
Over It And On With It

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.
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Over It And On With It












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Now displaying: 2020
Oct 3, 2020
Emily Pereira joins Christine to talk about getting over heartbreak, leaving a "safe/successful" life and finding love and happiness in unexpected places.
She is an international retreat leader, yoga teacher, and women’s coach specializing in helping women call in intimate, heart-thumping, passionate, I got-your-back-no-matter-what love. Her raw vulnerable storytelling laced with mind-blowing ahas about women’s empowerment have reached over 5 million people worldwide. She has written for some of the biggest media outlets of our generation and her first book, a memoir, The Quest: from the Hollywood Hills to the Amazon Jungleone woman’s search for enough will be released Nov. 10th 2020.
She is also the host of "The Quest for Love Summit" - a 7-Day Virtual Experience curated to help you discover the secrets to wild attraction, cosmic connection and committed devotion.  You can join for free at:
Emily lives in Santa Teresa, a seaside village along Costa Rica’s Pacific coast, with her husband, Manex and two small children, Saïa Moon & Teotihuacán where together they founded the Sunrise Mountain Retreat and Wellness Center.
Sep 30, 2020

This call is about how fear of commitment may truly be fear of loss. Today’s caller, Rachel, is collecting evidence about why she doesn’t want to be in a relationship because it will be too much work even though she says she would like to have a relationship. We talk about how the losses she experienced as a child may be coloring her perception of what a relationship will be like and how interdependent relationships can help us heal.


[For show notes, go here:]


People who felt very alone as children will lead a solitary life and think that it’s what they want because they want to avoid a wound about being lonely as a child. They stay in that energetic and continue living a lonely, solitary life because they don’t know any different. It keeps the old wound from coming up. It may not make a lot of logical sense but if you are someone who lives a solitary or lonely life, and you believe that you are an introvert and you like it better, is it really true? Or, is loneliness a wound from your childhood you are perpetuating in your adulthood?


When we don’t have stability or structure in our life or childhood, things become overwhelming as an adult. It’s because there is still a traumatized child running the show. This is why having a lot going on, for someone who moved around a lot, had a parent that died, or didn’t have someone there to provide structure and stability, is hard. Just a few things can seem overwhelming.


Until we do healing work, our perception is influenced by past wounding because we expect to see what we have seen in the past.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you not getting into a relationship because you don’t want one or because you are scared?
  • Do you have a history of loss? Has loss been a major teacher for you?
  • Are you afraid that if anyone gets too close, you will lose them?
  • Do you spend a lot of time alone and think that you like that better?
  • Do you believe your inner child wounding could actually be healed in a relationship? Do you avoid relationships because you’re afraid you’re going to get hurt?


Rachel’s Question:

Rachel has experienced multiple losses and would like guidance on how to approach relationships in her life.


Rachel’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She believes a relationship would be a lot of work.
  • Her mother passed when she was seven.
  • She was separated from her family members when her mother passed.
  • She was adopted at 14 by a family friend.
  • She may be looking for a caretaker in a relationship.
  • She wants a relationship but is not sure it will fit her life.
  • She would like a relationship with someone she can count on.
  • She is craving a nurturing partner.
  • She leads a solitary life and feels safer hiding herself.
  • She has a lot of love to give.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Stop letting the loss she experienced define her.
  • Open her heart to herself, other people, or an animal.
  • Consider if she makes decisions from her heart or fear.
  • Watch or read things that model a nurturing love.



  • Know that the thing that has been the primary teacher in your life does not have to be a consistent lesson.
  • For any decision you are dealing with, ask yourself if you are making the choice from fear or from your heart.
  • Connect to your mothering, nurturing energy, whether you are male or female.
  • If you are someone who deals with loneliness, give love to yourself and others.



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Sep 26, 2020

Meera Lee Patel is a self-taught artist and the author of Start Where You AreMade Out of Stars, and My Friend Fear, and—most recently—Create Your Own Calm. She creates work to inspire and encourage others to connect with themselves, each other, and the world around them.

In this episode we talk about how you can incorporate art and creativity into your wellness routine and meditation practice.

Learn more about Meera here:

Sep 23, 2020

This call is about effectively communicating your needs to break unhealthy patterns in relationships. Today’s caller, Julie, is aware of the unhealthy patterns in her relationships but is uncertain why the patterns aren’t shifting. The amazing thing about relationships, romantic or friendship, is that they can provide healing ground for inner child wounding if we feel safe enough to do it.


[For show notes, go here:]


We all have masculine and feminine energy within us, no matter how we identify. Often, the way we present in life is not our core essence. Masculine energy likes to feel respected. It’s on the top of the priority list for men. And, for the female-identifying people that doesn’t mean that you don’t want to be respected but for the feminine essence it is a lot more about feeling safe and respect is part of that. It is about feeling safe physically, feeling safe emotionally, and feeling safe sexually.


Masculine and feminine energy is something Stefanos and I teach a lot. It’s another avenue of personal development we can learn about and in relationships, especially intimate relationships, it’s really important to have polarity, otherwise, you either kind of go into roommate mode or you have a lot of arguments.


When healing a romantic relationship there are two key aspects. The inner child piece and the polarity piece. It is hard to get the polarity piece in place when the inner child piece isn’t in place. So how the inner child piece helps with the polarity piece is as children we are more in touch with our core essence, either feminine or masculine, and it’s because of inner child wounding that those masks get put on. The more we give ourselves what we need inside ourselves the more we give the little one inside of us what we didn’t get as children.


