? Where is the line between healthy preparation and perfectionism/o
This episode is about acknowledging successes and how releasing emotional weight can help release physical weight. Todays caller, Lindsay, is continuing on her course to personal mastery but she feels stuck when it comes to her health and wellness. If you are wondering why is it so hard to implement personal growth efforts, its because neural pathways are created over time, especially when you have been doing things the same way for years. Simply b
Scott Stabile is the author of Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide Open Heart. His positive outlook and the inner and outer experiences he shares in Big Love offer striking examples of the power of love in action. Whether trying (as we all must) to silence shame, show up for friends, or overcome dreaded what-ifs, the hard-won insights that Scott shares are sure to help us do so with a renewed sense of love. His inspirational posts and videos have attracted a huge and devoted social media following,
This episode is about making yourself a priority and living in the now. Todays caller, Montana, is wondering what she should do professionally. She is waiting for something to happen instead of making it happen for herself. We all have seasons in our lives. Our ability to travel to the past and the future in our minds may make us miss out on the present moment. When we are constantly thinking about what is next, we forget about what is now. When o
In this episode of Coach's Corner Christine give you some tips on how to make a decision. So many of us hang out in limbo WAY too long when it comes to making a choice - and limbo is hell. Listen in for some advice on how to make a self-honoring choice and get two really powerful exercises you can do to get clarity about a current decision that you may be struggling with.
This episode is about health and well-being. Todays caller, Tiffany, is a month away from having surgery and would like to understand what her body is attempting to teach her. Having a physical ailment caused Tiffany to be more vulnerable and to reach out to more people. Our bodies need to know we got the message and that we have a plan of forgiveness and healing. The body will then know it doesnt need to alert us by way of physical symptoms anymor
Youll LOVE this conversation. Drew came over to my house and we had an incredible chat that covered a lot of ground: healing our past, forgiveness, relationships, health and weight release, detox, and SO much more. Fueled by small-town values and a big vision for a better planet, Drew Canole begins each day with one simple goal in mind to positively impact the lives of others. Through his work as a Personal Coach and endeavors such as EnrichYourExistence.com and FitLife.tv, Drew aims to inspire and motiva
This episode is about how a compensatory strategy is an action. Todays caller, Melissa, wants to know how to deal with difficult in-laws who are triggering her compensatory strategy. A compensatory strategy is a behavior we adopt to feel safe, validated, and worthy. These strategies block us from seeing and being who we truly are, keeping us stuck. Usually, we get stuck when we are attempting to do two things at once. Melissa was attempting to nav
Christine gives you an experience of her Bali retreat and talks you through a powerful process. Dont forget to register for her FREE Masterclass on Oct. 11th. Go to: christinehassler.com/masterclass
This episode is about listening to your intuition and getting clear about what you want from a relationship. Todays caller, Sandra, realizes she may want to continue her current relationship due to familiarity or comfort and not because it is truly what she wants from a relationship. Be mindful of what you are scared of and what you are making your number one fear. Sandras fear of losing herself should have been the fear she is paying attention to.
JJ is the author of four New York Times bestsellers including The Virgin Diet and The Sugar Impact Diet. Her memoir Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son, & Lifes Hardest Lessons explores the powerful lessons in strength and positivity that she learned after her son Grant was the victim of a brutal hit and run accident. Counting calories and hours on the treadmill will never achieve the lasting results that help you look and feel your best. That's why JJ specializes in weight loss resistance related to f
This episode is about suppressing feelings and being comfortable in our own skin. Todays caller, Becca, could have been a millennial who was accustomed to instant gratification and unrealistic expectations when it came to working. But, it wasnt what she struggles with at all. I didnt stereotype her or jump to conclusions, instead, I asked her what the most challenging thing in her life was. Its hard to get yourself motivated and inspired when there
Listen is as Christine answers questions from listeners. Topics covered in this episode: 1. Masculine / feminine dynamics and emotional availability 2. Getting over impatience and trusting life to unfold in the best possible way 3. Not feeling depleted when you help someone else and ways to protect your energy Link to blog that Christine referenced: http://christinehassler.com/2017/05/how-to-protect-your-energy-so-you-have-more-of-it/ Make sure to sign up for emails about the upcoming Master Class at chri
This episode is about abundance, prosperity, and how to overcome blocks to getting your financial life to where it feels healthy. I coach todays caller, Doreen, on breaking some limiting beliefs around money and shifting her spending and earning patterns. As children, when we see our parents struggle we often make a vow or promise to ourselves that we will never end up in the same situation. We need to recognize that we manifested the intention, th
Jon inspires others to Live Life In The Front Row by teaching the art of moment making. He is an award-winning keynote speaker, podcast host and #1 bestselling author of The Front Row Factor: Transform Your Life with The Art of Moment Making. The book is a collection of inspiring stories, compelling science, and life strategies that challenge you to explore your values, establish priorities and reconnect to a higher purpose and deeper meaning within your life. He is the founder of the Front Row Foundation,