Remember inner child work in a relationship is meeting our needs, parenting ourselves in the way that we didn’t get, and then communicating our needs in a non-attacking, non-passive-aggressive, non-manipulative way to our partners.


It’s a lot to be human, be a parent, and be in a relationship, but when we understand our inner child, understand how to parent, and understand polarity it becomes a little less overwhelming and a little easier.


Level 2 of the Virtual Inner Child Workshop will be held on Sept. 25-27. Go to to sign up or visit to purchase both Level 1 and Level 2. Recordings of both workshops will be available until October 26, 2020.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you have patterns that keep showing up in your life, or your relationships, and no matter what you do you just can’t seem to shake them?
  • Were you raised in a home where you had to parent your parents and you had to be both the mother and the father?
  • Do you tend to parent your children in a way that is opposite to how you were parented but when it comes to your own relationship with your inner child you’re still parenting yourself the way you were parented?
  • Do you relate to feeling like things are going well but you are just waiting for the other shoe to drop so you can’t really enjoy the good happening in your life?


Julie’s Question:

Julie has grown a lot with personal development work but she can’t seem to shake the patterns of waiting for something to go wrong.


Julie’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She separated herself from an abusive marriage.
  • She looks for things to go wrong.
  • Her mother is bi-polar.
  • She is currently in a romantic relationship.
  • Her partner speaks another language.
  • She didn’t have a close relationship with her father.
  • She adopted a protective strategy.
  • She is in Personal Mastery.
  • Her mother criticized her.
  • She fears being disappointed and hurt.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Use her relationship as a healing container.
  • Work with her inner child, little Julie.
  • Give love and encouragement in place of self-judgment.
  • Step into her feminine.
  • Talk with her partner about getting her needs met.
  • Be gentle with herself.



  • Ask yourself, ‘what did I need most in childhood that I didn’t get?’ and give it to yourself. Make it a priority to give yourself whatever it is.
  • If you want to learn more about the masculine-feminine dynamic, I like the book, Intimate Communion by David Deida. If you want to try it on Audible you can go to to get a discount.
  • If you’re in a relationship, think of how you can meet the needs of your inner child and then communicate those needs to your partner in a non-passive-aggressive, non-attacking, or non-manipulative way.
  • Do the inner child work. Join us for the Inner Child Workshop, Level 1, and Level 2.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Sep 19, 2020
On this episode one of Christine's friends and trusted advisors, Stephanie Roman joins her on the show to talk about being an empath and tapping into your psychic gifts.  You will be so incredibly inspired by her story and love her insight on how to live a healthy, empowered life as an empath.

Stephanie channels the Divine to give you messages that resonate in helping you remember your most authentic self and path. She lovingly holds a magic mirror up to you so you can see how wonderful and beautiful you are in the eyes of God. This seemingly simple process helps you feel that connection to something bigger that sometimes becomes lost by our society valuing external direction over your own.


She believes that EVERY person is psychic and that each person experiences multiple different types of abilities over a lifetime. One of her huge missions is helping you recognize and experiment with how to stop doubting your gift in order to integrate them into whatever your big dreams are. She proudly calls herself a “Psychic Trainer” and helps her clients take bigger and bigger leaps of faith in their life by empowering them to know that THEY have all the answers.


You can learn more about here here:

If you are interested in her six-week program for empaths, you can call or text her at (469) 332-7228‬

Sep 16, 2020

This call is about coming to terms with leaving an abusive past behind. Today’s caller, Julie, grew up in an abusive home and struggles with how much responsibility she has to stay involved in the family dynamic of her family of origin. We discuss body memories and what she is experiencing at a soul level. Until we parent our inner child the way it needs to be parented, that part of us continues to hook into the past to try to get our needs met.


[For show notes, go here:]


Whatever your story is, there’s no reason to carry around shame or judgment of it and there is no reason to over-identify with it. If you think because of your past you have to have an awful life, or you will never become what you want to become, or use it as a scapegoat or excuse, you don’t. Your story is part of your life. It is something that has formed you but it doesn’t have to limit you. And, there’s no need to be embarrassed or ashamed about it. Your story is your story, that’s it.


The body is often the language of the subconscious mind. And, with emotions, our body can be stuck in time because it remembers a trauma that happened. Many of our emotions are coming from the subconscious level, especially the programmed emotions. Those are the ones we have been feeling since we were a child, based on things that happened or things we were told. Emotions that we feel over and over again that are pervasive and repetitive are emotional addictions. Oftentimes, right before we break an addiction, cravings for the experience get stronger.


It’s hard to break karma and step into massive soul lessons because we know we are breaking free of something major we have been hanging on to for lifetimes.


Level 2 of the Virtual Inner Child Workshop will be held on Sept. 25-27. Go to to sign up or visit to purchase both Level 1 and Level 2. Recordings of both workshops will be available until October 26, 2020.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you know the difference between your actual feelings or feelings that have just been a programmed response?
  • Are you estranged from a family member or do you feel it may be healthy not to be in contact with a certain family member or a friend?
  • Do you feel guilty or ashamed by your parents and do things out of obligation?
  • Do you want to break free of the wounding of childhood and create a new kind of healthy family moving forward?


Julie’s Question:

Julie would like guidance on how to discern her programmed feelings from her actual feelings.


Julie’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She grew up in an abusive home.
  • She could never do anything right.
  • She will be adopting a baby and doesn’t want to repeat the cycle.
  • She feels as if she can’t escape her past.
  • She doesn’t speak with her mother.
  • She feels debilitated but is ready to purge the feelings.
  • She feels ready to be a mother.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Reach out to a somatic therapist who is trauma-informed.
  • Look at how far she has come and acknowledge herself for it.
  • Forgive herself for the self-imposed blame.
  • Emancipate herself from being controlled and betrayed.





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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Sep 12, 2020
In this episode, Kate Northrup joins me to talk about how we can adapt to these challenging times by actually doing less.  We also discuss how to get over being an "achievement addict" and drop into more self-trust and receptivity. As an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker, and mother, Kate Northrup has built a multimedia digital empire that reaches hundreds of thousands globally. She's committed to supporting ambitious women to light up the world without burning themselves out in the process. Kate teaches data-driven and soul-driven time and energy management practices that result in saving time, making more money, and experiencing less stress.
Kate is also the author of two books: Money: A Love Story and Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Ambitious Women.  You can learn more about Kate at:
And more about her membership community here:
Also, join me this weekend Sept 10th-14th for the Integrated Feminine Online Symposium. Go to, use coupon code CHRISTINE10 for 10% off.
Sep 9, 2020

This call is about being able to meet your own needs. Today’s caller, Melissa, had a challenging childhood and is being triggered in her current relationship. She would like guidance on how to communicate her needs to her partner. We work through how her triggers are serving her and the expression of a need versus the expectation of a need to be filled by someone else.


[For show notes, go here:]


We often choose spouses and relationship partners who help us heal unmet needs and wounds from our parents.


As humans, on a metaphysical, even spiritual level, we need other people. And, we need people to meet certain needs. And, when we learn how to meet our needs ourselves we get better at communicating healthy needs to others.


We live in an interdependent world, yet we are sovereign beings. This means we must take an inside-out approach. First, we have to be independent in fulfilling our own needs internally and not project them on others. When we understand how to communicate our needs, not from a needy place but a place of bonding in our relationships, we can then connect and express with others toward interdependence.


There is the difference between being needy, or trying to get someone else to fill a need, and clearly expressing our needs to another person in a way that we can teach them how to meet it.


If you missed the Virtual Inner Child Workshop Level 1, you can still listen to it. It is necessary if you want to join in for Level 2, on Sept. 25-27. Go to to purchase both Level 1 and Level 2. Recordings of both workshops will be available until October 26, 2020.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • As a child, did you ever feel abandoned or neglected?
  • Do you get triggered in your relationships when you feel someone else is not meeting your needs or showing up the way you like them to?
  • Do you have a pattern of reaching out to others to get your needs met?
  • Can you say without a shadow of a doubt you know how to meet your own needs?


Melissa’s Question:

Melissa doesn't completely understand her needs and feelings. She wants guidance on how to recognize her boundaries and give herself what she needs when she is triggered.


Melissa’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She wants to understand her feelings and needs.
  • She projects her abandonment wounds on to her husband.
  • She is aware of her abandonment wounding.
  • She was left alone while her parents comforted her younger brother.
  • She never felt supported by her parents.
  • She is triggered by her husband’s attention to his work.
  • She attended the Inner Child Workshop, Level 1.
  • She reached out to her mother but was disappointed by her response.
  • She wants to establish a connection with her mother.
  • She feels overburdened with managing her emotions.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Do the empty chair process from Expectation Hangover.
  • Write her mother a letter she does not intend to send.
  • Use her triggers to discover how she can meet her own needs.



  • Think about the things you want from other people and make a list of your unmet needs and see how you may not be doing those things for yourself.
  • Learn how to communicate your needs to people in your life.
  • Join us for the Inner Child Workshop, Level 1, and Level 2.



Jenni Kayne — If you love clothes that are both stylish and super comfortable with a dash of refined simplicity, you will love Jenni Kayne. Make getting dressed the easiest part of your routine with Jenni Kayne’s modern essentials. Use the code ‘OVERIT’ for 20% off at checkout!



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Sep 5, 2020

Christine gives you ten very do-able tips for how to increase your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health during these intense times. When there is so much division and uncertainty in the external world, it is critically important to create calm in your internal world.

To join us for the Inner Child Workshops, go to

Sep 2, 2020

This call is about maintaining boundaries when dealing with anger or rage. Today’s caller, Dana, is in a difficult situation. Her husband rages out at her and her children, but she loves him and wants the relationship to work. We work through ways she can maintain her boundaries and ways she can show up in the relationship to create a cohesive healing environment.


[For show notes go here:]


First, if you are in a situation where there is a cycle of abuse get clear about whether you need to leave or if you need to reach out for support for assistance.


Anyone who has been abused and then becomes abusive has a great deal of shame. One thing we know to be true is that love is incredibly healing. And, often when someone is in an environment where they do not feel judged, their protective behaviors begin to fade. Creating a loving, non-judgmental, feminine space for the person may help them heal.


Remember, feminine energy is not weak or submissive. We don’t just tolerate whatever happens to keep the peace and love everything. Feminine energy is fiercely loving and compassionate. It’s the combination of compassion and nurturing that holds space and is non-judgmental but also the protective mama bear.


If you missed the Inner Child workshop, you can still listen to it. It is necessary if you want to join in for Level 2, which begins Sept. 25th. Go to


This is a trying time emotionally, mentally, and financially, so in October, I am giving away $5,000 in personal development grant money. Ten people will receive $500 to invest in themselves. We are also enrolling angels who would like to make a financial contribution to someone else’s personal development, go to to get more information. I will announce the grant recipients on an Instagram Live.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Are you living with, or have you ever lived with someone who had rages, or explosive bouts of anger?
  • How are you at expressing your anger? Are you honest about it to do it in a healthy way, or do you internalize it, then it leaks out through judgment to criticism or irritability either at yourself or others?
  • Do you feel you have worked on yourself but can’t believe you are still dealing with an issue you’ve been working on in therapy for years?
  • Do you allow yourself to be vulnerable when it comes to expressing your needs? How do you do it?


Dana’s Question:

Dana would like guidance on how to hold boundaries when it comes to dealing with her husband’s anger.


Dana’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • Her husband rages out.
  • She has tried different ways to keep peace in the house.
  • She feels overburdened with responsibility.
  • She has empathy for her husband.
  • Her husband had a traumatic childhood.
  • She has done a lot of therapy around her relationship with her mother.
  • She loves her husband and wants to make their relationship work.
  • She has difficulty holding her boundaries.
  • She has a high tolerance for being treated poorly.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Create a feminine, loving, non-judgmental, shame-free space for her husband.
  • Make an agreement with her closest friend to assist her in leaving if things get worse.
  • Consult with a professional together with her husband.
  • Maintain firm boundaries when it comes to rage.



  • If you are in a situation where there is a cycle of abuse, get clear about whether you need to leave or if you need to reach out for support for assistance.
  • If you are in any type of relationship and you know you want to stay in it, look at your end of it. How can you show up to create a more cohesive, healing environment for the other person?
  • Be aware of your self-abuser, especially if you have had abuse in your life, a lot of times we internalize it. Consider listening to the Inner Child workshop.
  • Allow yourself to feel your feelings and allow yourself to communicate with vulnerability.



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Aug 29, 2020

Michael Gay who is a therapist joins Christine to discuss how we deal and heal from trauma.  He has his M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a focus in Transpersonal Psychology. Michael has worked in the field of counseling for the last 14 years as a guide, therapist, and trainer. He was a Wilderness Therapy guide for 6 years, leading and facilitating deep transformational work with teens, adults, and families in the mountains and high desert. He has also worked extensively in the field of addiction and recovery. He specializes in work with depression, groups, trauma, PTSD, grief, and families. In addition to his M.A., Michael completed a 3 year training at the Gestalt Institute of the Rockies, and continues to train at the Gestalt Equine Institute.

As a therapist and facilitator, Michael uses experiential and body based methods. Many approaches to therapy and inner work stay at the intellectual and cognitive level, which rarely or slowly affect deep structural change. Engaging in more experiential and embodied work seems to bring the shifts people were unable to find in mainstream therapy. 

You can learn more about Michael or reach out to him about working with him at
Aug 26, 2020

This call is about transforming shame, celebrating your gifts, and sharing them with others. Today’s caller, Melissa, is building a health coaching business and wants to embrace her purpose whole-heartedly but is holding back her light because of self-judgment and shame. We discuss things she can do to focus her energy on getting the things she wants from life as she serves others with her personal experience.


[For show notes go here:]


Many people feel physical shame in some way. It can cause us to wear masks and deprive us of joy and self-expression. And, usually the thing we are most self-conscious about people don't even notice or think about as much as we do. If they do notice, they often don’t evaluate us because of it. I’ve never formed an opinion on someone because of their physical characteristics, and honestly, if someone does form an opinion about you because of something completely superficial, do you really want that person in your life?


Why are you fighting for approval from people you don’t really like? We give our power away when we seek the approval of others.


We can be too judgmental of other people, mostly because we are too judgmental of ourselves. If you want to put yourself out there in whatever way you feel called to do it, please do. You are needed. We need more people who have the consciousness of light and love being loud in the world. Too many people have loud voices that shouldn’t have a microphone. So, get your voice out there.


Stop letting fear of rejection and fear of judgment hold you back. Not everyone is going to like you and it is okay. You’re depriving the people who do resonate with you the connection and service you have to offer. Think about the magic you can create by not avoiding the people that may not like you or reject you and focus on compassionately serving others.


Stop falling into the avoidance trap and step into your love and light.


Are you ready to take your personal development to the next level and invest in yourself? Would an ally and a guide be helpful to you during this time? If so, I have two one-on-one coaching spots available. This type of deep work has incredible ripple effects in all areas of your life. Email for more information.


This is a trying time emotionally, mentally, and financially, so in August, I am giving away $5,000 in personal development grant money. Ten people will receive $500 to invest in themselves. Go to to fill out the application. I will announce the grant recipients on an Instagram Live.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you think that you have to be perfect or at a certain point before you really go after your dreams and what you want?
  • Do you carry around shame?
  • Do you feel a calling to do something, be it starting a business, applying for a new job, or dating again but are scared to do it because you’re afraid of judgment?
  • Has shame robbed you of feeling a sense of belonging? Are you tired of letting shame rob you of what you deeply desire?


Melissa’s Question:

Melissa has a hard time speaking up and would like guidance on how to heal the shame she feels to gain the confidence to put herself out there.


Melissa’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She lacks self-confidence.
  • She attended the inner child workshop.
  • She is building a coaching business.
  • She lacked confidence because of a physical trait.
  • She feels people may judge her.
  • Shame disempowers her.
  • She outsources her self-worth.
  • She has a limiting belief that she isn’t enough.
  • She numbed herself because she felt different from her peers.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Allow herself to be seen without the expectation of perfection.
  • Do things that promote living into her purpose and her mission.
  • Inspire others with her personal journey.
  • Accept herself fully for who she is.



  • Take actions every day that move you into the vibration of who you want to be and what you want to do.
  • Turn your shame into compassion and service. Use it to feel compassion for others who are feeling shame.
  • Stop giving others power over you. Step into your love and light and make your voice heard.
  • Live into your highest truth.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Aug 22, 2020
In this episode, Christine follows up on some of the topics from last week's show as well as offers suggestions for some actions you can take.  You'll also be guided through a calming and empowering meditation at the end of the show.
Resources mentioned:
Free Awakened Leadership series:
Podcast Interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr:
Human Trafficking Resources:
Shawn Stevenson
Aug 19, 2020

This call is about recognizing the value of your unique gifts. Today’s caller, Tracy, believes she has difficulty being vulnerable and thinks it is holding her business back. But, as we explore her childhood experience, we discover that she is playing out old programming, feeling like she didn’t matter as the youngest sibling in her family. Her fear of rejection may be keeping her from getting what she wants.


[For show notes go here:]


There are parts of us that are just us or the things that make us unique. We may not be as vulnerable as the next person, as funny as the next person, or as creative or outspoken or extroverted as other people are. When we measure ourselves against others it can make us feel like something is wrong with us. 


It can create blind spots or judgments of things we have taken on from society. And one of the things so many of us, especially in this world of personal development, have taken on is the expectation that we need to be vulnerable

to be fully seen.


Vulnerability needs to be earned. Vulnerability is incredible and necessary, however, it’s not something we just give away. It’s OK that it has to be earned. It makes it more authentic.


August 28–30, we are offering a Virtual Inner Child Workshop. This event is for those ready to do deep, internal work. Visit or email If you can’t attend the workshop in its entirety, you will have online access to it for 30 days. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to rescue organizations.


This is a trying time emotionally, mentally, and financially, so in August, I am giving away $5,000 in personal development grant money. Ten people will receive $500 to invest in themselves. Go to to fill out the application. I will announce the grant recipients on an Instagram Live.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you have a hard time putting yourself out there when it comes to business, dating, or making friends?
  • Do you have a hard time being vulnerable? Are you slow to warm to people or does it take a while for people to get in?
  • As a child, did you grow up feeling like you were in the shadow of someone else? Were you a younger sibling who always felt behind in some way or just something that made you feel not enough?
  • Are you trying to change something in your present but you can’t make the change?


Tracy’s Question:

Tracy feels stuck and would like guidance on tapping into her vulnerability to take more risks.


Tracy’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She keeps people at a distance.
  • She would like the confidence to take more risks.
  • She fears rejection.
  • She felt disregarded by her family.
  • Her family is critical and envious of her decisions.
  • Her negative self-talk comes from not feeling good enough.
  • She is triggered more often as an adult than she was as a child.
  • She perpetuates the idea that she doesn’t matter.
  • She doesn’t take compliments well.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Change the programming that creates her self-talk.
  • Know that she matters.
  • Reassure her little girl of her value.
  • Reach out and offer to share her gifts with people.



  • Join the Inner Child Workshop.
  • Know you have the ability to reparent yourself.
  • Write down your limiting beliefs and question why you believe them.
  • If you are a coach who wants to build their business, hire a coach, or participate in a program.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Get on the list to be notified about the upcoming certification program for coaches.

Aug 15, 2020
Where are the leaders during this intense time? Look in the mirror.  It's time for YOU to step up.  In this episode, Christine talks about why you are needed as a leader. She also shares about COVID, vaccines, human trafficking and more . . . and asks you to think for yourself. Seeking truth and not believing everything we are told is crucial right now. Christine shares thoughts and resources and asks you to use both critical and esoteric thinking to form your beliefs and motivate your actions.
Resources mentioned:
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's interview on London Real:
Christina Hildabrant's video on vaccines:
John Paul Rice on IGTV:

His film: A Chid’s Voice
Aug 12, 2020

This call is about healing trauma that comes from being sexualized as a child. Recent events have triggered today’s caller, Bianca, who was traumatized by her parents as a child. And, even though she was subjected to pitiful parenting, she still wants to love and protect them. We discuss the importance of making her healing a priority and how nothing that happened was her fault.


[For show notes go here:]


People who have been abused, especially by people they love and trust, are usually not quick to jump to anger. They may minimize the evilness of the actions.


So, when we are working with people who have been victims in any way, we have to have compassion for the side of them that loves and wants to protect their abusers. It often takes some time for them to get to anger and to take action because it is a deep and confusing entanglement for the victim.


We have to put ourselves in the victim’s shoes and realize they love these people. We cannot expect them to have the same reaction as we do. They cannot get to the anger and disgust right away because they don’t see their abusers as awful people. If the abusers are their parents, they may still be trying to get love from them.


If you have endured trauma and are ready to heal, know that it is not something you can navigate alone just by listening to a podcast, doing an online workshop, or reading some books about it. It is important to find a trauma-informed therapist.


August 28–30, we are offering another Virtual Inner Child Workshop. This event is for those ready to do deep, internal work. Visit or email If you can’t attend the workshop in its entirety you will have online access to it for 30 days. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to rescue organizations.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Were you raised in what you know or think was an abusive environment but since you have no to very little memories you doubt it or even minimize it?
  • Do you have sexual anxiety? Is it hard for you to feel relaxed when it comes to sex or even someone being affectionate, touching you? Do you dissociate from your body? Do you wonder if it’s because something not so right happened to you when you were a kid?
  • Has there been someone in your life you love a lot, like a parent who’s also hurt you, and so it’s hard for you to face the pain because you love the person that hurt you and you want to protect them?
  • Did what I shared about human trafficking rattle you? Are you feeling called to be involved to save the children from these horrific acts?


Bianca’s Question:

Bianca feels sexual anxiety and would like guidance on how to start healing.


Bianca’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • Her parents groomed and sexualized her.
  • Her father physically abused her.
  • She has very few memories of her childhood.
  • A recent event triggered her memories.
  • She has a high tolerance for hurt.
  • She wants to help her parents, not hurt them.
  • She hasn’t found a compassionate therapist who makes her feel safe.
  • She has a gentle side and a warrior side.
  • She still loves her parents but may not be able to forgive them.
  • She feels uncomfortable when her significant other is physically affectionate.
  • Her body doesn’t know the difference between pain and pleasure.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Find a professional therapist to work with.
  • Understand that nothing that happened was her fault.
  • Make herself a priority, not her parents.
  • Know that there is a way to heal.
  • Follow the stories of other survivors.
  • Find allies to help her heal.



  • If you are a victim in any way of mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, or sexual abuse, get help. Trauma is not something that heals on its own. It’s not like a cut on your hand that just scabs over. Professional help is a requirement.
  • If you were activated by this episode and you want to get involved here are three resources,,, and



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Aug 8, 2020

Cory Allen is an author, podcast host, meditation teacher, and audio engineer.  He is passionate about how to live better using principles of mindfulness, neuroscience, and philosophy.

We discuss Cory’s journey to meditation and how it is an effective tool for adding coherence, awareness, and compassion to life.

You can learn more from Cory through his book, Now is the Way, and his online meditation course called Release Into Now. He is excellent at teaching people how to meditate with clear and concise methods.


Connect with Cory here:

Aug 5, 2020

This call is about how to move feelings, especially if those feelings get stuck as energy in your body. Today’s caller, Luanna, is having difficulty expressing her feelings and vulnerability. This episode demonstrates what it looks like when you actualize recommendations or therapies perfectly but the tension and tightness in your body don’t shift.


[For show notes go here:]


We all give our parents too much power. We make what they said and what they did matter way too much. Remember, our parents are humans, and more importantly, they are wounded inner children who probably didn’t get the parenting they needed. So, if you’re holding on to something your parents did, said, or just their voices in your head, I encourage you to get it out and find your own inner parent.


Anger is not useful when it is in our heads because there is no release for it. If it is hard for you to get angry and use or write angry words, you may be resistant to doing it because you feel like you are betraying the person. If this feels true for you, start by moving energy through sound, movement, and breathwork.


This is a trying time emotionally, mentally, and financially so in August, I am giving away $5,000 in personal development grant money. Ten people will receive $500 to invest in themselves. Go to to fill out the application. I will announce the grant recipients on an Instagram Live.


August 28–30, we are offering another Virtual Inner Child Workshop. This event is for those ready to do deep, internal work. Visit or email If you can’t attend the workshop in its entirety you will have online access to it for 30-days.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Do you ever feel like your feelings get stuck or maybe you do, with tension in your belly, tightness in your chest, and no matter what you do just can’t seem to move it?
  • Did you grow up thinking or being told that vulnerability was weak, that you had to be strong and you felt like your emotions couldn’t be expressed?
  • Do you get in your head a lot? Can you psychoanalyze yourself but when it comes to feeling your feelings you get a little lost?
  • Are you someone that can endure a lot but when it comes to letting it go, it isn’t easy?


Luanna’s Question:

Luanna struggles to express her vulnerability. She would like guidance on how to release her emotions and live free of her mother’s control.


Luanna’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She feels her energy is stuck in her belly.
  • She is starting a business.
  • She hears her mother’s voice telling her she is not capable of attaining her dreams.
  • As a child, she wanted her mother to let her express her feelings.
  • She adopts her mother’s limiting beliefs as her own.
  • She isn’t going after what she wants because she doesn’t want to hurt her family.
  • It is hard for her to feel anger.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Give herself permission to be angry and feel her feelings.
  • Stop giving her mother power over her life.
  • Practice release writing, dancing, or physical exertion to release the energy.
  • Find a therapist who practices Somatic Therapy.
  • Make a guttural sound with deep breaths to release her anger and sadness.
  • Create a safe space for healing.



  • Empower yourself. Stop giving something your parents said or did more energy than it deserves.
  • If you have a hard time getting angry because it feels like a betrayal, use movement or sound or do letter writing instead.
  • If feelings feel stuck, try a somatic, body-based approach.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Aug 1, 2020

If you’ve been searching for a place to help you simplify your life, declutter your mind, and connect with your heart then you are going to love this conversation. Courtney Carver joins Christine to talk about minimalism. She created Be More with Less and minimalist fashion challenge Project 333 after spending much of her adult life tired, stressed, sick and doing work she didn’t care about to make ends meet. After years of decluttering and letting go, she realized that happiness isn’t waiting for us, it’s within us.


Learn more here:

Jul 29, 2020

This call is a deep dive into what causes anger and what lies beneath the surface of anger. As a child, today’s caller, Sean, experienced emotional abuse from his parents. He would like to move past managing his anger and start healing it. Oftentimes, men put on a mask and reject the scared little boy who experienced wounding. And in many ways, little boys are more sensitive and tender than little girls but they are told to hide their feelings.


[For show notes go here:]


Men deal with anger in aggressive or passive ways. If anger isn’t dealt with in a healthy way, men either become aggressive and have outbursts such as yelling and throwing things, putting those they love through emotional turmoil. Or, they are super-passive and withdraw. They allow other people, especially women to push them around and emasculate them. Passive anger gets turned inward because they become incredibly self-critical. Anger left unprocessed or anger left unhealed creates incredible self-criticism. We are hard on ourselves when we have unprocessed anger.


When we communicate from a wounded place we can be lethal. People can’t hear us because they have to defend themselves.


A lot of times when we attempt to avoid sadness, we laugh. We default to humor because our pain is so big that it is hard to feel it. I encourage people to go into the pain on a regular basis and own the anger to break out of the cycle.


When we tap into anger it can feel scary. It is important to have someone who can hold a safe space for us.


On the last weekend of August, we are offering another Virtual Inner Child Workshop. This event is for those ready to do deep, internal work. The early bird discount of $100 off is available until July 31st. Visit or email If you can’t attend the workshop in its entirety you will have access to it for 30-days.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • How is your temper? Do you tend to hold things inside and then, once you reach your breaking point, you snap?
  • Do you often react in an angry or impatient way and you feel scared or hurt people in your life?
  • As a child, did you truly feel like someone held space for your emotions?
  • Are there people in your life, perhaps even your parents, that you cannot forgive, even though intellectually, you know you should?


Sean’s Question:

Sean has a sizable amount of anger and would like guidance on how to release it.


Sean’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • He is married with children.
  • He’s grown tired of causing chaos in his home.
  • There was mental and emotional abuse in his childhood home.
  • He had an eating disorder.
  • He judges himself for being angry.
  • He has tried to express his feelings.
  • He has done personal and grief work.
  • He gets triggered when he feels criticized.
  • His current family dynamic reminds him of his childhood.
  • He uses humor as a coping mechanism.
  • He judges his parents.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Acknowledge that it is healthy to have anger.
  • Find a healthy physical release for the anger.
  • Be mindful of using humor as a deflection.
  • Connect with his inner child when he is triggered to anger.
  • Release his feelings with writing.
  • Stop blaming his parents and own his feelings.
  • Give himself unconditional love and acceptance.
  • Discontinue managing his wounds and start healing them.



  • Look at your relationship with anger. Do you relate to being the more outburst aggressive or are you more passive and internalize it?
  • Create a space for you to do the temper tantrum technique. Go to for a free download.
  • Join us in August for the Inner Child Workshop.
  • Own those parts of yourself you may not like so much. If you continue to shame, judge, and blame them, they are not going to heal.



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Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Jul 25, 2020

Charlene Izere is a multi-passionate entrepreneur. She is the founder of 3 brands: Melanin & Money, Wellness Delivered, and Soulful Systems. Through her platforms, she empowers women to live life on their own terms through systems, self-care, and entrepreneurship. 

As a Black woman, carving out her empire out here in these entrepreneurial streets, she knows first hand how disheartening it can be to feel underrepresented, longing for community, and support by women who get it. Her mission? To put money and opportunity in the hands of Black women. 

When Charlene isn’t strategizing with her clients or hosting an event, she enjoys playing video games, collaging, and self-caring.


Jul 22, 2020

This call is about reconnecting with an inner child. Today’s caller, Tanya, grew up in an unstable environment and, as a result, second-guesses the choices she makes. She invites people into her life in an effort to get the love she never received as a child but the relationships play out much like her childhood, chaotic and uncertain. We discuss the ways she can reconnect with herself through vulnerability and gratitude.


[For show notes go here:]


When you are dating, making friends, or when you are just out in the world, you want authenticity. You don’t want to go on a date with someone or be in a business meeting with someone who is inauthentic. Who wants that? We can expect authenticity. We want someone to be real and we want them to tell us the truth but we have to earn a person’s vulnerability.


When someone is vulnerable with us it should feel like actual true intimacy, not like we are special or we are getting an inside look. Be mindful of that. Don’t get seduced by faux vulnerability. There is a lot of seductive vulnerability and fake vulnerability in the world. We can expect and should expect authenticity from people but we must earn their vulnerability.


Seductive vulnerability is if you are new in meeting someone or dating someone and they start being super vulnerable, like telling you their deepest darkest secrets and opening up without a lot of trust built between you. It may make you feel special but it is more seductive vulnerability than true vulnerability. True vulnerability comes when you feel safe with another person and you feel seen.


The last weekend of August, we are offering another Virtual Inner Child Workshop. This event is for those ready to do deep, internal work. The early bird discount of $100 off is available until July 31st. Visit or email If you can’t attend the workshop in its entirety you will have access to it for 30-days.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • What happens when you feel out of control? Do you blame others then blame yourself? What do you do to try to get control back?
  • Do you have a feeling like you’re always doing it wrong, constantly questioning yourself, or constantly feeling like when something goes wrong it’s your fault?
  • Did you grow up in a home where you had a lot of uncertainty?
  • How do you feel about intimacy and true vulnerability? Are you vulnerable in your relationships and have true intimacy with others? Or, are there still some patterns that prevent you from true vulnerability and intimacy?
  • Have you ever been seduced by someone else’s faux vulnerability?


Tanya’s Question:

Tanya questions herself and her choices and is asking for guidance about being vulnerable.


Tanya’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She blames herself and always feels wrong.
  • There was a lot of uncertainty in her home growing up.
  • She has done a lot of inner child work.
  • She has a history of dating the wrong people.
  • Her mother’s moods controlled her young life.
  • She evaluates other people as above or below her.
  • She evaluates herself through a systematic approach.
  • She constantly tried to figure out how to get her mother’s love.
  • She put up a wall to protect herself.
  • She is seeking connection.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Realize she is not wrong.
  • Learn how to be in a relationship with feelings and vulnerability.
  • Give up dating for a while and work on being in friendships.
  • Be mindful of the difference between authentic vulnerability and charm.
  • Do deep inner child work and reconnect with herself.
  • Recognize the full-body yeses in her life.



  • Join us in August for the Inner Child Workshop.
  • Look at, especially if you're dating and have relationships, at how you are playing out unresolved wounding with either mom or dad in those relationships.
  • Research vulnerability. Brené Brown is a great resource for vulnerability.
  • If you are blaming yourself for something because it’s giving you a false sense of control, be aware of what you are doing and make a list of all the things you are certain of, and then follow that up with a list of all the things you’re grateful for.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Jul 18, 2020

Want to learn more about how you are individually designed as a human? Then you're going to love this episode with Erin Claire Jones.  Erin uses Human Design to help thousands of individuals and companies step into their work and their lives as their truest selves and to their highest potential.

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science that sheds light on a person’s energetic makeup, as well as specific tools they can use to live at their happiest, healthiest, highest potential. It doesn’t change who they are; it teaches them who they are. It offers insight into what’s possible, and highlights the significance of understanding and living as the fullest expression of themselves.

Her work as a guide, coach, and speaker has attracted a growing community of over 50,000 people who turn to her teachings for practical tools, digestible tips, and deeper self-knowledge they can access to live with greater ease and authenticity every single day.
To get your Blueprint, a personalized guide to your unique design:
The code CHRISTINE will get you 10% off your Blueprint.
Jul 15, 2020

This call is about going all in. Today’s caller, Trevi, is uncomfortable taking risks because she fears she will not live up to her high expectations. I offer her tips about how to remove the obstacles that are getting in the way of her going all-in and stepping fully into her dreams.


[For show notes go here:]


Children need their parents and other people to feel proud of them. It isn’t an ego thing. We all need validation. We need the feeling of pride. And, as children, we needed it from mostly our caretakers but if we didn’t get it, it is imperative that we give it to ourselves.


You will be amazed when your little one inside, or that part of you that feels insecure, feels pride. Hope and possibility will fill you up. If you want to feel inspired, feel proud first. When you give your inner child what you need they will feel satiated and not hold you back.


It’s okay to take risks and it’s okay if you need reinforcement and reassurance before you take the risk. Some of us don’t like risk and a lot of that has to do with our natural tendencies and our childhood. But if we don’t take risks, if we don’t keep trying, then we may never have awesome experiences. Don’t be afraid to try or to be afraid of your future self and your high-expectations.


The last weekend of August, we are offering another Virtual Inner Child Workshop. This event is for those ready to do deep, internal work. The early bird discount of $100 off is available until July 31st. Visit or email If you can’t attend the workshop in its entirety you will have access to it for 30-days.


Consider/Ask Yourself:

  • Did you have something you want such as a career, relationship, or a move but you’re scared to go all-in?
  • Are you afraid of your high-expectations because you don’t want to fail?
  • What is your relationship to risk? Do you prefer to play it safe?
  • Do you feel proud of yourself, not just for your accomplishments but for who you are?


Trevi’s Question:

Trevi would like guidance on how to transform her career from a corporate job to her dream job of being a yoga teacher and coach.


Trevi’s Key Insights and Ahas:

  • She is scared of not being able to meet her expectations.
  • She is worried about what other people think.
  • She has high expectations for herself.
  • She feels disappointed when she doesn’t meet her high standards.
  • She chased validation from her parents.
  • She still chases validation from external sources.
  • She talks herself out of things she wants.
  • She is proud of herself for who she is.
  • When she gives her little girl what she needs she feels satiated.


How to Get Over It and On With It:

  • Reparent the part of herself that needs validation.
  • Reassure the little girl inside of her and feel that she is seen and loved.



  • It’s okay to take some risks and it’s okay if you need reinforcement and reassurance before you take the risk.
  • Feel proud of yourself.
  • Write down or say out loud to the mirror ten reasons you are proud of yourself.
  • Join us in August for the Inner Child Workshop.



Christine Hassler — Join the Free Over It and On With It Community

Christine Hassler Podcasts Including Coaches Corner

Christine on Facebook

Expectation Hangover, by Christine Hassler

@ChristinHassler on Twitter

@ChristineHassler on Instagram — For information on any of my services.

Get on the Waitlist to be coached on the show.

Jul 11, 2020

This is MUST listen episode. I've been wanting to bring on an expert to talk about the psychological and emotional issues surrounding racism as well as give guidance to overcome the guilt, shame, and trauma so many people are experiencing. I am thrilled that I found April Dawn Harter who joins me to break down what actually causes and perpetuates racism and how to heal it. April is a former medical social worker, where she provided counseling to her patients and their family members to help them cope with the trauma of medical emergencies in the state of Texas. She later moved to Colorado and started her private practice to serve QTPOC patients with a history of racial trauma. After having worked with QTPOC, she decided to help prevent racism in society by working with white clients as a coach using the Racist Signature Theory. Finally, she opened up the Racism Recovery Center to provide psychotherapy for the treatment of racism. You can learn more here:

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